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While Anne was doing her chores, the rest of us were watching the Fumigator movies in order. During the movie, I noticed something. Polly was resting her legs on Frobo's head, which was still activated. "Frobes, you're back!" I exclaimed as Anne came back with a coaster for Hop Pop's coffee. "You know, Anne, it really is remarkable how much you have grown." Mrs Boonchuy said. "Aw, thanks, Mom." Anne blushed. "I mean, you used to be so irresponsible." Mr Boonchuy added. "Like, "change the grade on your report card" irresponsible." "Didn't think you guys knew about that." Anne chuckled. "But you've really changed." Mrs Boonchuy continued. "And you have been so upfront and honest with us this whole time." "Right, upfront and honest." Anne sighed as her parents pulled her into a hug. I noticed that she was nervous and I needed to help her out. "Hey! I'm going to go get some coffee ice cream." I lied. "Anyone want any? Anne? Sprig?" "That sounds perfect, Rowena." Anne quickly replied. "Eh, I'm good." Sprig added before I grabbed him and Anne, dragging them to the kitchen. "Hey, what gives?" "I can't do this anymore!" Anne exclaimed. "What? Eat coffee ice cream?" Sprig asked. "I agree, it's pretty risky after 5:00." "No, she hasn't told her parents about Andrias, or the robot hunting us, or the honking invasion." I explained. "Rosalina only knows about our powers and nothing else." "They think I'm being upfront and honest, but I'm not." Anne groaned. "But, you said this was the only way they'd be okay with any of this." Sprig recalled. "I know, but it's not right." Anne sighed. "I think it's time to tell them everything, right now." I added.

We got back to the living room to explain everything. "Mom, Dad, there's something I have to tell you." Anne said. "What is it, sweetie?" Mrs Boonchuy asked. "Private conversation, Rowena and I can leave." Rosalina explains. "Actually, this involves all of us, sis." I said. "Well." Anne continued. "The thing is..." All of a sudden, all of us heard a loud crash. "What the heck was that?!" Rosalina asked. Anne and I opened the curtains, revealing the robot, coming to kill us. "Girls, what's going on?" Mrs Boonchuy asked. "GET DOWN!" Anne and I shouted, protecting our families as the robot shattered the window with it's arm, coming inside as we led everyone upstairs. "Everyone upstairs, move!" "Quick!" Mrs Boonchuy exclaimed. "Into my workout room." "Okay, we can hide out here, while we..." Anne explains. "Uh, Mom, this is NOT a workout room!" The workout room was filled with different sculptures of Anne in different uniforms. "Yes it is." Mrs Boonchuy explains. "When I thought you ran away, it's where I work out all my stress." "This used to be the guest bedroom." Rosalina added. "It only lasted a week." "Wait, why is this one dressed like a doctor?" Anne questioned. "A mom can dream, can't she?" Mrs Boonchuy asked. "Why do I get the feeling I'm not living up to your expectations?" Anne wondered as the robot broke through the floor and started looking around, confused. I hid inside the closet. "Multiple Anne Boonchuy's confirmed, no sign of Rowena Warbler." I heard the robot say. "It's after you and Rowena?!" Mrs Boonchuy asked. "What?!" Mr Boonchuy shouted. "Eliminating." The robot said, aiming at the doctor sculpture and blasting it out the window. "Okay, maybe there's a couple of things we haven't told you guys." I explained.

While the robot was distracted, all of us ran into the car and drove away. "Girls, why is there a robot chasing us?" Mrs Boonchuy asked. "Well, the thing is, and we were totally gonna tell you, the king of Amphibia kinda has it out for us." Anne explains. "Anne and Rowena punched him in the face." Sprig added. "What? Anne!" Mr Boonchuy yelled, looking back at his daughter. "Eyes on the road, Mr B!" Rosalina shouted. "Can't this robo-snail go any faster?" Polly asked. "I'm sorry, I'm not used to running for my life from a crazy robot!" Mr Boonchuy replied. "I know just how you feel, Mr B." Hop Pop said. "Why, the first time that robot attacked us..." "THIS ISN'T THE FIRST TIME?!" He asked. "You're not helping!" I exclaimed. As the robot continued chasing us, Anne opened the trunk of the car and got out her tennis gear, hitting a tennis ball back and forth with it. "Oof, your backhand is looking pretty rusty." Mr Boonchuy commented. "Dad!" Anne shouted, shutting the trunk as the robot fired some nails at the car. "There's a split coming up, which freeway should I take?" Mr Boonchuy asked. "I don't know." Mrs Boonchuy replied. "The 405?" "At this hour? It'll be jammed!" He explains. "Does it matter?!" Rosalina shouted. "If this robot doesn't kill us first, I'm blaming the driver for my death!" "Guys?!" I panicked. "Hang on, I'll look at traffic on my app." Mrs Boonchuy said. "Make sure you don't use MapSearch. That one is no good!" Mr Boonchuy warned. "Dad, turn!" Anne exclaimed. Mr Boonchuy merged onto a freeway exit as the robot jumped in front of the car, but that didn't stop him from running it over. "Alright, Dad! That was awesome!" Anne compliments. "Can you take me for driving lessons sometime?"

