Commander Anne

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Oh, we got trouble. Right here in Amphibia. Everything was practically destroyed. There were evil Frobos surrounding the areas. "What happened to this place?" Anne asked. "Quick! Back to Wartwood!" Hop Pop exclaimed. "I have a question." Rosalina raised her hand. "Where is Wartwood?" "It's over this way." I explained as we ran into town, which was also destroyed. "Oh, no!" Anne, Sprig, Rosalina, and I gasped. "Not here, too!" Hop Pop panicked. "Even the statue's gone." Polly added. "Guys, what is that?" Rosalina asked, pointing to a giant centipede wearing a purple collar. "Uh, nice giant centipede?" Anne questioned. The centipede growled at us right as Polly fought it off. "Now, stay down." Polly said. "Polly, look out!" Sprig and I warned. Another centipede was about to attack, but it was fried by a laser all of a sudden. The collar came off and the centipede went back underground. "What the?" I wondered as three soldiers walked up to us. "Hey, thanks. Whoever you are." The soldiers took off their helmets to reveal themselves to be Mrs Croaker, Wally, and a very buff Loggle. "Well, salt my slugs. It's you guys." Mrs Croaker said. "Croaker! Wally!" Anne exclaimed. "Loggle? Is that you?" "Yup, I've been lifting weights every single day since you've been gone." Loggle replied. "Who knew I had these kinds of gains in me all along?" "What is going on around here?" Hop Pop asked. "Loggle's buff now?" Polly asked. "Who's your friend, girls?" Wally asked. "Actually, this is Rosalina, my older sister." I explained. "She looks like a human version of Grime." Mrs Croaker said, pointing out Rosalina's heterochromia. "Is that an insult?" Rosalina asked. "I don't believe it. You're, you're back!" Sasha gasped, removing her helmet. "Sasha!" Anne and I shouted as we both hugged her. "You're alive! And in Wartwood?" Anne wondered. "What's going on? What happened?" I asked. "Follow me and I'll explain." Sasha replied, leading us to the Plantar's farm. "Wait, you brought your sister, too?" "Hi, Sasha." Rosalina greeted, pulling out her crossbow. "I'm here to help." "Has that been in your purse this entire time?" Anne asked. "Yes." She replied.

At the farm, the door was guarded by Chuck as he let us inside the house. "Chuck." Sasha greeted. "Tulips." Chuck replied. "Wait, our house is your secret hideout?" Hop Pop asked. "Only the basement." Sasha explains, revealing the tunnels we found months ago. "No way!" Sprig exclaimed. "The Plantar Family Tunnels?" "Come on." Sasha said, leading us downstairs. "Welcome to the resistance!" The entire town was down here, trying to keep their businesses thriving during this war. Grime was even training younger frogs to fight. "Alright, let's get you up to speed." Sasha said. "Marcy has been taken prisoner, but she's still alive." "Oh, thank goodness." Anne sighed with relief. "So, what happened to the town?" "What do you think? Andrias destroyed it." Sasha explains. "Now, let's get you settled." Sasha blew a horn and summoned the town. "Attention Wartwood. I'd like to introduce some new recruits." We came out of hiding, surprising the town. "Heyo!" I shouted. "Hi guys." Sprig greeted. "It's Anne, Rowena, and the Plantars!" The town cheered. "And a human Grime!" "Seriously? I'm Rosalina, Rowena's my little sister." Rosalina groaned. "The Plantars here came back to Amphibia just in time, to help us kick Andrias right in the big old tail!" Sasha exclaimed, handing Hop Pop a bag of supplies. "Here, go find yourselves a nice cave to inhabit." "I sure am gonna miss the electric toothbrush." Hop Pop sighed. "Cheer up, Hop Pop." Sprig reassured. "Maybe we can find a cave with some soft lichen to sleep on." As Rosalina and the Plantars left to find a cave, Anne and I decided to catch up with Sasha. "So, about what happened before we got zapped to Earth." Anne said. "Listen, my days of toxic manipulation are over. And with Amphibia on fire and Marcy in trouble, I thought we could all be on the same side for a change." Sasha explains. "Totally. We'll work out our own baggage later." Anne agreed as Sasha's helmet covered her head. "What's with the hat?" I asked. "Ah, the helmet of authority." Sasha replied. "Apparently, Wartwood busts this out during wartime so everyone knows who's in charge, which reminds me." She hands the helmet over to Anne. "What?" Anne wondered. "Wartwood has only been able to hold out this long because they were waiting for you, guys. You stood up for them. You protected them. It's time for you guys to lead them." Sasha explains. "I don't know. Amphibia has changed a lot since we've been gone." I said. "Should we really be the ones doing this?" "All in favor of Anne Boonchuy and Rowena Warbler as your new leaders!" Sasha shouted. The town cheered for both of us. "Wow, this is a huge honor, and also a lot of pressure." Anne said nervously as everyone cheered again. "Yeah, that's actually not helping."

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