Chapter 19

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I'm sorry for having to repeat this, but a lot of people are still confused and asking me why DEMI's name changes to ALEX. If you had read the intro and A/N, you would of known that i had changed and will edit it all later when i have time. I'm sick of people asking me.    


Chapter 19

~~~Alex's POV~~~

And that's when it happened...something hits the car from behind and the car we're in loses control.

Cole and I break apart as we see that we're on a fifteen metre high bridge. The blood in my body stops cold as it all happens in slow motion.

The car slowly crashing through the fence of the bridge...

Cole yelling and grabbing onto me...

My hot tears that run like a river down my cheek...

My life flashing right before my eyes...

My last thought before we hit...

"I love you Lucas." I whisper as I cling onto Cole and the freezing water engulfs us.

~~Lucas's POV~~

Walking to the hidden headquarters, I let out an irritated sigh. "I can't believe he's got her!" I curse angrily as I light up a cigarette.

"Lucas you're back!" Jennifer says with relief as she gives me one of her motherly hugs. She soon lets go of me and grabs my ear in a painful grip. "You have a lot of explaining to do young man, when I told you not to leave without a plan, what do you do? You just leave!" She exclaims as she drags me by the ear to her office.

I sheepishly smile to the agents that we walk past as they watch me amused.

Ah, don't you just love Jennifer?

"But Jen, I was mad and angry and I couldn't help it!" I try to explain but she shook her head in disappointment and seated me in her office.

"Now you listen to me. What you did was absolutely stupid and dangerous and I specifically warned you not to storm off like that!" She continues to scold angrily then smiled. "Now sweetie, you were saying something about someone got who?"

I raise an eyebrow to her quick change of mood but let it go as I remember what I was ranting on about. "Cole...he's back and pretty much alive and he has Alex. I need you to track his car, it's a black Mazda and I think I remember the plate number." I explain quickly trying to get this done as soon as possible so I can save Alex.

Giving Jennifer the details, she gets the technicians or as I like to call them 'computer geeks' to try and track the car down with their fancy computer equipment.

"Would you like a cup of tea?" Asks Jennifer as I stare at her in shock.

"The most important girl in my life is in life threatening danger and you're asking if I want tea!?" I say outraged as I throw my hands up in the air dramatically.

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