Finding Out

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When we got back to set, I immediately made a beeline for Scarlett's trailer. Because of how our schedules worked out with filming, I hadn't seen her much all week with only a few exceptions. I was excited for when we would actually get to film some scenes together again. I knocked once before letting myself in the trailer. She was sitting on the couch, nervously bouncing her knee as she stared at her phone.

"Everything okay, Lightweight?"

"You know I love you, right?"

My heartbeat immediately sped up and I started freaking out internally. Something had to have happened if she was asking me a question like that. On the outside, however, I kept myself calm as I answered her.

"Of course I do. What's up?"

"Have a seat."

I thought I caught a glimmer of sadness in her eyes for a moment, but before I could really pay it any mind, it had disappeared again. Swallowing hard, I took a seat next to her on the couch.


She took a shaky breath, handing her phone to me.

"Read it."

It was dead silent in the trailer as my eyes moved across her screen, taking in the words to an online article she had been looking at. The further I got, the angrier I became. Danneel had apparently gone in for an interview and told them that not only was Scarlett a slut, but she had essentially just auditioned for Supernatural to get in my pants. Her comment at the end of the article really sent me reeling. To suggest not only that we wanted to replace her in JJ's life, but that we might be taking it to court was absolutely ridiculous.

"When did you find this?"

"Misha found it a couple hours ago and sent it to me. I wanted to tell you as soon as you got here."

This was it. My biggest fears and suspicions confirmed. Danneel really did have ulterior motives for letting Scarlett and I spend time with JJ besides the kindness of her heart.

"That bitch."

"Jensen, there's something else..." Scarlett said, voice timid.

"What?" I practically growled.

She shrunk back at my tone, and I immediately relaxed my shoulders, realizing what I'd done.

"I'm sorry," I apologized softly. "What is it?"

"I realized something," she admitted. "This isn't the first time she's mentioned how I got fired from The Originals... and no one knows about that except the people who were there."

"What are you saying?"

"I think... I think she might be dating the one who started that rumor about me."

"The guy who wanted you to sleep with him?"

"Yeah... I called him."

"You did what?"

"I called him," Scarlett repeated, looking incredibly guilty. "I made the connection and called him to ask him if he and Danneel were dating."

"And what did he say?"

"He wouldn't give me a straight answer, but he said he was happy about it and wanted to thank her for finally getting the 'truth' out to the press after he wanted to for so long... and then he told me we could talk about trying again when you got mad at me after reading the article..."

"Excuse me?"

"He made an assumption, Jensen. I would never actually dream of going to him if you did get mad enough to call things off with me."

I was quiet, considering all the information I'd just been given in a short period of time. Scarlett seemed extremely uncomfortable, like she wanted nothing more than to be done with this conversation, and I really didn't blame her. If the roles were reversed, and I had to break the news of something major like this to her, I'd be uncomfortable, too. She was looking at her lap where her hands were wringing together in a repetitive motion. Reaching out, I covered both her hands with one of mine, stopping them in their tracks.

"Scarlett, look at me."

Slowly, she raised her gaze to meet mine, and my heart shattered a little when I saw tears brimming in her hazel orbs.

"I love you. We're in this together. Nothing can change that, alright?"

 "A-alright," she whispered, nodding.

I pulled her closer, wrapping my arms around her and holding her while her tears fell on my shirt.

"It's okay. Everything's going to be fine. You're not getting rid of me that easily," I assured her as we rocked back and forth gently.

"I love you, too," she mumbled into my shoulder.

I smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of her head and tightening my hold as we continued to sit there on her couch.


"So, how'd it go?" Jared asked when Scarlett and I sat down with our food in front of him and Misha.

"Good," Scarlett said, then immediately fell silent, picking at her food.

"Okay, your words say one thing and your body language says another."

"Leave her alone, Jared," I told him, starting in on my own meal.

"But I want details. What happened when she told you?"

"We talked and then we let it go. Moving on."

"How'd filming go?" Misha asked before Jared could say something else.

"Good. We're going to try and get another take tonight just to make sure we got everything, but I think we won't have to do night shooting much longer, which will be nice."

"I'm sure."

Misha and I continued talking, not giving Jared a chance to bring the topic back to the discussion in Scarlett's trailer, while Scarlett continued to pick at her food quietly. I found her knee under the table, rubbing slow circles with my thumb and saw her smile a little out of the corner of my eye.

"So, anyway, I was thinking you guys could come up and visit on our next break. Jared, you could bring Gen and the boys if you wanted to," Misha said.

"I'm sure they'd love to come," Jared nodded.

"What do you think, Scar?" I turned. "You could meet everyone."

"Yeah, maybe," she mumbled.

"We'll be there," I answered for us.

"Great. I'll let Vicki know to expect a few more."

"Sounds good, Mish."

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