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Jensen and I were walking hand in hand down main street, looking in at all the little shops that lined the street. He had wanted to show off his hometown to me, and despite the chill of the early March wind as winter made way for spring, I was enjoying myself thoroughly. After window shopping and even exploring one or two shops that particularly jumped out at me, Jay took me to his favorite local spot for lunch.

"Ready to go?" he asked me once we finished eating.

"Yeah," I nodded, putting my napkin on the table.

"I want to show you one more spot before we head back."

We climbed into the car and he drove us to a park.

"We'll have to walk to get there," he informed me as he cut the engine.

"Never going to say no to a walk through the park with you," I grinned.

He smiled back, pecking me on the lips before climbing out of the car. I looped my arm through his as we made our way down the path. When we reached a fork, he pulled me to the right toward the trees instead of going left toward the playground.

"Are you taking me somewhere to murder me, Ackles?" I joked.

"If I wanted to murder you, I would have done it a long time ago, Pearce. Come on."

The concrete of the sidewalk soon gave way to dirt and leaves as Jensen led me further and further away from civilization.

"Okay, close your eyes," my boyfriend said after about fifteen minutes of walking.


"Just do it," he insisted.

Sighing, I closed my eyes, feeling his grip tighten on my arm as he helped me continue on the path.

"I swear if I fall because of you, you're a dead man," I threatened, still keeping my eyes shut.

"First you ask if I'm killing you, and now you're threatening to kill me."

I could hear the joking tone in Jensen's voice as he brought me to a stop.

"You take me deep into a forest and then you tell me to close my eyes, what am I supposed to think, Douchebag?"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it, Lightweight. Are your eyes still closed?"


"Okay, wait right there."

"Jensen," I began.

"Just wait a second, Scarlett."

I sighed, feeling his grip on me disappear. When I didn't hear anything for a few minutes, I started to shift my weight uncomfortably.

"Jay?" I called out nervously.

"Go ahead and open, Scar," Jensen's voice called out.

I opened my eyes, my hands automatically flying to my mouth as I took in the sight in front of me. We were in a small clearing in the trees and I was standing in soft green grass dotted with wild flowers. Jensen stood a little ways in front of me in the opening to a quaint little gazebo that was painted white with a wooden roof. In his hands he was holding a rose as he smiled at me.

"You're not about to propose to me, are you?" I teased, taking my hands away from my mouth.

"Not today, no," he shook his head. "I just wanted to show you my special spot."

I walked forward and he handed the rose to me. I put it to my nose, taking a deep sniff of it before smiling up at him.

"It's beautiful," I told him.

"I found this place when I was wandering a few years ago," he informed me. "Ever since then, I've come here whenever I need some time to myself to think about stuff."

"No one else knows about it?"

"Not as far as I'm aware."

"Thanks for showing me, Jay."

"You're welcome."

I stood on my tiptoes and he leaned down to meet me halfway for the kiss.

"You said not today," I muttered into the kiss.

"Yeah, why?"

"Does that mean you've considered it?"

"Maybe," he admitted, smirking a little. "But we don't have to worry about that right now."

I hummed as he kissed me again, drawing me closer to his body as I wrapped my arms around his neck. It wasn't like I hadn't thought about marriage myself, I had just figured after everything with Danneel, Jensen wouldn't be thinking about jumping into it again so soon after we started dating. We'd only been together a few months, and he had dated Danneel for a few years before proposing to her. But I knew he was right. We didn't have to think or worry about that at the moment. It was enough just to be together with him, enjoying the moment.

When we walked into the living room at the house about half an hour later, Jensen froze in place, staring straight ahead. I was confused until I followed his gaze to the couch. Mackenzie was sitting there, angled toward a familiar red headed woman wearing a mini skirt that showed off more of her legs than was strictly decent and a top with spaghetti straps that rode up slightly to show off her midriff.

"And I would totally go for it, except I'm not sure if he's interested," Danneel was saying.

"Well, it never hurts to try," Mackenzie replied, smiling.

I cleared my throat then, and both women glanced over to where Jensen and I were standing. Shock registered on Mackenzie's face while Danneel just glared at me while adjusting herself on the couch so her skirt rode up a bit more and one of her spaghetti straps fell off her shoulder.

"You're back," Mackenzie was the first one to speak.

"We are," I bit out, matching Danneel's steely glare.

"Well, Dani and I can head out back to talk, I'm sure."

"I'd rather stay, actually," Danneel cut in, moving her gaze from me to Jensen. "Why don't you join us?"

"You know, we would, but unfortunately I don't speak bitch, so you probably wouldn't be able to keep up," I told her.

Danneel's mouth fell open and Mackenzie squirmed on the couch beside her, obviously uncomfortable.

"Maybe we should-" Mackenzie began, but was cut off by Danneel, this time speaking to Jensen.

"Why are you with that slut?"

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