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My longest chapter, but I swear to frog, it was definitely worth the wait! -Mal.

Tied in restraints, All of us struggled to escape. "We have to get out of here before Andrias annihilates Earth." Sasha said. "These dang restraints are too strong!" Anne grunted. "I'm all out of ideas here, Sash." I added. "Perhaps we need to use a little more force." Grime said, struggling to free himself. "I'm also out of ideas." "He's here." Rosalina explains. "I just felt my phone vibrating." "All is lost!" General Yunan cried. "Don't panic! I'm sure we can figure this out before the invasion starts." Sprig reassured us. "Primates of Earth. We have arrived!" King Andrias announced. "Nevermind." Sprig said. "Hello, Earth. Congratulations on being conquered. I have good news and bad news." Andrias explains. "The good news, your planet is rich in the resources we'll need to conquer other, more impressive worlds. The bad news, we'll need to destroy your civilization to get those resources. Omelet, broken eggs, you get it." All we could do was listen to innocent people screaming for mercy. "We're out of time!" Sasha exclaimed. "Alright, I got this." Anne said as she tried to free us with her powers. "Anne, don't!" I warned. "Every time you or Rowena use those powers, it wipes you guys out." Sprig recalled. "Sprig's right. We need you girls in fighting shape right now." Hop Pop added. "Good point." Anne sighed. "So, what do we do?" Rosalina asked. "Let's give Frobo a shot." Polly suggested. "Maybe one of the improvements I made on Earth can help us out. Frobo scans the area and shoots lasers around the trap, but nothing happened. "Uh?" Hop Pop asked. "Was that supposed to do..." Suddenly, the floor came off below us, and the trap went along with it. "Hey, Row. I can see our house from up here!" Rosalina exclaimed. "Although I never thought I'd say that while falling to our death." "Okay, now, how do we escape our escape?" Yunan asked as the restraints were broken. "Wow! Darcy's RSSI levels must've dropped below -70 dbms!" Polly exclaimed. "Still not used to you being smart." Sprig replied. "Everyone, get on Domino and Joe. Now!" Sasha exclaimed. "Joe was here the whole time?!" I gasped. We listened to orders and grabbed onto their wings. "Whew. Just made it." Anne sighed as we landed in someone's pool. "We need to work on our timing." Sasha said. Screaming could be heard from where we landed Los Angeles was already under attack. "I don't believe it." Grime said. "So this is Earth?" General Yunan asked. "It's very geometric." Olivia commented. That's when we noticed the deadly creatures terrorizing town. "Oh, great. Andrias brought some giant herons." Anne said sarcastically. "Those aren't just any giant herons." Hop Pop explains. "Those are the giant herons." "You mean, these two..." Sprig started. "Attacked our parents?" Polly asked. "I'd recognize them anywhere." Hop Pop replied. "With their blood red eyes and razor sharp teeth, those two have been terrorizing the valley for years. I arrived too late to save your parents, but not too late to fight back. Never thought I'd see them again. Much less here." "That's awful." Rosalina said as more people in town were screaming. "We need to get down there and help people!" I exclaimed. "Right behind you." Sasha said. "Count me in, too." Anne added.

All of us landed in town as Anne, Sasha, and I used our weapons to destroy some of the robots. Of course, every time we take one out, more of them show up. Suddenly, a black van came out of nowhere and three masked people in suits blasted the robots with some futuristic guns. Two of them took off their masks, revealing themselves to be Mr and Mrs Boonchuy. "Anne! Rowena!" They both greeted. "Mom? Dad?" Anne asked. That's when me and Rosalina were both hugged by the other soldier. "Rowena, Rosalina, I'm so glad you're okay." He said in a distorted voice. "I'm sorry. Have we met?" Rosalina asked. "Oh, the helmet probably isn't helping." He said, taking off the helmet showing our dad. "Surprise!" "Dad!" I cried. "Hey there, tadpole." Dad chuckled. "Whoa! Boonchuys, Mr Warbler?!" Sasha gasped. "Hi, Sasha." Mrs Boonchuy greeted, hugging Sasha. "Long time no see." "Heya, Boonchuys." Hop Pop said. "Bet you weren't expecting to see us again so soon." "Actually, we kind of were." Mr Boonchuy explains. "Okay, okay, let's take this party on the road." Mr X said from the van. "Mr X?!" Anne and I gasped. "Don't worry, girls. He's with us." Mr Boonchuy explains. "Come on!"

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