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I didn't know where Scarlett had gone to spend the weekend, but I couldn't bring myself to care. Ever since she broke up with me, I had been numb, just going through the motions. As soon as filming wrapped for me on Saturday, I headed straight for my car and drove to the little bar where she and I had first gone drinking together when she started last season.

"Manhattan," I said as soon as I sat down.

The bartender immediately set to making the drink. I pulled out my phone to check my missed messages. I had five texts from Jared asking to talk about what happened, three from Misha wanting me to call, and one from Dani. I clicked on the one from Dani, ignoring the ones from Jared and Misha completely.

Do you have a minute?

Yeah, what's up?

I wanted to talk about JJ...

What about her? Is she ok?

Yes, she's fine. It's more about
visitation rights...

What are you saying, Dee?

You can still see her, if you really
want to.

You mean you aren't going to try
for full custody?

I believe I told you once that she 
needs her father in her life. I still believe
that. That is, if you still want to keep our

Of course. I'd love to spend time with

Alright... but if something happens with
Scarlett, I hope you know that I won't hesitate
to file for full custody. I don't want JJ being 
influenced by that slut.

She's not a slut, Dani. And besides, you don't
have to worry about that...

What do you mean?

She broke up with me the other day...

I'm sorry to hear that... I'm here if you 
want to talk.

Yeah, thanks, Dee.

I shut off my phone, slipping it into my pocket and downing the Manhattan in front of me. I was still numb to what had happened with Scarlett, but the idea that I wouldn't be losing JJ was comforting. I didn't know what I would do if Dani went ahead and filed for full custody on top of losing Scarlett. After downing two more Manhattans, I switched to shots of tequila. I was determined to get drunk so I wouldn't have to remember.

Part of me felt awful for doing exactly what I had done when I was going through the divorce with Danneel, but I had to stop the pain. Scarlett had ripped my heart out when she told me she wanted to break up. It felt so much worse than what I went through with Dani, and we weren't even married. I had been toying with the idea of taking her back to my parents' house over Christmas and proposing to her at the gazebo.

Now it seemed like that would never happen. I would never get to hold her in my arms again. I'd never get to make her laugh or smile or do any of the things I loved with her. Sure, we still had our on-screen relationship as Dean and Faith, but it seemed like a mockery of what could be. Somewhere in my mind as I finally started to feel the effects of the alcohol, it occurred to me that I could go to the writers and producers and demand they write off Dean and Faith's relationship. If I couldn't have Scarlett in real life, I didn't want to have her as Dean either.


The next day, I demanded to meet with Kripke, Singer and the writers. So, that's how I ended up in a conference room telling them that I refused to film anything else until they broke up Dean and Faith somehow.

"We can't do that," Kripke shook his head. "We've already planned out the majority of the season, and if we broke them up we'd have to go back and do major rewrites."

"You're not hearing me," I growled. "I refuse to film any more scenes unless you get rid of their relationship."

Singer and Kripke shared a desperate look, silently weighing their options.

"You and Scarlett have such great chemistry," Singer said. "Plus the fans love the relationship between Dean and Faith. We can't just get rid of that."

"Is this a joke to you?"

"Of course not, there's just no practical way at this time to break you two up with the plot."

"You realize no break up is ever practical, right?" I pointed out exasperatedly.

"Jensen, surely we can work out a different arrangement. One that wouldn't require us to change so much of the plot."

"How's this for you? You have one week to figure out a way to get rid of the relationship, or I'm quitting."

"C-come on. You can't quit. You're Dean Winchester. Without Dean, Supernatural would just..."

"Well, then, you better figure something out fast, huh. Good day, gentlemen."

I stood up, heading out of the room without giving them another chance to say anything. As I rounded the corner, I came face to face with Jared and Misha.

"Guys," I greeted them gruffly.

"Is it true?" Misha questioned me.

"You'll have to be more specific," I responded snarkily.

"You're trying to get them to write off Dean and Faith's relationship?" Jared demanded.

"Just got out of the meeting with Kripke and Singer," I nodded. "They have a week to figure something out or I quit."

"Seriously? Don't you think you're blowing this out of proportion?" Misha asked.

"If I can't have Scarlett, then Dean doesn't get to have Faith. Simple as that."

"But an ultimatum like that? You can't quit, man. The show wouldn't survive."

"Well, then,  here's to hoping they come up with something before the end of the week."

I pushed past them, continuing my way toward my trailer. I could hear them trailing behind me as I walked.

"Jensen, you're not being rational," Jared told me.

"One week," I repeated, not glancing back.

"What happens when Scarlett finds out?" Misha asked desperately.

"Screw her. She broke up with me. If she didn't want this, she should have fought harder to work things out."

"Jensen, this is insane."

"No. She had her chance," I dismissed them as we reached my trailer. "I'll see you guys later."

I went into my trailer, slamming the door in their faces and locking the door behind me. As soon as I was alone, I finally broke down, sinking to the floor as I cried.

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