Fixing Frobo

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Rosalina and I decided to watch a movie one morning while Anne was showing some cat videos to Sprig and Hop Pop. "Man, this movie is weird." I said. "Like one of those songs by Atomic Pink." "Don't you talk crud about the girls from Atomic Pink!" Rosalina snapped. "Guys. Guys. I did it!" Polly cheered, covered in grease. "I fixed Frobo! C'mon, check it out!" "Fixed him?" Anne wondered. "Let's go, Rosa, you could be the first human on Earth to meet Frobo." I exclaimed, grabbing Rosalina's hand and dragging her into the garage. "Okay, show us Frob..." Hop Pop said. "What the hay?" In front of us was Frobo's remaining parts attached to an old washer dryer and Christmas lights. "So, what do you think?" Polly asked. "Pretty impressive, right?" "Impressive is one way to put it." Anne explains. "I think this is a fire hazard." Rosalina replied. "You guys ready for this?" Polly asked, about to reactivate Frobo. "Uh, Polly, I don't think you should turn him on yet." Hop Pop warned. "Are you sure you know what you're doing?" I asked. "Of course I know what I'm doing, Rowena!" Polly rolled her violet eyes at me. "Everything is going to be just fine." Polly plugs in Frobo, but nothing happened. "Something's supposed to happen, right?" Sprig asked as a laser was fired from Frobo and blasted a hole in the garage door. I think I also saw Mr Boonchuy crying. Lasers kept firing throughout Anne's house until she unplugged the broken Frobo. "Polly! What were you thinking?!" Hop Pop snapped. "You could've just killed us!" "Where have you been the last 5 months, Hop Pop?" I asked sarcastically. "Sorry, sorry." Polly apologized. "I know he's got some kinks to work out, but..." "Nuh-uh, enough of this!" Hop Pop exclaimed. "I forbid you from working on this robot further!" "I'm with Hop Pop, Polly." I added. "I think you should wait until you guys get back to Amphibia." "I know you miss him. We do too." Sprig said. "But you just need to be patient." "How about a new robot friend to play with?" Anne suggested. "This is Teddy Lumpkins, he used to be my best friend." "I eat eyes... Teddy said, scaring all of us. "Cream. I eat ice cream." "Loggle would like this thing." Anne said. "How dare you?!" Polly snapped, knocking the bear out of Anne's arms. "Frobo can't be replaced!" "Okay, creepy bears aside, don't work on Frobo!" Hop Pop exclaimed. "Maybe you guys are right." Polly sighed. "Wow, that's surprisingly mature of you." I complimented. Polly nodded. "Hey, could I borrow your laptop?" "Sorry, mine's on the charger." I explained. "You can use mine." Anne replied.

Rosalina's POV

Later that night, I watched a movie on my phone. All of a sudden, I heard some clanging noises coming from the garage. "Eh, I forbid you, it's too dangerous." Polly intimidates Hop Pop. "The looks on their faces was pretty funny, huh, Frobes?" The broken robot couldn't respond. "Oh, right, you're still broken." "Polly?" I asked. "Is everything alright?" I asked. "I don't know." Polly replied, looking at Frobo. "Hey, I know what it feels like to miss someone you really care about." I said. "And I want to do whatever I can to help." "Well, Anne did say that you can learn anything you want on the internet." Polly recalled. "Not entirely true, but let's see what we can find." I explained.

After a couple hours of researching robotics, Polly and I came across a channel on Toob called the IT GALS. "IT GALS, just two girlfriends 🏳️‍🌈 who really love robots." Polly reads the video description. "Cool!" I clicked on the video to see the girls, Ally and Jess, building a robot panda. The end of the video showed a link to a beginner playlist. I clicked it and helped Polly begin working. After the playlist was finished, Polly tried to turn on Frobo, but failed. "Rosalina, I think it's time to call in the big guns."

