Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

~~Alex's POV~~

"Are you two love poops done?" Ashley's voice interrupts as I let go, feeling the heat rush to my cheeks.

"Well, since you look like you're done with her, now it's my turn." Ashley says as she grabs my arm and drags me away with her.

I huff out in annoyance as I glare at her. "I'm not a renting object! I demand my voice to be heard!"

She stops and faces towards me where she plays around with her fingers, looking nervous. "Well?" I question raising my left brow.

"You see, I can...I can explain."

"Go on, explain why you know every little secret of mine, but for some odd reason that I seem to have failed to recall, there is this huge secret kept away from me." I say, controlling the tone of my voice. "I thought we were best friends."

"We are! But you think I liked myself for keeping something so huge away from you? I had to basically drown in guilt every day but please understand I would of been kicked out of the agency if I told anyone." She says as her hazel eyes begin to tear up.

"Why do you even work there anyways?"

"The secret government agency is a place for young people who have no parents. We basically live there and train everyday to do something useful with our life instead of falling into depression which could possibly lead to severe consequences like suicide. We basically complete missions and save lives and in return we get to live there for free. It's better than an orphanage I guess. Jennifer treats us as if we're her own kids. She's really nice."

I stay quiet not knowing what to say.

"Alright guys, the case is closed and Hayden will be dealt with." Jennifer says as Lucas and Cole walk beside her.

"Well since everything's over and no one has anything else to say, I think I'll take my leave now." I say as I give an awkward smile before walking away.

Not even ten steps later, I felt warm hands snaking their way around my waist as I was pulled into a muscular body. "Where do you think your pretty ass is going?" Lucas's hot breath whispers in my right ear and I cursed my body for reacting to the warm tingles it left.

"I honestly have no idea." I whisper back with my back still to his front.

"Well last time I checked, your fighting skills are exceptional and I'm sure I can convince Jennifer to let you work there with me too. Cole has already agreed to join us too."

I smile and turn around to give him a hug.

* * * *

Many people would think that I forgave Lucas easily. Because seriously, people who attempt to kill you whether it was accidental or purposely, you should take more precaution around them as they are the ones who could possibly destroy your life over and over again. But after every argument, fight and dispute, I've come to realise that all the hate and violence is merely stupid actions that wastes valuable time to which you can never get back. What did one gain from all this hatred?

"You're a very forgiving person, cupcake." Cole says as he joins me by the pool as I flip through the latest magazine. Did you know that Kim Kardashian bitch slapped Justin Bieber because he cheated on Selena after he caught her kissing a four year old kid on the cheek!?

"Well life's too short to be focusing on who to hate. Instead I'd rather focus on who to forgive and allow into my life."

"If I stole your drink right there, would you forgive me?" He smirks as my hazel eyes open wide.

"NO!" I yell dramatically, throwing my magazine and charging for my drink, only to be tackled onto the freshly cut grass by Cole.

"YOU HIPPO! Get off!!!"

Cole chuckles as he pokes out his tongue like an immature kid. "Naaah, you'd still forgive me even if I squashed you flat."

I glare at him as I aim to punch his no good gorgeous face. "Will you drop the forgiving crap! Gosh can I not mention something once and not get teased about it!?" I exclaim. "That's it, I'm never forgiving anyone again!"

Cole laughs as he shakes his head. "You do know you're even hotter when you're angry and it doesn't help that you're wearing a bikini."

Suddenly, I was more aware of the position we're both in and it won't be a good sight if someone caught us like this. "Uhm...Cole, get off me!" I hiss.

"Why, I quite like this position; you laying underneath me with a sexy bikini, and your beautiful hazel eyes that keep me entranced forever..." He whispers huskily as our noses are now gently brushing against each other.

"Cole...if you want your handsome face to remain handsome, I suggest you get off." I warn.

"You just called me handso- OUCH!" Cole yelps like a girl as he strokes his now red cheek.

"Millers." I shake my head disappointingly. "Never learn."

"Well done babe." Lucas claps as he walks over to Cole. "That's exactly what she did to me back a while ago at the hospital. Though she hit a more....sensitive area." He grimaces as he remembers.

"I'm not your babe." I scoff and cross my arms. "You two better watch it or I won't hesitate to throw you both in boiling lava!"

They both grin as they put their hands up in surrender. I mentally squirm in my spot as they look so adorable together with their perfect smiles.

"Stop drooling babe, you look like you're gonna eat me soon." Lucas's amused voice interrupts me from my fantasy world.

"Uhm no actually, she looks like she's going to eat me! She's drooling for me!" Cole defends back at Lucas who simply rolled his eyes.

"Stop being jealous. I'm obviously hotter and sexier than you!" Lucas says as he winks at me.

"Jealous!? Of what? Your crooked nose?"

I watch between the two identical twins as they bicker back and forth on who's 'hotter' or 'sexier'. I sigh and shake my head.

"Settle down children, or else there won't be any cookies for you." I scold as I grab one ear each and drag them inside.

"Hey stop! You're gonna stretch my ear like a monkey!" Cole complains childishly.

"Oh my garlic, Lex! Are you okay!? Did these bullies hurt you!?" Ashley comes running towards me as she grabs me and hugs me like a mother would. I laugh and stick my tongue out to the twins.

"Hurt her!? Look at my ear!" Cole's whiny voice echoes through the agency living room.

"Stop being a drama queen and act like a man!" I whack Cole across the head and seat myself next to Lucas, who's watching some movie, and spent the rest of the night talking about anything and everything.

Who knew talking about things other than girl drama, gossip or boys can be so much fun and entertaining?

I guess this is the end of our journey....


lol jokes, this is not the end, there is still one more chapter. Or well the epilogue/sequel or whatever the damn name is

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