Chapter 15

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I'm sorry for having to repeat this, but a lot of people are still confused and asking me why DEMI's name changes to ALEX. If you had read the intro and A/N, you would of known that i had changed and will edit it all later when i have time. I'm sick of people asking me.    

Chapter 15

Climbing up the stairs to my hotel where I have been staying since my so called 'mother' has kicked me out of her life for good, I had an eery feeling itching inside of my stomach.

Shrugging it off, I reach my hotel door and open it. Sighing, I walk into the kitchen to get a glass of water when suddenly a piece of cloth was held firmly on my face, not letting anything but the drugged cloth being breathed in.

I struggled against the persons firm grip but it was useless. I couldn't hold in my breath anymore. I unwillingly take a breath and start to feel limp as my eyes began to feel heavy. I tried to keep them open but the drug forced them closed.

You slimy llama hole! I will scoop your eyeballs out when I wake up! How dare this person kidnap me.


"Where am I?" I ask no one in particular as I groan and try to rub my throbbing head but something seemed to prevent me from doing so. And for some odd reason, I wasn't able to see anything even after opening my eyes! Now is that weird or what!? I start to fidget and wiggle but it seems as though I've been tied up to a chair.

How did I know it was a chair? You ask.

Well my dear readers, I so cleverly fell to the side while trying to wriggle free which ended up hitting my left cheek on the ground and I could've sworn I heard my jaw crack. Since my hands were pulled back and tied, the weight of my body that was currently squashing my left arm and is probably leaving big ugly bruises on my beautiful arm.

"OUCH! You son of a squishy barnacle!" I yell as I helplessly try to get up.

Well you can all imagine what that looked like...

A dying floppy seal.

"Hello? Kidnappers? I have an amazing and rare deal to make with you." I say dumbly not knowing whether or not there was actually someone there but I could sense a presence so I continued. "If you spare my life....I'll give you a free massage. Oh, I even do professional body waxing. So come on and take this once in a life time opportunity coz it ain't gonna last long." I say sassily hoping the idiot would take my offer.

But what did the idiot do? Nothing! Like it's not everyday someone as kind hearted as me offers you something like this.

Santa will be so proud!

"Well ya gonna talk or nah? I don't got all day ya know." I try rolling my eyes which I failed at miserably seeing as there is a cloth preventing me from seeing anything.

I heard a chuckle from the corner which soon had me on alert.

I knew there was someone there!

"Oh cupcake, you really do make my day!" Said a husky deep voice to which I haven't heard before.

Cupcake? Where have I heard that from?

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