Fight at the Museum

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For the last few days, Anne has been losing sleep over researching portals to Amphibia. I joined the Plantars binge watching tv. Anne came in the living room walking like a zombie. "Whoa, someone didn't sleep." Sprig said. "Nope, I spent all night researching ways to get you guys home." Anne yawned. "And she had me help her the night before that." I added. "Being the supportive girlfriend that I am, I couldn't refuse." "You? Researching?" Mrs Boonchuy asked. "Who are you and what have you done with my daughter?" "Har Har." Anne mumbled. "So, I was thinking, what if there's a second calamity box here on Earth? So, I mapped out every thrift store in a 50 mile radius and if we leave right now..." "I'm gonna stop you right there." I interrupted. "Just because Marcy found the original calamity box at a thrift store, doesn't mean there's a second one in a different location. And even if there was, who knows where it would be?" The Plantars were too engaged with the tv. "Why does it feel like Rowena and I are the only ones trying to find a way back to Amphibia?" Anne asked. "Anne, we have been trying, but it's okay to take a day off to recharge every now and then." Sprig replied. "There's no time, you guys." Anne explains. "C'mon, let's get back to research." "Since you seem to enjoy research so much now, why don't you all spend the day at the museum and write a report?" Mrs Boonchuy suggested, turning off the tv. "You both have a lot of makeup schoolwork to do." "Aww, do we have to?!" We complained. "Yes, I'm also cleaning the house." Mrs Boonchuy explains. "There's slime everywhere and I'm not pointing fingers, but I need you all out of the way." All of a sudden, some slime fell from the ceiling. "Gross, Rowena." Polly said.

After the Plantars got ready, Mrs Boonchuy drove us to the museum. "I'll pick you up at 6." She said. "Have fun, but also learn." All of us replied with a groan as we walked inside. "Whoa, looks like you guys also had a monster problem, too." Sprig said, pointing at a dinosaur exhibit.

We took the Plantars to the space exhibit. The frogs were amazed by a globe. "Wait, you're people think the world is round?" Hop Pop asked. "Don't even start that." I replied.

We found the prehistoric exhibit and took a look around. "I like these guys." Polly said, showing us two cavemen fighting each other. "They get it." "See, we can have a fun one-off just like we did in Amphibia." Hop Pop explains. "Anne?" She was trying to do more research on her laptop. "Anne!" I exclaimed, taking her laptop away. "What?" Anne asked. "You gotta take a break from all this research." Hop Pop explains. "Don't worry, guys, I'm fine, I'm fine." Anne said. "Burning yourself out isn't gonna help us get home to Amphibia." Hop Pop comments. And that's when something in the museum caught my eyes. "Amphibia." I gasped. "Yes, that's what I said." Hop Pop replied. "Nope, look!" I exclaimed, showing them a pot with a carving of a small frog, coming through a portal with the calamity box. "Call me crazy." Sprig said. "But that looks like..." "One of us!" Polly gasped. "I don't believe it." Anne said. "Could this be the clue we've been looking for?" "Didn't expect to see frogs in here, eh?" A woman asked from behind us. "Holy frog abuse, we're caught." I whispered so the woman couldn't hear. "What? Frogs? Huh?!" Anne asked in panic. "Oh, you're talking about the pot." "Sure, what did you think I was talking about?" She asked. "Name's Dr Jan, I'm a curator here, and an avid lover of all things ancient." She winked at Hop Pop. "Why'd she wink at me?" Hop Pop asked. "So, staring at this pot, eh? Interesting, isn't it?" Dr Jan asked. "The frog here is depicted in a very unconventional fashion, bipedal, it must've been some kind of deity." "Huh, you don't say." I replied. "Maybe it's a frog shaped alien, right? From another dimension." Dr Jan said, making us all nervous. "Sorry, I'm really into crypt-ins, you know, ufos and stuff. Anyway, you got any other questions?" "Do you know anything about portals..." Sprig started, before being shut up by Anne. "Nope, not at all, actually, we hate history, and museums. Yuck!" Anne lied partially. "Ah, that's too bad, and kind of insulting." Dr Jan said. "Well, if you change your mind, just holler, 'Dr Jan'! And I'll fly in like an information superhero." We all looked at her confused. "Uh, Dr Jan, away!" She shouted, leaving the room. "Hey, why'd you blow her off?" Sprig asked. "Maybe she knows something." "What?!" Anne exclaimed. "C'mon, dude, we don't know anything about that lady, how do you know we can trust her?" "Paranoid much?" Polly asked. "But that thing's our first real clue." Hop Pop explains. "Agreed, we can't just drop it. What if there's a map painted on the bottom, or a secret code that only shows up under black light?" I suggested. "Well, if you guys don't want to ask that Dr Jan for help, what are we gonna do? Rob the museum?" Hop Pop asked.

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