Chapter 9

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I'm sorry for having to repeat this, but a lot of people are still confused and asking me why DEMI's name changes to ALEX. If you had read the intro and A/N, you would of known that i had changed and will edit it all later when i have time. I'm sick of people asking me.    

Thank you @lovebooks23x for your votes and everyone else who had read this book or added it to their reading lists. It really makes my day :]

Enjoy ^-^


Chapter 9

He leans in closer where his breath is now mingling with my own. I feel my heart beat fast and hard to the point where it feels as though it'd rip its way out of my chest.

I try pushing him back again, but failed miserably as I shuddered from the slight brush of his lips on mine.

No no no! Come on Demi! Be strong don't let him kiss you!

"Demi" Lucas whispers as he closes his eyes and leans in....

"Lucas..." I whisper back. "Step away from me now before I make you regret ever breathing the same air as me."

The idiot still leans in.

"Lucas! I said-"

"OWWWWW!" Lucas groans and falls onto the ground as he holds his big no-no like it would somehow ease the pain.

"When I told you to step back mister, I expect you to do so!" I scold and loop my arms under his armpit and drag him out of my room and into his. "Goodnight camel!" I smirk and walk away sexily as if I'm walking the catwalk.

That piece of rotten llama toes thinks he can kiss me after he took a photo of me that he won't delete?

Pah! Keep dreaming. Kiss my ass!


Having to take the long way round to my locker due to a section of the school haven been burnt down, I slam my locker hard again and groan with annoyance. Whoever this low life loser is, that thinks s/he can keep sending these stupid stalking letters, should just quit before I shove all these letters up their ass and super glue the butt hole shut to make sure they never come out!

Seriously! Who puts a letter with neat writing in my locker saying 'sorry about what happened. Wish I saved you but that'd be next time.

Feel well soon my little cupcake :]

C. '

Like really? Cupcake?

There is a major difference between food...and humans. Let me elaborate. Food is eaten. Humans are not eaten. Therefore I'm not a cupcake! Or an Oreo as Lucas like to put it!

NO WAY!!!!!

Is this stupid stalker Lucas? Thinking he can name humans after food? What a disgrace to human and food society!

Where is that sloth!? I said I'll shove all these letters up his ass and superglue it shut. Therefore I will do as promised. No questions asked!

Stomping my way around school, trying to find this pathetic excuse of a creep. I reach the cafeteria and see a massive crowd around a particular table.

I start to shove myself between the sea of humans. "Moooove." *shoves students.* "Why is your ass so big? Go get that big ass outta here! its taking up so much room!" *Shoves more humans out the way* "get out of the way." *Pushes humans aside*

But every time I shove people out of my path, more idiots decide to show up. I don't have much patience left within me and I growl out of frustration.

Suddenly everyone goes quiet and in a flash, there's a path for me to walk through. These people I swear? But that's right, smiches! Make way for the potato queen!

I walk through the path that the humans made, with my head held high. Like a boss! Wait no... not like a boss, I am the boss!

"Oh hey Demi, was that you who growled like some hideous animal being slaughtered to death?" Says the one and only person who just by their presence makes you want to pluck out all your hairs...slowly....and painfully...

"Lucas you son of a monkey crap!" I growl again to show him that I'm clearly pissed.

"Well daaaaaamn....someone obviously hasn't calmed their mad titties down." Lucas smirks as the whole crowd roars with laughter.

"Wow...I thought only Lucas had a horrible sense of humour. But look at that. So does the rest of this pathetic school!" I snap at everyone which resulted in total silence again.

"And as for you." I poke his chest....hard. "You better stop leaving stupid and creepy letters in my locker again or I'll tell everyone that I had to save your pathetic ass during the fire." I smirk with my arms crossed and lean onto my right leg. "Oops....did I say that out loud?" I laugh evilly and walk away from a very humiliated and confused Lucas.

Like seriously! I'm the one that saved his stinking ass and yet the whole school is there giving him gifts that costs more than his head and voicing how sorry and bad they felt for him! Like hello people? The hero is over here!

Walking back to my locker after hearing the bell, I hear loud footsteps behind me, gaining on me and fast.

"Whoever the loud elephant behind me is, better go away before I give my wrist a good excuse to break your nose." I say irritated. Today is just not my day and all this happens because of Lucas's face!

"Oh's the send button. Why don't i just click it and show the whole school 'Demi's brand new panties'." That voice! UGGGGHH

I quickly turn around, nearly snapping my neck in the process, and glare at the devil himself. "You pathetic and weak douche bag! Blackmailing me with a photo just to entertain yourself and humiliate me. Do you seriously not have anything better to do?" This piece of garlic toothpaste is just taking things too far.

I'm a poor and innocent girl for crying out loud!

"Nope! I want my revenge for embarrassing me in front of the whole school." He replies back casually.

"You disgusting pervert! Hasn't your mother ever taught you manners and respect for women!?" I shout at his face.

But this seemed to quiet him down. For a second there, I thought he had a look of sadness and regret.

Lucas takes a deep breath then looks me straight and hard in the eye,  Lifts his hand with his phone in it and it all happened so fast, it took me a while to react.



Dun dun duuuuuuuun!!!!

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