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Filming had stopped completely for the day because of Scarlett. She had gone to our bar and drank just over half a dozen shots of tequila and was now passed out in Misha's trailer. Tom had called me saying Scarlett had told him she needed a drink and so after telling Misha the bar she would be at, he went to go pick her up.

"She's quite the Chatty Cathy once she gets enough alcohol in her, isn't she?" Misha chuckled slightly, careful to keep quiet due to the sleeping girl on the couch.

"Don't I know it," I sighed, staring over at her.

We would have gone somewhere else to talk, but given how much she had to drink before Misha could pull her away, we agreed that it was safer to stay in his trailer to keep an eye on her.

"What did she say to you?" Jared questioned him.

"I really don't think I should expose that information. Especially since she told me drunkenly, and I would rather not get in trouble with her once she's sober."

"It was about me wasn't it?" I asked bitterly.

"It was... about the recent events that occurred between you two, yes," Misha replied, squirming in his seat uncomfortably.

Over on the couch, Scarlett shifted a bit, mumbling incoherently in her sleep.


All three of us froze, waiting to see if we could make out any other words or phrases, but she had fallen silent once more.

"Well, I'm going to go since we don't have anything else to do today," Jared announced quietly, getting up to leave.

Once he was out, it was silent in the trailer except for the faint sound of Scarlett snoring.

"You need to talk to her, Jensen."

"About what, Misha? She broke up with me, not the other way around."

"I just think you should try and get the full story before you lose her completely."

"What did she say when you got to the bar?"

"I really shouldn't-"

"Misha," I interrupted in a warning tone of voice.

My friend sighed, glancing over at the sleeping girl on the couch.

"I really think she should be the one to tell you," he said.

"Given everything that's happened between us the last few days, do you really think she is going to tell me any time soon?"

Misha opened his mouth to contradict my statement, but quickly shut it as he realized the validity of the sentence.

"Maybe not sober," he muttered.

"Mish, please."

"I'm not going to tell you everything, because it really should come from her. But I will say she didn't break up with you because she wanted to."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nope," he shook his head. "If you want more of an explanation, you have to talk to her."

"Mm..." Scarlett hummed in her sleep, shifting again.

"Ugh... fine," I sighed. "Are we just going to leave her here?"

"Well, I was planning on heading out as well. You figure it out."

Misha stood, grabbing his jacket to go.

"Really, man?"

"Hey, you've dealt with her hungover before. Have fun. And lock up my trailer when you leave, would you?"

"Misha-" I started to protest, but he was already out the door.

I rolled my eyes as I looked back at Scarlett. She was getting more and more restless on the couch and I had a feeling she would be awake soon. Quietly I walked over and scooped her up in my arms.

"Jensen," she mumbled again, burrowing her face in my neck.

Her arms were hung loosely around my neck as I carried her out of the trailer.

"Let's get you home, Lightweight," I whispered.

I laid her across the backseat of my car, making sure she was fine before making my way over to get in the driver's side. The entire time I drove back to my place I would cast intermittent glances in the rearview mirror, checking to make sure she was alright. She seemed to have fallen back into a deeper sleep once more, becoming less restless than she had been in Misha's trailer.

"Okie dokie," I muttered when we arrived.

I carried her inside and laid her in the guest room where I had left her the last time I brought her here after she got drunk what felt like forever ago. It was insane how much we'd been through in just a year. It felt like it had been a lifetime. Leaving her to sleep it off the rest of the way, I made my way out to the kitchen to make her pancakes. I knew whenever she woke up, inevitably hungover, she would want her comfort food.

"Why is it I have to deal with your obnoxious whistling every time I'm hungover?"

"Well, hello to you too, Lightweight," I grinned, finishing up the last of the pancakes.

"Shut up and give me the food, Douchebag."

"The hell were you thinking, having shots of tequila in the middle of filming?" I asked her.

"Shh," she shushed me, tearing off pieces of pancake and putting them in her mouth.

"I'm serious, Scarlett. Why would you get wasted when we still had work to do today?"

"You're one to talk, Ackles."

"Excuse me?"

"I've heard the stories, Jensen. I know how you acted when you were going through the divorce."

"We're not talking about that right now," I dismissed her.

"Whatever," she mumbled, still stuffing her face.

I was silent, observing her as I thought about what Misha had told me back in his trailer.

"Hey, Scarlett?"

"Shh... you're loud."

"Why'd you break up with me?" I questioned her in a quieter tone.

She froze with a piece of pancake halfway to her mouth. I stayed quiet, waiting for her to form a response.

"I..." she trailed off, biting her lip and twirling the piece of pancake between her fingers. "W-well..."


"Do we really have to talk about this right now, Jensen?"

"When else would we have this conversation, Scarlett?"

She didn't respond, eating more of her pancakes.

"I'm serious, Scarlett. When would we talk about it?"

"I was blackmailed."


Her hazel eyes lifted to meet mine, shining with sadness like she wanted to cry but couldn't get her body to produce the tears to do so.

"Danneel called me on Thursday before you showed up in the tent. She told me if I didn't break up with you, she'd file for full custody of JJ and you'd never see her again. I couldn't... I wasn't about to be the reason you lost your daughter, Jensen."

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