Escape To Amphibia

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Today is hopefully the day. Terri did some research and found a way to build a portal back to Amphibia. Hop Pop was snacking on some toast before the portal test. "Oh, gotta love this avocado roast." Hop Pop said. "It's avocado toast, dude." Anne corrected. "In Amphibia, the avocados are covered with poison barbs that cause blindness." Hop Pop explains. "But here, they're just creamy and delicious." "How's the portal going, Terri?" Sprig asked. "Pretty good. Come over here." Terri replied. "When you told me about the Calamity Box, I wondered, "Why a music box?" Then it hit me. The musical notes function as coordinates. There are countless worlds in the multiverse, infinite possibilities. And those ancient newts discovered a way to pinpoint worlds, with music." All of us clapped for Terri and her theory. "Now, the million dollar question. Does anyone remember a song playing when they were in a portal between here and Amphibia?" Terri asked as we were all humming a tune at the same time. "One at a time, please." "I think it was..." I started, humming the chords that repeated in my head for a while. Terri begins to play the hummed tune on her keyboard. "Fingers crossed, everyone." Terri said, opening a tiny portal. "It's working." Hop Pop gasped. "That's as big as I can make it. Do you see anything?" Terri asked. As we all looked through the tiny portal, we saw a giant mantis preying on a dead rat. "Ew, gross!" Anne groaned, very disgusted. "Yay!" Sprig cheered. "That's home, alright." Hop Pop said. "Wonder if the mantis can smell us?" Sprig wondered as the mantis stuck its arm through the portal, about to attack him. "Sprig!" Anne and I shouted. Terri quick unplugged the portal, cutting off the mantis' arm. "That's your world?" Mr Boonchuy asked. "Home sweet home." Hop Pop replied. "Nice job, Terri." Rosalina complimented. "Thanks. I need way more power to make the portal bigger, but we're on the right track." Terri replied. "I don't believe it." Anne said. "We're so close to getting back to Amphibia." "Next stop: defeat Andrias and save our friends." I added. "Wow, girls. You're both impressive kids, you know that?" Dr Jan complimented. "Really?" I asked. "Traveling to another world, leaving your families behind again, not knowing when you'll see them next." Dr Jan replied. "Hmm, I haven't really thought about that until now." Anne explains. "Me either." I sighed. "Wow! That was crazy!" Rosalina exclaimed. "Did you see it, Dad?" "I sure did. I don't know how your sister survived there for five months." Dad replied. "I would not believe it if I hadn't just seen it." Mr Boonchuy explains. "That was incredible." Mrs Boonchuy added. Anne was looking pretty guilty. But so was I. "Alright, everyone. Dr Jan and I think we can get the portal bigger, but here's a list of supplies I think we're gonna need." Terri explains, sending the list to our phones. "50,000 kilowatts of power generators, 400 cubic meters of ice, 8 gallons of yogurt covered pretzels." Mr Boonchuy read. "The portal needs yogurt covered pretzels?" Mrs Boonchuy asked. "Yes." Terri lied. "Looks like the only place we'll find all this is Spendco!" Dad cheered. "Spend what?!" Hop Pop asked.

"Spendco!" We all shouted once we arrived. "It's massive!" Sprig gasped. "Beautiful." Polly said. "They got avocados here?" Hop Pop asked. "They've got everything here." Anne explains. "Come on, Frobo. Shopping spree!" Polly shouted, taking Frobo around the store. "Which way to the avocados?" Hop Pop asked. "Toys, toys! Where are the toys?!" Sprig begged.

While also coming for groceries, Dad still bought some of the necessary supplies, including some extra avocados for Hop Pop. "Since we're all done, I'm gonna go find Sprig." I told Dad. "Okay, kiddo." Dad replied.

I dashed up to the toy aisle where I knew I would find Sprig. "Hey, buddy." I greeted. "Hey, Rowena. Look what I found." Sprig said, showing me a water balloon launcher. "That's pretty cool. Are you gonna get it?" I asked. "I'm not sure yet." Sprig replied as Anne walked behind us. "Anne, check this thing out. Booyah!" Sprig fired a water balloon in Anne's direction. Anne still looked upset. "Uh, are you okay, Anna Banana?" I asked. "What? Oh, yeah. It didn't hit me." Anne replied. "But, are you okay in here?" Sprig asked, pointing to her heart. "Not really. I've been so focused on opening the portal and getting back to Amphibia, I haven't thought about what I'm leaving on this side. My parents." Anne frowned. "I feel the same way, leaving my dad and sister behind again." I explained. "I get it. They're pretty great." Sprig said. "What if we wait a couple days? You can spend more time with your families. I'm sure Amphibia can wait a little while longer." "I suppose that could be a good idea." Anne said. "Gangway!" Hop Pop shouted, pushing a cart full of avocados. "Holy guacamole!" Anne gasped. "Hey, kids." Hop Pop greeted. "Hop Pop? What is all this stuff?" Sprig asked. "Avocado hummus, avocado oil, avocado face masks." Hop Pop replied. "There's avocado everything! When I share it all with Amphibia, we'll be set for life!" All of a sudden, Frobo came up to Hop Pop, upgraded as an RC car, beginning to go on a test drive. "Nice wheels, Frobes." I complimented. "You like Frobo's new treads?" Polly asked. "We stopped by the RC car aisle." "What's with the DVDs?" Anne asked. "Oh, nothing. Just my favorite Die Difficulty films." Polly replied, inserting the DVD into Frobo's mouth. "Rice Wallace is an action movie genius." "I don't think this movie's age appropriate." I warned. "Anyways, see you nerds later. We're gonna go check out." Polly said. "Mr Boonchuy has like 8 credit cards." Hop Pop added, running to checkout with Polly. "Hey, have you guys seen my wallet?" Mr Boonchuy asked.

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