The Three Armies

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We were days away from the invasion, but today was the day Tritonio's crew and Beatrix's army were supposed to officially join the resistance. "Listen up. Our spies tell us that Andrias plans to invade Earth in just a few days." Sasha announced to the resistance. "So, it's time for our rebellion to mobilize!" The rebels cheered. "Which means it's time to meet up with our newt and toad allies." Anne added. An awkward silence is present. "Did you say newts and toads coming here to work with us?!" Wally asked sternly. "Yeah. Why?" Rosalina questioned. "What's the problem?" "Historically, frogs, newts, and toads haven't really..." Hop Pop explains until he's shoved by Grime. "What Hop Pop is trying to say is that things will be tense." Grime continued. "But, Duckweed's a newt, Toadstool's a toad, and you two have been happily living in Wartwood for years." I said. "Eh, define happily." Albus replied. "That's definitely had it's bumps." Mayor Toadstool explains. "I don't believe this. You're telling me we spent all this time building this giant army, and there's a chance you won't work together?" Sasha asked. "We're just saying there's an extremely high possibility of that, yes." Hop Pop replied. Sasha grumbled in disappointment. "Cheer up, Sash." Anne reassured her. "You're forgetting that Rowena and I happen to be excellent at brokering peace between feuding factions." "I, what?" Sasha asked. "We are?" I added. "Hello? We brought the track team and band geeks together that one time to put on the school dance." Anne explains. "Only award I've ever gotten at least." "Oh, yeah. By pointing out they both value proper lung control." I remembered. "Getting these guys together will be a cinch, Sash. You'll see." Anne added. "We just gotta find those connection points." "You better be right. We don't have much time and a lot is riding on this." Sasha said. "Madame Generals!" Toadie shouted. "They're here."

Anne, Sasha, and I went outside to greet the armies. "Beatrix, Tritonio, welcome." Sasha greeted. "Enough pleasantries!" Beatrix snapped. "I agree to fight alongside you frogs, but I draw the line at newts. They'll steal your swords and then stab you in the back with it!" "Only because you toads are too slow and smelly I might add." Tritonio commented. "I'm gonna turn your tail into a toothpick!" Beatrix shouted. "Hey now, c'mon, you two." Hop Pop said. "Let's at least try to get along." "Say, Beatrix, did you hear something just now?" Tritonio teased. "No. Maybe a smaller animal squeaking somewhere." Beatrix laughed. "Oh, ignoring frogs now, eh?" Hop Pop scoffed. "Typical. A snobby newt and a bully of a toad. Why am I not surprised?" "That does it. This alliance is over!" Beatrix complained. "Toodles." Tritonio said. "Guys, we need to work together if we're gonna stop Andrias." I explained. "Let's just go down to the war room and talk through some strategies." "It would be a waste of time, Rowena. I mean, who can fix 900 years of conflict in a day?" "Who has two thumbs and is a neutral arbitrator who fell out of the sky?" Anne cleared her throat. "This girl." "It is true that you fell out of the sky." Hop Pop replied. "The idea does have merit." Tritonio added. "Fine. If Anne thinks you can moderate, we'll stay." Beatrix said. "As will we." Tritonio replied. "Us too." Hop Pop said. "Hop Pop, we live here." I explained. "Oh, right." Hop Pop remembered. "Okay then, let's start the healing!" Anne exclaimed.

Sasha called a meeting in the war room to create a strategy. "All of Andrias' power comes from this music box." Sasha explains. "So, our best bet is to get it away from him." I added. "Alright, friends. Any ideas?" Anne asked. "Remember, this is a safe space full of chill vibes and good intentions." Beatrix raised her hand as Tritonio chuckled. "What? I had an idea." Beatrix explains. "Let me guess. You want to bash in the front door, beat up anyone you see, and take the music box?" Tritonio asked. "Maybe." Beatrix mumbled. "Typical toad maneuver." Tritonio rolled his eyes. "It'll never work." "Tritonio, let's keep it positive." Anne said. "All ideas are welcome here." "Even bad ones?" He asked. "Especially bad ones." I explained. "Well, I have an idea." Hop Pop said. "May I propose a more intelligent approach?" Tritonio asked. "We take a small strike force, dress them up as orphans, sneak past the guards and steal the box." "I'm not confident that would succeed." Sasha replied. "Andrias' security is top notch and I don't think orphans are gonna trick a bunch of soulless robots." "With the right orphan costume, you can trick anyone. It's proven." Tritonio said. "Now who has bad ideas, you cocky newt?" Beatrix teased. "Beatrix, that's not helping." I said. "Would anyone like to hear my idea?" Hop Pop asked. "Ha! A frog with a battle strategy?!" Beatrix laughed. "Yes, yes, what is it? Maybe paint a barn? Have a hoedown?" Tritonio teased. "That's it!" Hop Pop exclaimed, still fighting with Beatrix and Tritonio. "Guys, this isn't working. We need to do something!" Sasha explains. "You're right, Sash, it's time for team building exercises." Anne said. Well, this'll be interesting.