Mr Boonchuy pulled into a junkyard for us to hide in. "Did we lose it?" Mrs Boonchuy asked. "Let's hope so." Mr Boonchuy replied. The robot found us and Mr Boonchuy put the car in reverse. In order to trick the robot, we got out of the car and hid. "Hopefully we lost it." I sighed. "I think we're safe for now." Anne said. "Anne Savisa Boonchuy!" Her mother shouted. "What is going on?" "What do you mean?" Anne asked. "There's a giant robot trying to kill us. I thought that was clear." "Yes." Mrs Boonchuy said. "But why?" "Row, I'm worried about you, what are you guys not telling us?" Rosalina asked. "Guys, take it easy." I replied. "Maybe we should hear them out." Mr Boonchuy said. "No! They're lying to us!" Mrs Boonchuy shouted. "You've done something, haven't you?! That's why that thing is after us!" "It's complicated." Anne explains. "I knew it! We were wrong about you!" Mrs Boonchuy exclaimed. "You're still the same irresponsible little girl who used to cut class! When are you going to grow up? When are you going to stop getting in trouble? When, Anne? When?!" "I DON'T KNOW, OKAY!" Anne snapped. "I don't know when I'll be the daughter you want me to be." "We're sorry, we both lied, but we did it to protect the people we really care about." I apologized. "Both of us have learned so much from you guys these past few weeks." "I finally appreciate how much you've done, not just for me, but the Warblers as well." Anne added. "Now we're asking for your help. Please, I can't do this without you." "No one messes with my little sister." Rosalina said. "We're with you, girls." Mr Boonchuy replied. "Right, Mom?" "I don't know." Mrs Boonchuy sighed. "Isn't this all just too much?" In the distance, the robot finds the junkyard. "Holy frog abuse, it's here." I gulped. "So, is there a plan?" Sprig asked. "Really hoping for a plan." Anne looked around to see a bunch of trash, then she remembered the sculptures her mom made for the past few months. "Hey, Mom, do you and Rowena feel like putting your artistic skills to use?" She asked.

After a few minutes, our sculptures were finished and the robot was stumped. "Hey, metal head!" Anne and I shouted. Looking for us?!" "Whoa, Mama, you work fast!" Polly exclaimed. "It's all about rhythm, baby." Mrs Boonchuy explains. The robot blasted nails at the sculptures. "Now guys!" I shouted. Hop Pop, Sprig, and Mr Boonchuy grabbed some broken pipes to hit the robot with. Rosalina grabbed her crossbow from the apocalypse in Gravity Falls and started firing arrows at it. The robot fought back and grabbed me and Anne. "Targets confirmed." The robot said. "Mission complete." "Hey robot!" Mrs Boonchuy shouted, smashing it with a hammer. "Leave my girls alone!" After the robot released us, Anne stabbed the robot with a broken road sign and Rosalina fired her crossbow, destroying the robot. "Wow, Mom!" Anne compliments. "Good arm." "You, too." She replied. "Whoa! That was crazy, you guys." Sprig said. "Rosalina, you had a crossbow the entire time?!" Polly asked. I like your style, Mrs B." I commented. "Were you surprised by that display of ferocity, Mr Boonchuy?" Hop Pop asked. Mr Boonchuy was silent for a few seconds, until he said, "No." After we thought all was good, the robot was still activated and began laughing. "Self destruct in T-minus 10, 9..." The robot counts down. "Oh, no!" Mr Boonchuy panicked. "That thing's still loaded!" Rosalina added. "What do we do?" Hop Pop asked. "All that and we're still toast?" Polly asked. "Not on my watch." Anne said, activating her blue powers. She ran up to the robot and kicked it into space before it exploded. "Anne?" Mrs Boonchuy asked. "What was that?" Mr Boonchuy added. "Gosh, guys, I have so much to tell you." Anne replied, passing out in my arms as I catch her. "Anne." I whispered, kissing her forehead. "You did it."

On the way back to the house, Mrs Boonchuy sat in the back, switching seats with Rosalina. Anne was still asleep, laying beside me and her mother. "Honestly, Mrs Boonchuy." Hop Pop explains. "Anne and Rowena have just been trying to..." "Protect you three, I get it now." Mrs Boonchuy interrupted, hugging us. "Whatever it is you guys need to do, we'll do it together. "Aw, the driver always gets left out of the group hug." Mr Boonchuy whined. "You're not alone, Mr B." Rosalina explains. "Can you guys just imagine we're there?"

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