authors note

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hi everyone :))

its been a year since i updated this book, and longer since i wrote it.

i've been getting a lot of comments recently and as much as i appreciate the support, i have also been getting a lot of backlash that is understandable.

while i do find this book cringey and would love if i had never wrote it, i cant find it in my heart to delete it as it brings back good memories of me and my friend writing this together and how excited i was to have so much love and support in my comment sections.

i have made friends through this book and continue to enjoy the thoughts from my readers; however, i have noticed the immaturity i showed whilst writing this.

i did not properly educate myself on mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder and DID, and so spread harmful misinformation through the second half of this book.

i collected my information from friends and other books i read on this app, which was foolish of me and i regret it badly.

i have noticed that a lot of younger readers have also started to enjoy my writing and while i find it lovely that i have entertained many, i am also concerned that they may believe the information that younger me had written about.

and so i find myself here, where i say not to take anything in this story as true information: please do not make the same mistakes i did during my boredom in quarantine and educate yourselves before writing about serious topics such as mental illnesses.

again, i am sorry for the harmful misinformation i spread, and hope that you all have a fabulous day and continue to support this story my lovelys <3

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