The Proposal

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"I feel ridiculous."

"Nonsense. You're beautiful and Jensen is going to love it," Kenzie protested.

I sighed, realizing that I wasn't going to get out of it. I'd been protesting getting the makeover all day, and the girls hadn't listened to any of it. We had gone to a salon and gotten me a full mani-pedi spa treatment. And even though I had put up a fight, I had to admit, the treatment had felt nice and I now had pretty red polish on my fingers and toes. We had also gone to get my hair done, so it was now a few inches shorter, though not by much and was curled a bit. Gen had pulled it up stylishly once we got into Kenzie's room at the house.

Half of it was in a knot at the back of my head while the rest hung in loose curls around my face. They had also had me get my makeup professionally done, so I had a mostly natural look with the exception of my cherry red lips that matched my nails perfectly and was the only pop of color. Once they were satisfied with my hair and makeup, they had me change into the new dress they'd bought me.

It was a floor length mermaid-style gown with a sweetheart neckline in black and was paired with bright red pumps. I had to admit looking in the floor length mirror attached to the back of Kenzie's door, I looked really good. It just wasn't a look I was used to. 

"Wait here. I have the perfect thing to finish it off," Gen announced, slipping out of the room.

"Is this all really necessary?" I complained for what felt like the billionth time that day.

"Yes. Yes it is," Vicki replied. "Now stop complaining about it."

I sighed as Gen came back with a pair of diamond earrings and a matching necklace.

"Here," she said, helping fasten the necklace before allowing me to put the earrings in myself. "Now you're perfect."

"I still feel ridiculous," I grumbled.

"Oh, hush you," Kenzie commanded, spritzing a bit of perfume on me. "There. Now you're done."

Swallowing, I followed them out of the room and toward the stairs. Vicki indicated for me to stop while Kenzie announced me dramatically.

"May I present to you, Miss Scarlett Nicole Pearce."

I rolled my eyes, stepping out into view of everyone gathered at the bottom of the stairs. There were several gasps throughout the room, but I only had eyes for Jensen. He was dressed in a tuxedo and was freshly shaven. His honey-emerald eyes were wide as they took me in, and a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He stepped forward as I got to the bottom of the stairs, taking my hand to help me the rest of the way.

"You look amazing," he smiled down at me.

"You don't look so bad yourself, Ackles," I smirked.

"Alright, lovebirds, get out of here before the rest of us throw up," Jared joked.

Gen slapped his arm as everyone laughed.

"Shall we?" Jensen asked, holding his arm out to me.

I looped my arm through his and together we exited the Ackles home. He held my door for me, allowing me to climb into the car before going around to his side.

"So, where are we going, Douchebag?"

"That's for me to know, and you to find out," Jensen winked at me, pulling out of the driveway.

It didn't take long before we pulled into the parking lot of a very fancy restaurant. Again, Jensen walked around and got the door for me before escorting me inside. Dinner passed pleasantly, with small talk and luxurious meals. Jensen ordered us sparkling cider instead of champagne like I was sure he would have if I hadn't been such a notorious lightweight. After the meal, he escorted me back out to the car.

"So, what's next on the agenda, Monsieur Ackles?"

"Monsieur Ackles?" Jensen repeated with a smirk.

"Well, I wasn't about to call you Douchebag considering you've been nothing but a gentleman all evening."

He chuckled, starting the car and beginning to drive again. However, instead of driving back to the house, he drove us to the park he had taken me on my first visit when he showed me his special spot.

"The gazebo?" I asked once we parked.

"You remember."

"Of course I remember, Jensen. But I don't know how you expect me to walk all the way there in a dress and heels."

"Well, it's a good thing I brought these, then."

I watched as he leaned back into the backseat and grabbed something before turning back to me. In his hand was a pair of my flats and I grinned, shaking my head.

"You'll have to still deal with the dress," he joked.

"It's fine. I don't care."

While I swapped out my shoes, he climbed out and came around to get my door yet again. Together we headed through the paths until we reached the wooded area that led to the gazebo. Jensen kept a tight grip on my hand as he led me through the forested path in the dark.

"Alright, you know the drill. Close your eyes."

"We're really doing this again?"

"Come on, Lightweight. Indulge me."

Rolling my eyes, I did as he asked, allowing him to lead me the rest of the way to the gazebo.

"Can I open yet?"

"Almost... almost... Now."

I gasped as I took in the sight before me. The gazebo and surrounding area had been strung with thousands of twinkling fairy lights. Jensen guided me, awestruck over to stand inside the gazebo before turning so we were facing each other with our hands interlocked.

"Scarlett Nicole Pearce," he began, staring intently into my eyes. "Ever since the first day we met, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. You came into that audition with this confident attitude that threw me off guard, especially when you called me out. When I arrived to that read through, I was hoping that no one they auditioned would get the part and they'd be forced to scrap the character. But then, I began wishing that this girl who had the guts to call me a douchebag in front of the producers of the show would get the part, and my wish came true.

"I loved the challenge of you, and I found myself wanting to find excuses to run into you just so I could talk to you more. When Tom and Jared and Misha intervened and forced us to go on that first date, I knew my life would never be the same again. I finally had you, and I never wanted to let you go. We've been through so much together, and I could never ask for a better partner to have my back and to help me through it."

I remained quiet as he took a deep breath, taking a moment to compose himself before he continued.

"I know it hasn't all been that great, and there are still a ton of things we have to work out, but I'm excited to do it together. There's just one thing I would change that could make this better..."

My breath hitched as Jensen dropped down to one knee and pulled a black ring box out of his inside coat pocket.

"Scarlett Nicole Pearce, would you do me the honor of making myself the luckiest man alive and be my wife?"

He opened the box and my jaw dropped. Inside sat the most beautiful ring I'd ever seen. It wasn't too flashy, but it also wasn't too simple. It had one larger circular diamond in the center surrounded by at least a dozen smaller ones and the band was silver. It was perfect.

"Yes," I whispered with a smile. "Yes."

Jensen grinned, taking the ring from the box and slipping it on my finger before rising to his feet. There, in the twinkling fairy lights under the gazebo, we shared our first kiss as an engaged couple. 


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