The three armies met us on the training grounds for the exercises. "Okay, folks. Listen up!" Anne announced. "In order to defeat King Andrias and his robot hordes, we need to work together. First up is the mirror exercise. I learned this one at summer camp. Everyone gather around in a circle and mimic my moves exactly." All of us mirrored her moves. "Excuse me, what's the point of this?" Beatrix asked. "If it's to make us all look stupid, it's working." Tritonio added. "This is all about harmony, people. Can you feel it? Can you feel the harmony?" I asked. Everyone was doing great, until everyone was knocked down like dominoes.

Next exercise was hopefully going to be better. "Next up is the human knot, or in this case, the human, frog, toad, newt knot." Anne explains. "Try to untangle yourselves while holding hands." The armies however, they couldn't stop arguing with each other.

Holy frog abuse, I hope this does better than the first two. "Next up is the three-legged-race." Anne said. "Runners, on your mark, get set." I blew the whistle as the teams began. When they were running, one or both team members would get hurt.

One more exercise to go. Please don't be tragic. "Next, we have the trust fall." I explained. "According to Anne, this is the final step to knowing that you'll have each other's backs out there. Now, when I say go." "Go?" The huge toad asked, trust falling on some of the amphibians. "Way to leave your armor on you, dumb toad." A newt complained. "Well, you weaklings were supposed to catch me." "Guys, remember, this is about supporting each other." Anne said. "Support? I got your support right here!" The toad shouted, giving a wedgie to the newt, starting an all out brawl between everyone. "Oh my gosh, guys!" Sasha gasped. "This is a total disaster." "Don't worry. They're fine. They're just blowing off steam." Anne replied. "At least they don't have their weapons." "Did somebody say weapons?" One of the toads asked as they all ran to grab their weapons. "No!" I cried as the frogs, newts, and toads were about to fight each other. "Enough!" Anne shouted, activating her powers. "I said ENOUGH!" Most of them were in shock. "Probably should've led with the having powers thing." Grime commented. "All this time, I thought I could solve your problems and heal this rate. But I was wrong. There is no quick fix. I can't solve this problem for you." I grabbed onto Anne as she becomes worn out by her powers. "Only you can. So when you're ready to work together and save the world, let me know." I walked away with Anne.

I went to confront Anne after she walked away from everyone. "You alright, babe?" I asked. "No." Anne whimpered, hugging me. "It'll be alright." I said. "We'll face it together." "Dang, Anne. You were a total boss out there!" Sasha complimented. "I'm sorry, Sash! I thought I could help, but." Anne cried. "Oh, Boonchuy. You did all you could." Sasha said. "Now buck up, soldier. Figure out a new plan."

In the war room, we needed to figure out another plan. "Well, maybe we could..." Anne said as Hop Pop, Beatrix and Tritonio waited at the door. "We came up with a plan." Beatrix replied. "Hopediah got us thinking, if Beatrix does her original plan and attacks Andrias' front door." Tritonio explains. "We can draw the attentions of his forces, leaving a window for a small group to sneak in the back door and steal the music box while they're distracted." Beatrix added. "What do you think?" "I think that's perfect." Sasha replied. "It's just like the plan from that movie." "War of the Warlocks, that's right." I said. "Marcy would have us watch it at every sleepover." "And you came up with this together?" Sasha asked. "I thought you hated each other?" "Well, Anne was right." Tritonio explains. "We can't count on anyone else to solve our deep-rooted problems." "In the meantime, you have to see that we really do want the same thing, to take our world back from that crazy king." Beatrix said. "We may not be able to forget the past, but if we work together, we might have a future." Hop Pop added. "Alright." Sasha said. "Then let's draw this game plan out and..." Suddenly, a huge noise was coming from the training grounds. To our surprise, Mother Olm came through the walls. "Hello, young friends." She greeted. "Mother Olm?" Anne asked. "Hey, girl." I greeted. "What are you doing here?" Sasha wondered. "I have some very important news." Mother Olm explains. "It's Andrias. We olms can feel the tremors of his army's movements. That information about him moving out in a few days was a lie. He plans to invade Earth tonight." "Looks like it's go time." I said. "You guys ready?" "You heard the lady. Let's move out!" Sasha exclaimed.

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