Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

~~Alex's POV~~

I scoff and roll my eyes. "I do. Not. Love him."

"Don't lie to me! You admitted it when we were about to drown!" He grits furiously.

My eyes open wide in realisation.

Well holy fudge potatoes!

"I uhh....I uhm.." No words seemed to be coming out, the pained and hateful look he was giving me was overwhelming. I almost felt bad for him.

Then realisation hit me. Hard.

" like me don't you!?" I question with a look of disbelief clearly evident on my face.

"Well done princess, you noticed." He scoffs as he rolls his eyes.



"YES, I SAID NO!" I yell as I raise my hand up, ready to slap him." I am so sick of all this bullshit about love! Everyone I thought who loved me, ended up painfully destroying my heart. I- I can't take this pain anymore...for years I've had to put up with the hell my parents put me through and that was the most important form of  love. Family love. But I just wasn't good enough. I NEVER WAS TO ANYONE!"

He holds my wrist tightly, preventing me from slapping him. "Well what about me!? Don't think you're the only one whose been to hell and back a million times before, because you're not! I was always the no good and shameful twin! Girls always went to him and not me, he's the so called 'good' guy and I'm the 'bad'. So before you rant on about your life, think about others too." He grits out equally as irritated as I was.

"Okay then, WE'VE BOTH BEEN TO HELL AND BACK! We're just two lonely people that life itself enjoys watching us suffer. We've been broken far too many times to count yet we've made it this far. And if it's one thing I have to say to life, 'don't mess with me!'"

Cole chuckles and I stifle a laugh too. "THAT'S RIGHT, DON'T MESS WITH HER!" he yells at the top of his lungs and I double over in laughter.

Why are we laughing? well I would give you the answer if I knew.

"YEAH!! DON'T MESS WITH US!" I correct as we continue to laugh like drunk idiots with not a care in the world. I lean a bit of my body weight on Cole as we continue to laugh only to be interrupted by someone.

"Well don't you two look cute together."

That...that voice!

Looking to where the voice is coming from, the one and only Lucas Miller standing there in all his bad boy glory.

I felt Cole stiffen beside me as I noticed his clenched fists. "Well I guess your hero is here to save you." Cole mutters as he shoves me towards Lucas.

"Wait, hold on a minute! You cant just throw me away like that!" I say outraged.

"Yeah? And why the hell not!? You clearly admitted your undying love for him." Cole's pissed off tone made me glare daggers at him. Did he seriously forget everything that happened only seconds ago? Our little emotional moment...

"What is your problem!? He's your twin brother. Your other half. Why can't you people learn to forget the past and forgive the ones you love?" I snap furiously.

"Can you both stop bickering and tell me what's going on!? Where's Hayden?" Lucas interrupts angrily.

Cole and I share a look of terror as it never did occur to us where Hayden even was. He ordered Cole to take me to where ever as he was following behind.

"That is a very good question..." I say as I look around.

Lucas scoffs and gives Cole a lethal glare.

I was suddenly grabbed from behind and felt a sharp object against my neck as my back came in contact with a tall and lean body.

Shivers ran down my spine as I immediately recognised the voice. "Well you took your time to get here. If this was any other case, she'd be dead by now." Hayden tsked as Cole and Lucas both stare wide eyed, unable to do anything.

One movement and he'll slice my neck.

"Game over Lucas. I win." Hayden says from behind as I stare wide eyed slightly panicking.


Short chapter I know but don't forget to vote and comment :)

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