No More Us

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I groaned as we paused filming once more. Scarlett and I still hadn't made it through the scene in its entirety. It wasn't that either of us were doing it on purpose, it was just that with everything going on off-screen between the two of us, there was an underlying tension in the air that was messing with the scene. We were supposed to be talking about Mary being back and how Faith didn't handle the idea of Dean being dead well, but we just couldn't get through it no matter how hard we tried.

"Alright, let's try it again from the top," Thomas sighed, rubbing a hand down his face.

Scarlett rolled her eyes as she moved back to her starting mark and I bit back another groan, doing the same.

"Okay, cameras rolling... action!"

"Is it weird?" Scarlett began, hazel eyes studying me. "Having her back after so long?"

"A little," I admitted. "I mean, she's been gone for over 30 years, so it's definitely an adjustment."

Scarlett swallowed, glancing off to the side as if she was lost in thought.

"What is it, Faith?"

"We thought... I thought I lost you," she whispered. "The sun went back to normal, and there was no way you could have survived the nuke, and I..."

"Hey, look at me," I told her softly.

I was quiet until she turned her eyes back toward me, waiting for me to continue.

"You can't..." the line caught in my throat and I swallowed thickly.

I was supposed to reassure her that she couldn't get rid of me that easily. That no matter what life threw at us, we would always be together. But between our actual break up, and the fact that thanks to me, we would be having a fake break up as well, I couldn't bring myself to deliver the line. I really hated how much Faith and Dean mirrored Scarlett and I all the time. It had been like that since the beginning, when Faith refused to give Sam and Dean her first name when they first met.

"Cut," Thomas groaned.

"I'm sorry," I apologized to the room in general.

"Okay, why don't we take a five and come back to this scene in a few minutes," Thomas suggested from the director's chair.

Everyone mumbled their agreement and we cleared the stage for our short break.

"Seriously?" Scarlett spat at me.

"You know, you're not really helping us get through the scene, either," I retorted.

"Yeah, but at least I can get my lines out, jackass."

That was the second time she had called me that. She had used it when she confronted me at my trailer earlier, too, and it occurred to me that it was a replacement for her usual insult of 'Douchebag' since that had become more of a term of endearment for us than an insult. She was right, of course. Even though she was contributing to the tension in the air, I was the biggest holdup to the scene since I couldn't even get out the dialogue I had been given.

"At least I'm staying in character. You do realize Faith wouldn't be that stiff for this conversation, correct?"

I smirked as Scarlett opened and shut her mouth a few times, unable to think of a witty comeback.

"What's the matter, sweetheart? Cat got your tongue?" I teased, voice sickly sweet.

I might as well have slapped her with the reaction she had to my words. She flinched, shrinking back slightly as the blood drained from her cheeks.

"Screw you, Ackles," she managed to hiss out in a stage whisper before turning on her heel and storming over to her chair to wait out what little remained of our break.

Glancing around, I noticed several crew members staring, obviously having watched the entire exchange the two of us had just had. Giving them a pointed glare that resulted in them turning away in a hurry, I moved over to my own chair that I had moved away from Scarlett's before we began filming. All too soon, we were back at it once more.

"Hey, look at me," I said, waiting again before I attempted to get the next line out. "You can't get rid of me that easy. Nothing could stop me from coming back to you."

Tears pricked the corners of Scarlett's eyes and she glanced down at her feet, swallowing hard to get rid of the lump in her throat. I stepped closer to her, lifting her chin with a finger so she was forced to look up at me. Slowly, I leaned down to capture her mouth with mine. Initially, it was just me doing all the work, but after a moment she began to kiss back. Her hands came up to fist in my hair and I gave a soft moan when she tugged ever so slightly. It felt like way too soon when we finally pulled apart.

"You realize it's never going to stop right?" Scarlett bit out. "There's always going to be something for us to deal with."

"And we'll deal with whatever that may be," I responded, willing the words to not catch in my throat again. "Together."


"Why the hell does it have to sound so much like every fucking conversation we've had since we started dealing with those two assholes?" I growled, pacing inside Jared's trailer. "Do the writers have bugs planted everywhere or something? Do they just listen in to our private lives and purposely write scenes to mimic what they hear?"

"I'm sure it's just a weird coincidence, Jensen," Jared assured me. "Faith and Dean have been through a lot, and the dialogue just fits."

"But it's literally been since day one with her," I spat. "They literally had her keep her name to herself for a good chunk of last season and just go by her last name. Ring any bells for you?"

"Okay, but that doesn't prove-"

"Like hell it doesn't!"

"Jensen, seriously. You're getting worked up over nothing."

"And don't get me started on that kiss," I continued on, ignoring Jared's words. "As soon as she started responding... Ugh."

"Was it that bad of a kiss?" the moose teased.

"No, it was so fucking good! That's the problem! She kissed me back like nothing happened between us. Like she didn't break up with me just a few days ago."

"Well, maybe she wants to still be together."

"No, she told me she didn't want it any more, Jared. She said she couldn't do it any more and that it was better for us to just break up."

"But, maybe-"

"No! She made herself very clear on Thursday. There's no more us." 

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