Froggy Little Christmas

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Today, we all had a mission to complete. Decorate for Christmas. Everyone was excited, except for the Plantars, who were just confused. "Girls, what's happening?" Hop Pop asked. "Are we under attack?" Sprig added. "Are these fortifications, booby traps, weapons?!" "Dude, calm down." Anne replied. It's just Christmas." "It's what?!" They all asked. "Christmas is one of the biggest Earth holidays." I explained. "And us Boonchuys go big!" Anne added. "A holiday. Neato!" Sprig cheered. "So, what's it about?" Before either of us could say anything, Mrs Boonchuy got a phone call. "Happy holidays from the Boonchuys." She greeted. "Yes, this is she. What? Really?" "Who is it, Mrs B?" Rosalina asked. "It's the Downtown LA Christmas palooza parade, there was a last minute opening!" Mrs Boonchuy exclaimed. Anne and Mr Boonchuy were beaming with excitement. The Plantars pretended to be shocked. "It's the annual holiday parade, local businesses, schools, and sports teams all make floats." I explained. "It's always been my mom's dream to have one for the restaurant." Anne added. "The heck is a float?" Polly asked. "Every answer brings more and more questions." Hop Pop replied. "Could this finally be the year?" Mr Boonchuy asked, celebrating with his daughter. "Thank you so much! I just can't believe it." Mrs Boonchuy said over the phone. "But, I'm gonna have to say no." Anne and her dad froze in shock. "Mom, why'd you say no?" Anne asked. "Honey, as much as I would love a Thai Go float, and I love Christmas more than anything, it would draw way too much attention towards us." Mrs Boonchuy explains. "Yeah, but..." Anne began. "I mean, 3 frogs from another dimension parading in front of all of LA? Even in disguises, that's hardly keeping a low profile." Mrs Boonchuy continued. "True." Mr Boonchuy added. "Especially not with that evil king coming after you." "Don't forget Mr X." Rosalina said. "Do you really have to bring him up?" I asked. "Honestly, we're just happy you're home to spend the holidays with us. That's more than enough for me." Mrs Boonchuy replied. "But, this is your dream." Anne said. "Yeah, well, we can still do all the normal traditions." Mrs Boonchuy explains. "Carols, cookies, decorating the tree, gifts, the family Christmas card." "Oh, that reminds me. I picked the theme for this year's card, candid." Mr Boonchuy commented. "It's gonna be groundbreaking!" "Huh, what was last year's theme?" Sprig asked. "Ungulates." Anne replied. "What the heck?" I wondered. "See, we can still have a great holiday without a float in the parade." Mrs Boonchuy said, hiding her frown. Mr Boonchuy snapped a picture of the Plantars, blinding them. "I'm gonna need to be quick on the draw if I want to capture, oh my goodness!" He exclaimed, staring at the photo. "Okay, next time, no flash." "Right, so, the Plantars, Rowena, and I have something else to do." Anne lied. "Okay, bye."

Once we got to Anne's room. She called the parade staff to take that float opening. "Hi, yes, this is Anne Boonchuy, you just called about a parade float for Thai Go." Anne explains. "Well, we'd like to change that No to a Yes. Great, thanks, bye." "Whoa!" Sprig exclaimed. "Plot twist!" Polly added. "Say what?!" Hop Pop gasped. "Anne, what are you doing?" I asked. "Did you see my mom?" Anne asked. "She was clearly devastated and trying to hide it." "I did sense a subtle melancholy." Hop Pop replied. "My parents have already made too many sacrifices for me. Well, no more." Anne said. "This year, I'm gonna give them the greatest present ever, the parade float of their dreams. Are you with me?" "Yeah!" We cheered. "Before we go, could you explain this holiday to me?" Sprig asked. "No time." Anne replied. "We only have a few days, so, let's motor, people!"

I'm sure you feel it coming,
There's something on the breeze,
It might be slightly snowing,
Or 70 degrees,
Regardless of your hemisphere,
The holidays are here,
And with them come the tidings of,
This special time of year.

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