Grime's Pupil

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One day at the base, we were trying to figure out this prophecy. "According to Mother Olm, in order to defeat Andrias, we need to get to that music box." Anne said. "How can we do that?" I asked. "We need allies, and I know just who to recruit first." Sasha replied. "Grime's sister, Beatrix built a secret army of toads. I've already asked her to meet with us and she's on her way." "But do you think she'll go for it?" Anne asked. "We've noticed frogs and toads don't always get along." "That's why I sent Grime and Sprig to be the welcome wagon." Sasha explains. "She'll see firsthand that frogs and toads can work together." "But Grime and Sprig can't work together." I recalled. "And ever since Sprig beat Grime in Newtopia, things have been really tense between them." "Oh, really?" Sasha asked. We quickly ran outside to separate the pair.

Outside the farm, it was already too late as Sprig was arguing with Grime. "Hey guys!" Sasha panted. "Okay, change of plans." All of a sudden, a huge bug parked outside the farm as Beatrix tackled Grime. "Get off!" Grime shouted. "What's the matter, Grimothy? All toads love a good wrestle more than hanging out with these frogs make you soft." Beatrix teased. "But seriously, Sasha, what do you want?" "Anne, drumroll please." Sasha said. Anne played a recording of a drumroll on her phone. "As commander of the Wartwood resistance, I propose you join our frog army, and together, we'll take down Andrias!" "Toads? Serving in a frog army?" Beatrix asked. "It doesn't make any sense. I mean, last time I checked, frogs couldn't even fight." "Can't fight, eh?" Sprig wondered as Grime shushed him. "If we can't fight, then how'd I beat Grime in a one-on-one duel?" "You what?" Beatrix gasped. "That only proves my point. Living with frogs has made my brother laughably weak. Thanks for wasting my time." "Not so fast." Grime said, acting tough in front of his sister. "Uh, what is happening right now?" I asked. "He has invoked the sacred law of toad challenge." Beatrix's guard explains. "And I am on her bounds to accept it." Beatrix added. "State your terms, brother." "Standard one-on-one arena combat." Grime said. "Loser's army joins the winner's." "Deal. But it won't be you who I'll fight." Beatrix agreed. "Wartime law says I may choose any of your allies to fight in your stead." "What?!" Anne, Sasha, and I gasped. "And I choose... eenie, meanie, miney, frog!" Beatrix exclaimed, pointing at Sprig. "If this little guy wins, we'll join your army, but if I win, you have to join our army, as cannon fodder. I'll return at dawn for our battle. Later, soon-to-be losers!" Us humans were left in shock after Beatrix left. "Guess I should've brushed up on toad law." Grime said. "You just bet the whole rebellion on a cage match?!" Sasha asked. "And put Sprig's life down as collateral?" Anne added. "Holy frog abuse, Grime!" I exclaimed. "Eh, I'm pretty sure I can take her." Sprig said. "I beat Grime, and I'll beat her, too." "You and Rowena barely beat me amidst the chaotic siege. Arena matches are a different beast." Grime corrected. "Grime, you were a gladiator. Can you show Sprig the ropes?" Sasha asked. "I don't need fighting lessons from Grime!" Sprig scoffed. "He can't even stop Beatrix from giving him noogies!" "Fine with me!" Grime exclaimed. "Have fun battling the toughest toad in Amphibia." "Enough!" Sasha snapped. "I hereby order Sprig and Grime to spend the night training together. Rowena will keep an eye on you. If they decide to pout like babies instead, they'll be banished forever! Or at least until the war starts." "Tough, but fair." Anne replied. "Your co-signature." Sasha signs the paper with her favorite emojis, ⚔️😘💅🏻. "It's official. Let's get training." I said, kissing Anne on the cheek before we left. "Wish me luck. I'm gonna need it." "Don't worry." Anne reassured me. "You got this, Rowboat." "This is so unfair!" Sprig complained.

In the woods, Grime and Sprig were still fighting with each other. "You guys have been at it for hours!" I groaned. "Aren't you getting tired of arguing?" Sprig grunted. "Okay, I don't like you, you don't like me!" Grime exclaimed. "But can we try to let bygones be bygones?" "Nope!" Sprig snapped. "You've extorted my town for years, imprisoned us when we fought back, and tried to kill my Hop Pop!" "Oh yeah?" Grime asked. "Well, you haven't exactly been great to me either. I know it was you who put poison ivy in my codpiece." "You tried to kill my Hop Pop!" Sprig repeated. "He was a political liability!" Grime argued. Is it too late to put them both in therapy? "Good Lord! Will you two ever shut up?" I complained. "Yeah, Rowena is right. This is getting old." Sprig said in agreement. "Guess you might as well teach me your "special" toad tactics." "We actually do call them special toad tactics, so sarcasm denied." Grime explains. "Dang it!" Sprig grunted. "If I wasn't part of some prophecy to save all worlds, I probably would've just stayed home." I mumbled.

