The Lunch Date (Spider-Sprig)

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Another original chapter, kind of. I could've made this a one shot for my other book, but I love it when the fans give me ideas that I could fit into actual chapters. This idea was requested by RavenLove57693 who requested a Rowanne chapter. It's pretty short, but I hope you enjoy! -Mal.

One morning, Rosalina chose to turn on one of her favorite movie franchises, Tarantulad. "That was Tarantulad, the world I call home." Mr Boonchuy explains. "Quite possibly the greatest film ever made." "Mr B, where have you been all my life?!" Rosalina asked. "We should start a FanFiction club." "I'm listening." Mr Boonchuy said. "I, I've never seen anything like that!" Sprig gasped, looking out the window. "So moving. So inspiring. I wish I could be loved and embraced by all of humanity." "No can do, dude." Anne explains, closing the curtains. "Low profile, remember?" "I know, but it's not fair, you and Rowena got to make your mark in Amphibia." Sprig recalled. "We weren't in hiding in Amphibia." I replied. "Ugh, fine." Sprig groaned. "I still can't believe you guys actually liked that movie." Polly complained. "It was stuffed with predictable tropes and lazy writing." "We've got to cut back on your internet use." Hop Pop said. "All I'm saying is that you'd have to be pretty dense to think any of that would be possible." Polly continued. "First of all, the idea that a vigilante would just be given free reign..." "Welp, we'd love to listen to your own opinions, but Rowena and I are getting lunch." Anne interrupted, heading out the door with me. "Rosalina's in charge!" I called. "Don't do anything stupid. Byeeeee!"

We rode to a nearby diner, but not just any ordinary diner. "I have a surprise for you, Row." Anne said. "Look where we are." "Anne." I cried. "You're taking me to Nellie's Diner? This is where my parents met." "I still remember when we were little, your parents took us both here. We used to take out some bologna from our sandwiches and cut out a face." Anne remembered. "And we used to stick our tongues through the mouth." I laughed with her, walking inside.

At our table, we both ordered a soda pop and some sandwiches. "I don't know if an Earth sandwich is ready for a special Newtopian ingredient." I said. "What do you mean?" Anne asked. "Wha-bam!" I exclaimed. "Check it. Sal's secret sauce from Newtopia. I tried it with a sandwich back in Amphibia and it was legendary." I take a bite of my sandwich with the sauce and fell in love. Definitely the best one I've ever had. "Row, do you think we'll find another way to Amphibia?" Anne asked. "Of course we will." I replied. "But there's also the invasion. Heck, there could be thousands of Evil Frobos surrounding the farm just waiting for us to return with the Plantars. Then there's Marcy and Sasha, who we need to bring back home, no matter their condition." "Here's your drink refills." Nathan, our waiter said. "Can I grab anything else for you ladies?" "Just the check." Anne replied. "Right away." He said, leaving to go grab the check. "But, anyways, the main goal, stopping Andrias." I continued. "Have you told your dad about any of this?" Anne asked. "He doesn't actually know I'm home." I explained. "Dad is supposedly coming home for Christmas and Rosalina hasn't told him anything whenever he calls. But I do plan on explaining everything. If we're lucky, I could introduce him to the Plantars." "I'm glad we got to have some alone time." Anne said. "Me too." I smiled as Nathan gave us the check. "I'll take that." I signed my name on the check and gave the exact cash amount. "Consider it my gift to you." "Thanks, dude." Anne thanked. "Ready to head back?" "Sure am." I replied. "Let's go."

Once Anne and I got back from lunch, she grabbed her drink and opened the door of her house. "We're back." Anne announced. "Hey, girls." Hop Pop greeted. "How was your lunch?" "It was alright, until we added some of Sal's stuff to make it amazing!" I exclaimed, looking around the room. "Where's Sprig?" "He didn't go with you?" Hop Pop asked. "Why would we take Sprig out on a romantic date?" Anne questioned. "Do either of us look like Ivy?" I walked into the kitchen to put my leftovers in the fridge as I see Polly on Anne's computer. "Whatcha looking at, Polly?" I asked. "Nothing much." Polly replied. "Ally and Jess recently uploaded a new video to their channel. Hm, I wonder if I could find some sweet upgrades for Frobo." Polly opens a new tab. Before she could search, she clicked on an article about a new superhero in LA, going by the name, Frog Man. "Holy frog abuse." I said. All of a sudden, Anne came in the kitchen, spitting out her drink on Polly and began screaming. "SPRIG!!!!"

Later that night, Anne was ready to scold Sprig for acting like a superhero. "Why do I have to be awake for this?" I yawned. "Moral support." Anne explains. All of a sudden, Sprig tried to sneak in the bedroom, holding the costume he made. "You!" Anne shouted, startling Sprig. "I cannot believe this! You put all of us at risk just to play dress up?!" "Yup, but that's all done now." Sprig replied, looking at the costume he was about to toss. "It ended up doing more harm than good anyway." "Looks like you had a time." I said. "We had fun at lunch, but then I decided to play on my Swap as soon as we came back." "Glad you guys had fun too." Sprig said. "I gotta admit, that's a pretty cool costume." Anne compliments. "You like it?" Sprig asked. "I cut up your clothes to make it." "Oh, no. Now you've done it, Sprig." I whispered as Anne yelled. "SPRIG!!!!"

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