Confronting Jensen

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When I got back to set on Monday, I was called in to meet with Eric Kripke and Bob Singer.

"Miss Pearce, take a seat," Singer gestured when I walked in the room.

"Is everything alright?" I asked worriedly as I sat in the chair across from them.

"We had a meeting with Jensen and the writers yesterday," Kripke began. "He gave us an ultimatum."

"Okay?" I said slowly, still confused.

"Jensen has given us a week to figure out how to write off Dean and Faith's relationship or he's quitting."

"Excuse me?!"

"We wanted to meet with you to see what you thought about having them break up."

I gaped at them, not believing what I was hearing.

"You've got to understand, this is a very delicate situation. We have already figured out and started writing most of the plot for the season, and having them break up would mean we'd have to change a lot of things, but we can't risk losing one of our lead actors."

"Of course not. Wouldn't want to lose half of the Winchester brothers because of something as petty as an on-screen relationship," I bit out sarcastically.

"So you understand," Kripke nodded. "We've already started brainstorming ways to make it work with minimal damage to the plot. We'd only have to get rid of some of the more intimate scenes between Dean and Faith. However, we were hoping to get your approval before we really set things in motion."

I was silent as I studied the two producers of the show, considering the information I'd just been given.

"No, yeah, of course. You go right on ahead. I'd hate to be the reason to have Jensen quit the show."

"Awesome. That's all we needed," Singer smiled. "You're free to go."

Bidding them a good day, I exited the room, heading straight for Jensen's trailer. When I reached it, I banged on the door until it swung open. Jensen stood there in full Dean get up, glaring down at me.

"Seriously?" I demanded. "What the hell, Jensen?"

"I'm sorry, what's this about?" he asked innocently.

"Like you don't know," I spat.

"Oh, yes. I suppose you've been informed by now that Dean and Faith are no longer going to be together after this week."

"You threatened to quit if they didn't break them up? Are you fucking kidding me?"

"I didn't hear you fighting to stop it."

"I wasn't here, jackass. I didn't get back until early this morning."

"Well, that's not my fault, is it?"

I scoffed, shaking my head in disbelief.

"You're unbelievable."

"Thanks, sweetheart," he winked at me.

"Why would you do that? Just because I broke up with you, doesn't mean you have to take it out on the show."

"Oh, but darling, don't you see? That's exactly why I had to take it out on the show," Jensen smirked, stepping out of his trailer so we were toe to toe. "Because how could you expect me to continue acting like we're a couple on camera and then have it ripped from me as soon as they stop rolling? Personally, I hope they don't just make them break up, because I think that would be too easy. No, I hope they kill Faith off, so I don't have to see you on my set ever again."

I was breathing hard by the end of Jensen's mini speech. We were close enough that if I wanted to, I could lean up and kiss him easily. My mouth was totally dry by the time he stopped talking and I had to lick my lips multiple times before they stayed moist.

"You don't mean that," I whispered.

Jensen smirked, leaning down. My breath hitched as his mouth grazed my ear and I felt his breath hot on my neck as he spoke in a low, husky tone in my ear.

"Oh, yes, Scarlett. I really do."

I swallowed hard as he straightened back up, ducking around me to head off to makeup to finish getting ready to shoot for the day. I remained rooted in place, unable to move as I replayed his words in my head. I felt tears prick at the corners of my eyes and I took some shaky breaths as it all sunk in. Jensen didn't just want Dean and Faith to break up, he wanted her dead so he wouldn't have to work with me at all any more. It felt like an eternity later when I finally managed to make myself move and headed to wardrobe to get my outfit for the day.

Faith was wearing jeans and a dark green top that I knew Jensen loved on me normally. It brought out the green in my hazel eyes and it was his favorite. I had a grey and white flannel that went over it and Faith's signature boots to top the whole thing off. By the time I headed over to the hair and makeup trailer, Jensen was nowhere to be seen. They pulled my hair back in a pony tail and kept my makeup light as usual. Faith never really wore a ton of makeup so unless I was supposed to be injured, they didn't have to do much to me to get me ready for the day.

On my way to the set of the Men of Letters Bunker, I ran into Jared.

"Oh, good, I found you," he greeted me.

"If this is about me and Jensen, I don't want to hear it," I grumbled.

"Scarlett, this is serious. He hasn't been like this since the divorce, and I think this is actually worse than back then. He's never threatened to leave before."

"I said I don't want to hear it, Jared. So unless there's something else you want to talk to me about, I suggest you shut up and let me get to work."

"He cares about you a lot, Scarlett. If you would just go back to him, explain that you were wrong and that you actually do want to be with him-"

"I can't do that. We're better off apart. And besides, he just admitted to my face about fifteen minutes ago that he hopes they kill me off so he doesn't have to see me on set again, so I don't think he cares about me as much as you believe he does."

"He told you that?"

"And when I said he didn't mean it, he insisted that he did."

"But that doesn't make any sense..."

"Hey, I'm just telling you what he told me," I held my hands up in a gesture of surrender. "Not my fault if you're confused about it."

Without waiting for him to say anything else, I hurried off to the set where I knew I would have to face Jensen for our first one-on-one scene since the previous season.

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