The Airport

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I waited with bated breath for Jensen's response to the information I'd just given him. The pounding in my head seemed to pale in comparison to the pounding of my heart in that moment. I really didn't want to be having this conversation with him, especially when the guilt of it all was still raw.

"You broke up with me... because Dani told you to?"

The controlled anger brewing under the surface as he spoke made me shiver. It reminded me a lot of Dean, how calm Jensen appeared and sounded on the outside when it was clear that just under the surface he was anything but.

"Y-yes," I stammered out.

Jensen continued to stare at me, his expression hard as he mulled over the information.

"Jay, I couldn't..."

Before I could continue, he had walked off, pulling out his phone as he did so. Worried, I left my hangover food behind and hurried after him. He had closed himself in his room and I hovered outside the door, trying to hear what was happening inside. I couldn't make out what he was saying at first, but it didn't take long before his voice carried.

"Damnit, Danneel, why?!"

I swallowed hard, wincing slightly due to my hangover. Even though it was slightly muffled, the yelling was not helping my head feel any better.

"No, you listen to me," Jensen growled. "You don't get to make a decision like that. Now, I expect you to have a bag packed for her by the time I arrive, because there's no way in hell I'm letting her stay under the same roof as you any more. And I'll definitely be seeing you in court."

My eyes widened, and I hurried back down the hall so I wouldn't be caught eavesdropping. I sat down and grabbed a pancake just in time for Jensen to come back in the room.

"You want to come down to Texas with me?"


"I'm picking up JJ from Danneel's place. Do you want to come with me?"

"Y-you want me to come with you?"

"If you'd rather stay here, I understand. I don't mind going by myself."

"N-no," I shook my head, mindful of the dull throbbing that continued to persist. "No, I'll come."

"Great, let's go."

"Wait. Right now?"

The glare Jensen fixed me with was enough to get me moving. I immediately hopped down from my spot, bringing one last pancake with me as I followed him out to the car.

"Shouldn't, we like, let someone know where we're going?" I asked as we drove.

Jensen was white-knuckling it as he followed the signs in the direction of the airport.

"You feel free if you want to," he growled.

I bit my lip nervously, pulling my phone from my pocket.

"Hey, Jared," I greeted the moose when he picked up.

"How are you feeling?" he asked me.

"I'm fine. I was actually calling with a favor."

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Jensen and I are headed to the airport right now. We're heading down to Texas to pick up JJ. Could you relay the message?"

"Wait, how long are you guys going to be gone?"

I glanced over at Jensen, who's jaw was set and eyes were glued to the road.

"I'm not sure. We're just picking her up and coming back."

"Okay, I'll let them know we have to postpone filming a little longer."

"Thanks, Moose."

"No problem. Keep him out of trouble, alright?"

"I'll try. Talk to you later, Jared."

"Bye, Scarlett."

I hung up, looking over at Jensen again.

"Jensen, why are we picking up JJ?"

"I'm not letting my daughter stay under the same roof as that bitch any more."

"She's her mother, Jay. And she has rights. You-"

"She won't have rights for much longer. I'm filing for full custody as soon as we get JJ away from her."

"You really think that's a good idea? Taking Danneel on in court? You do realize that judges tend to favor the mother in most of those cases, correct?"

"I have to try, Scarlett. I can't deal with her anymore. She's taken too much from me already."

"Well, if that's really what you want, then I'll support you."

Jensen glanced at me briefly before going back to staring at the road.

"You mean that?"

"Of course, Jay. I care about you, and I don't want to deal with her either. If she had held any other threat over me that day, I wouldn't have listened. I love you."

"I love you, too."


"When's your soonest flight to Austin, Texas?"

"We have a flight that's boarding in half an hour."

"Give me two tickets."

"May I see a passport, please?"

"I didn't bring-"

"Here," I interrupted, pushing past Jensen and producing both our passports from a bag I had grabbed from the car before we went into the airport.

The airline reservation agent took the passports from me, studying them a minute before typing something into her computer.

"Where did you-" Jensen started.

"I always keep a bag with stuff we need in the car just in case something like this comes up," I shrugged.

"Have I mentioned how much I love you lately?"

"Yeah, you might have said something about it earlier," I teased.

"Here you are," the agent said, handing the passports and two tickets back to me.

"Thanks so much," I told her.

Together, Jensen and I hurried to get through security, praying that we'd make it to the plane in time.


Jensen let out a long breath beside me as we got settled in our seats at the back of the plane. I understood his relief. I was happy we were able to make it with minimum issues. We of course got some stares and a couple people even tried to stop us, but Jensen had pulled me along like a man on a mission, ignoring them all while we ran to the terminal to board the plane in time. I grabbed his hand, giving it a comforting squeeze as the last few people made their way to their seats.

"It'll be okay," I muttered quietly so only he could hear me. "We're going to get her."

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