Road Trip

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"Lightweight," I grinned.

The hazel eyed beauty skipped up to me, standing on her tip toes to reach as I leaned down and met her halfway for a kiss. Scarlett and I had gone public with our relationship a month ago. We had kept it on the down low for as long as we possibly could, but with everyone pestering us with questions about if our on-screen romance translated to real life, it became really tiring real fast.

"You ready to go?"

"Of course. Are you ready to meet my parents?"

"Terrified, actually," she admitted.

"Don't be," I chuckled. "Mama's the sweetest woman you'll ever meet, and Pop's awesome. They'll love you."

I finished loading the bags into the trunk and climbed behind the wheel of the car. Scarlett slipped into the passenger seat and buckled up. When she reached for the radio, I grabbed her wrist.

"What's the rule?"

"Driver picks music, shotgun shuts her cakehole?"

"Damn straight."

She pulled her wrist from my grip, folding her hands in her lap while I tuned into the station I wanted, which admittedly was most likely similar to what she would have turned on anyway. Pretty soon, we were on the road, driving to my parents' house. Filming had just wrapped up for the season and I had decided it was time Scarlett finally meet Mama and Pop. I noticed her wringing her hands and reached over to take one of them in one of mine.

"It'll be fine, Scar."

"I don't think you understand, Jay. This is a really big deal for me. I've never been in a relationship long enough to reach the 'Meet the Parents' stage."

"I already told you, they're going to love you," I assured her.

"How do you know?"

"Because I love you. You make me happy, and that's all they want for me. I get that this is a big deal for you, but there's nothing for you to worry about."

Scarlett was silent after that, the only sound coming from the radio. I kept my grip on her hand, rubbing gentle circles on the back with my thumb. I knew the action calmed her down, and that was exactly what she needed in that moment. I was trying not to show it, but I was a bit nervous for this meeting myself. I hadn't brought a girl home since Danneel, and after how that turned out, I was worried how my family would react to me being in another relationship.


"Lightweight? Time to wake up, Sleeping Beauty."

Scarlett's eyes fluttered open and she stretched in her seat.

"Are we there already?" she asked sleepily.

"Yeah, babe. Come on, I already took the bags in."

She yawned, climbing out of the car and leaning into my side as we made our way up to the house. As we crossed the threshold, she perked up a bit more at the smell permeating the air.

"I hope you're both hungry, I made plenty," Mama said, coming in to greet us.

She wore a flour-stained apron and a wide grin.

"Hey, Mama," I said, hugging her.

"Hey, baby. Let me get a good look at you."

She held me at arm's length, smiling the entire time she inspected me.

"And this must be Scarlett," she turned her attention to my girlfriend, who was hovering nervously a few steps behind us. "It's so good to finally meet you, dear."

"It's good to meet you, too, Mrs. Ackles."

"Please, call me Mama."

"Mama," Scarlett repeated, smiling a little.

"Don't overwhelm the girl, Donna," Pop said, entering the room.

"I'm not," Mama replied, sending a friendly glare his way.

"Hi, son," he greeted me.

"Pop," I hugged him.

He pulled back, turning to smile at Scarlett.

"I'm Alan," he told her, holding out a hand.

"Nice to meet you," she replied, taking the proffered hand and shaking.

"You're both probably exhausted from the drive. Why don't you go get settled in and wash up. Supper is at 6 sharp."

"Yes, Mama," I nodded. "Come on, Scar."

I grabbed the bags I had discarded at the bottom of the stairs, leading the way up to the room we'd be sharing during our stay.

"They seem nice," Scarlett said once the door was shut.

"What did I tell you?" I teased her.

"I told you why I was nervous about this, Douchebag."

"And I told you you didn't have to be."

Scarlett rolled her eyes, plopping down on the edge of the bed, looking up at me suggestively.

"So, what are we going to do until it's time to eat?"

"Well, I don't think we have time to do that," I replied.

"Get your head out of the gutter, Ackles, I was just asking an innocent question."

"With that look in your eye? Sure you were."

She stuck her lip out in a faux pout and I smirked at her. I began unpacking the bags, putting stuff away in the dresser and closet.

"So, is it just going to be us and your parents on this trip, or will I be meeting any other family members of yours?" Scarlett inquired as she watched me.

"I think Kenzie is arriving soon and I haven't heard anything about Josh, but he should be coming down as well."

"So, I get to meet everybody, then?"

"Almost," I muttered, too quiet for her to hear.

Ever since she and I had gone public, Danneel had been a lot more protective of JJ and so I had barely had any time with my daughter. As a result, Scarlett had yet to meet her. I was technically supposed to be having my turn with her now, but instead she was still with her mother. It hurt that Dani was going to such extreme lengths, but since she had main custody, I couldn't do much about it. I didn't realize Scarlett had left her perch on the bed until I felt her arms snaking around my middle.

"I'm sorry about JJ," she whispered.

"It's not your fault," I answered.

"Isn't it, though?"

"No, Scarlett, you can't blame yourself for this," I told her, turning. "Dani's just being overprotective is all."

"But she didn't start acting like that until we went public, so it is kind of my fault."


"You don't have to pretend, Jay. I know it's true," she insisted.

I sighed, wanting to protest, but knowing she was right.

"I just wish I could do something about it," I whispered, tears springing to the corners of my eyes.

"I know, baby," she nodded, pulling me into a tight embrace.

I hugged her back, burying my nose in her hair as the first tears slid down my cheeks.

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