Olm Town Road

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The rebellion had been very successful in their missions lately. "Alright, team. We've been on a roll lately." Sasha said. "Destroying factories, taking down marauders." All of us cheered. "But don't even think about celebrating. All of this is barely a dent in Andrias' armor. And if we don't act fast, he'll be ready to invade other worlds soon. We need an actual plan. Ideas, go!" "What if we had free bagels Fridays and Mondays?" Mrs Croaker suggested. "Oh, you mean to defeat Andrias?" "Oh! I almost forgot!" Anne exclaimed, using Frobo to project the picture of the vase we found on Earth. "When we were back home, we saw this old vase with amphibian writing on it." "It says, "Seek the mother of olms. She will guide you to your destiny."" I read. "Cryptic. What's it mean?" Sasha asked. "We don't know. But we found this message on Earth, so it must be important." Hop Pop replied. "I'm sure if we find Mother Olm, she'll have all the answers." Anne added. "All of this isn't much to go on." Grime said. "Plus, no one's seen an olm for decades." "We have!" Polly shouted. "Lysil and Angwin, the olms that almost ate us in Quarreler's Pass." "Huh, anyone know any friendlier, less murderous olms?" Sasha asked. We nodded. "Murderous olms it is."

Joe Sparrow flew us to Quarreler's Pass so we could have a talk with the olms. "Joe, I was wondering. Do you still have the keys to my house?" I asked Marcy's bird, who just ignored me. "Eh, worth a shot." "Never thought we'd be here again." Sprig said. "Hey! That wasn't there before!" Polly exclaimed, pointing at a robot at the bottom. "Ugh, yikes." Sasha said. "Go low, Joe."

Joe Sparrow landed around a nearby cave where Sprig and Polly previously encountered the olms. "So, how do we get these olms to come out?" Anne asked. Polly pinched her brother. "Hey! Cut it out!" Sprig complained. "Yes. Good. Whine louder!" Polly shouted as her echo flooded the cave as the olms came out of hiding. "Hey! It's those squabbling frog siblings." One of them said. "This time, we're actually going to eat you, and your little friends, too." The other one added. "Sure. Go ahead and eat us." Sasha replied, drawing one of her swords. "We'll just carve our way out of your stomachs." "Whoa, okay. Point taken." The purple olm said. "Literally." Her brother added. "We just want to talk to you." Sprig explains. "Do you guys know the mother of olms?" Anne asked. "How do you know about Mother Olm?" The olm gasped. "You, dum-dum! Now they know we know her!" The brother argued. "Holy frog abuse! Can you guys focus?" I complained. "Sorry, sorry." The pink olm apologized. "Mother Olm is the oldest, wisest olm in the world. Keeper of ancient secrets and prophecies." "She lives in our home land, the subterranean city of Proteus." His sister added. "Can you take us there?" I asked. "We could, but it'd be pointless." She replied. "Olms are famously suspicious of outsiders. They'd never let you inside." "Alas, we're sort of banished." Her brother added. "What? Why?" Sprig asked. "One night, we were on night watch and, well, we started arguing." She explains. "Because we were distracted, a swarm of troglobytes snuck past us and nearly destroyed Proteus." The brother olm added. "Not our finest moment." She said. "Wait, they threw you out after one mistake?" Sasha asked. "That's totally not fair! Everyone deserves a second chance." "Well, the fate of Amphibia may rest on us finding the mother of olms." Anne explains. "If you take us to Proteus, you have a hand in saving the world." "Then the olms would have to take you back, right?" I asked. "No, probably not." She replied. "But we don't have anything better to do, so..." "That's the spirit-ish." Sasha encouraged.

Lysil and Angwin led us towards Proteus. "Whoa, what are these?" Anne asked, pointing at some signs. "It's how we communicate." Lysil replied. "Cool!" Sprig gasped. "What does it say?" "Steve's a jerk?" Lysil wondered. "Come on. We're almost there." Angwin explains as the twins showed us Proteus. "Welcome to Proteus." This was probably the most beautiful place in all of Amphibia in my opinion. Before we could get inside, two olms blocked us off. "Halt!" The olm shouted. "Lysil, Angwin? What are you two doing here? You're exiled." "You brought strangers?" The other olm asked. "Oh, Parisia is not going to like this." "Parisia?" Anne asked. "She presides over Proteus." Lysil replied. "Is she a warm, sweet natured olm who will help us any way she can?" Hop Pop asked. "You're about to find out!" The guard snapped. "Now move!"

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