Sprig was having a hard time understanding Grime's techniques. "Ugh! This isn't working!" Sprig complained. "You think?" Grime asked. "You're small frog body is too frail for traditional toad conditioning." "Don't make me get Rosalina's crossbow." I groaned. "Then maybe I don't need to fight like a dumb toad." Sprig argued. "Say "dumb toad" again." Grime grunted. "Dumb toad." Sprig said as Grime pushes him to the ground. "That's it! I'm outta here. I'll figure out how to beat Beatrix on my own!" "No you won't!" Grime shouted after Sprig left. "And now it won't be my fault when you get maimed." "Dude, your sister sucks." I said. "HOW DID I LOSE TO YOU BRATS?!" Grime exclaimed. I couldn't respond to him. Sprig was going to get himself hurt, maybe even killed!

Not long after, I heard Sprig screaming. "Sprig!" I shouted. When we found him, he was being attacked by hybeenas. I helped Grime get the hybeenas away from Sprig. "Rowena? Grime? How did you find me?" Sprig asked. "We heard your screaming across the forest."I replied. Sprig used his slingshot to take out a bunch of the hybeenas. "That speed. It's actually impressive." Grime complimented as he got stung by the hybeenas, but he quickly fought back. Sprig and I helped him until all of them were defeated. "Good battle." Grime sighed. "Yeah. We whooped their little bee booties." "I gotta say, you pack a lot of speed and accuracy in that tiny body." Grime said. "And you!" Sprig chuckled. "You took that hit and gave it back to them twofold. How'd you do that?" "Toads are trained from a very young age to let rage give you strength." Grime explains. "If funneled correctly, it can be a secret weapon!" "Wow, that's pretty cool." Sprig compliments. "Maybe I can learn a thing or two from you." "Yes. And I think maybe I've been training you all wrong." Grime said. "Instead of molding you into the perfect toad, I should be focusing on your strengths as a frog. Speed, agility, being annoying." "Well, Grimothy, wanna give this whole thing another shot?" Sprig asked. "Indeed. But call me Grimothy again and I'll eat you alive." "Now you're getting it." I said. "What are you waiting for? Get back to training, and in the morning, go show Beatrix who's boss."

The next morning, it was time for Sprig to take on Beatrix. Sasha even made a cheer routine. "Kicking butt and taking names. We're the school they call Saint James!" Sasha chanted, making a pyramid with some of the frogs. "You didn't even rewrite the song?" Hop Pop asked. "I'm very busy, Hop Pop!" Sasha exclaimed, losing her balance as the pyramid collapsed.

Anne and I went to help Sprig get ready for the battle. "Here you go, bud." Anne said. "Looking intimidating." "You're gonna do great." I added. "What do you think, big guy? Do I have a chance here?" Sprig asked. "Realistically, no." Grime replied. "But you frogs always surprise me. "So, like a 5% chance?" Sprig asked.

We all got outside as the cage came down on Sprig and Beatrix. "Don't worry, little frog. I'll make this quick." Beatrix said. "We'll see who's quick." Sprig replied. "Begin the match!" Rosalina shouted. "Where have you been, sis?" I asked. "I'd never miss a good fight." Rosalina replied. Sprig dodged many hits that Beatrix threw at him. Sprig took advantage of his incredible speed, until Beatrix got a grasp of him. "Sprig!" Anne and I cried. All of a sudden, Sprig miraculously took down Beatrix with a secret weapon, his own rage. "Sprig wins!" Polly cheered, hitting Frobo with a mallet. "Whoo!" Sasha cheered. "That was awesome, dude!" Anne exclaimed. "Well, I couldn't have done it without Grime's training." Sprig said. "Dang right." Grime commented, starting to laugh. "No, I'm totally kidding. Great job, Sprig." "Ahem." Beatrix cleared her throat. "I have to admit, that frog-toad fighting style really was impressive. Perhaps our armies united will be stronger as well. Commander, I pledge my troops to fight for the resistance." "Wow, who would've thought?" Hop Pop asked. "Frogs and toads on equal footing." "I know this undercuts the lesson, but it's too good to pass up." Grime said. "You got beat by a frog!" "Okay, see you when the war starts." Beatrix said, knocking out Grime for teasing her.

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