I sent an email to Ally and Jess's business email. Luckily, they agreed to meet virtually. "Hello." Ally greeted over the computer. "How's it going?" Jess added. "Hi, I'm Rosalina, and this is Polly, big fans." I introduced. "Long story short, we have a bit of a robotics issue." "Oh my gosh!" Ally gasped. "Is that a robot?!" Jess asked. "He's beautiful!" Ally complimented. "Tell us everything." Jess begged. "Well, he had a bit of an accident." Polly explains. "I think we did a pretty sweet job of putting him back together, but he just isn't powering on." "What are you using as a power source?" Ally asked. "I just took some batteries out of the tv remote." Polly replied. "Oh no, that'll never be enough." Ally said. "You guys could try a battery module with a compatible connector and corresponding voltage." Jess suggested. "Where would you find one of those?" I asked. "Usually, they can be found in some of those creepy animatronic children's toys." Ally replied. "I think we've got just the thing." Polly smirked. "Oh, but guys, I definitely wouldn't turn him on in your garage." Ally warned. "Yeah, you'd need to be in a big space, like a warehouse, and have tons of fire extinguishers." Jess added. "That  thing looks like it's capable of a lot of output." "Luckily, there's a bunch of fire extinguishers back at my place." I said. "I'll say this again, DO NOT do this at home!" Ally warned. "Heck, we can actually help you rent a space." Jess explains. "It'll take a couple of weeks, but..." "Thanks girls, we'll take that into consideration, byeeeee!" Polly said, hanging up on the girls. "Are you sure you want to turn him on now?" I asked. "Maybe those girls are right, we should find a warehouse." Polly ignored me and grabbed the power source from the toy bear that belonged to Anne and plugged it into Frobo. "This is it, when I hit this button, he'll be back!" Polly exclaimed, leaving the room. "I should get the fam!" "And I should get all of those fire extinguishers." I said to myself.

Rowena's POV

Anne, Sprig, Hop Pop, and I decided to watch a movie franchise. "I still can't believe you guys like the prequels more." Anne groaned. "Eh, I prefer the sequels." I commented. "Look, guys, we just watched them in order with no context." Sprig said. "You can't blame us for not having nostalgia." Hop Pop added. "I did it!" Polly exclaimed, coming from the garage. "I fixed him!" "You what?!" We asked. "I thought you were watching cat videos?" Anne asked. "Gosh dang it, Polly! You outfoxed me again." "There was a deception, yes." Polly said. "But Rosalina helped me out with the internet, and now, when I press this button, he'll be back. Yay, right? Say it with me now. Yay!" "Didn't I forbid you from working on him?" Hop Pop asked. "It's way too dangerous for you to be messing around with things you don't understand." "Yeah, my hair's still singed from the last time you 'knew what you were doing'." Sprig added. "You brought my sister in on this?" I asked. "What if when you turn him on this time, he blows off your legs?" Anne questions. "You just got your legs. It's awesome that you fixed him, but I think we should wait until we get back to Amphibia to turn him on, just to be safe." "Seconded." Hop Pop said. "Thirded." Sprig added. "I'm sorry, Polly." I sighed. "I'm with them, too." "I don't believe this!" Polly shouts. "After all the work we've done, after how much I've missed him, you four wanna leave him dead?! Well, who needs you guys!" Polly runs into the garage to turn on Frobo. "Wait, Polly, get back here!" Sprig called. "Polly, don't do it!" Hop Pop warned as Polly locked the door on us. "It could be dangerous!" As we all were banging on the door, the lights began flickering. "Holy frog abuse, it's too late!" I gasped. Shortly after that, we all heard not just Polly screaming, but Rosalina as well. Hop Pop and Sprig quickly got into disguise and ran out the door. "Hang on, girls!" Hop Pop yelled. From the ground, it looked like Frobo had a malfunction in one of his rockets. Rosalina got unstuck from Frobo and was still falling. All of them were about to fall to their death, and there was nothing I could do...

Or so I thought.

"No!" I cried while my blue powers were activated. "I can't lose my sisters!" "Rowena!" Anne exclaimed. "Sprig, Hop Pop, give her a boost." Sprig used his tongue to quickly launch me in the air. I grabbed onto my biological and adopted sister, as well as an activated Frobo while a large force of energy surrounded us. "Rowena?" Rosalina asked. "Quick, do something!" Polly shouts. "We're about to hit the ground!" Frobo tried to use his rockets, but one quickly gave out. He placed Polly inside the washer dryer compartment as we crashed into the backyard. "Row, that was awesome!" Rosalina exclaimed, helping me off the ground. "How'd you do that?" "That's, a long, story." I replied before passing out.

I woke up in Anne's room and I see Rosalina looking me in the eye, almost crying. "Sis, you're okay!" She cheered. "Yeah, just feeling a bit drained." I replied. "I think you deserve an explanation." "What exactly was that?" Rosalina asked. "Those were my powers, although, it was my first time using them on my own." I explained. "Anne got them too. I'm not sure how or why, but can we keep this from Mr and Mrs Boonchuy for a while?" "It's okay, sis." Rosalina replied, zipping her lips. "My lips are sealed."

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