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Jungkook's P.O.V

As I leaned on the closest tree, I panted for air, wiping the sweat glistening on my forehead with the back of my hand.

It was extremely hot, and I collapsed on the floor, attempting to cool down under the branches's shadow.

The leaves would rustle every time a gentle breeze blew through, and I sipped on my water, relaxing into the bark digging into my back.

(A/N: sweaty Jungkook is not a want in life, it is a need. It is an essential. I breathe sweaty Jungkook, end of.)

Suddenly, 4 tall figures stood over me, and I looked up, gulping at the strong pureblood pheramones executing from the men.

I only recognised Taehyung, the other dominants a mystery to me.

"Well hello, kid. What you doing here all alone? Where's ya pack gone?"

I swallowed the saliva that caked up in my mouth at the deep voice.

"I-I was exercising... m-my pack is in um... c-class right now..."

One of them growled, before pulling a fake smile at me.

"Hmm, well, why don't you come play with us for a little bit, yeah?"

"I-I was actually w-waiting f-for my pack, b-but thank you for the offer!" I stuttered out, my hands shaking around the water bottle.

"It wasn't much of a choice, sweetheart. And look, Taehyung here's a part of your pack!"

My lips were trembling: I didn't know how to get away from the practically desperate purebloods.

"Oh for fuck's sake,"

One of them marched over, glaring down at me, making me shake vigorously.

"Get the fuck up, omega,"

My omega instincts kicked in: I whimpered, seeing him crouch down in front of me, his breath tickling my nose.

My ears untucked, and I let out submissive pheramones, unable to keep my composition in front of them.

I noticed how we had caused a scene and caught everyone's attention around us.

I was embarrassed at this point: I wanted Jinnie hyung.

"Did you not hear me the first time, omega?" He hissed, raising my chin to look at him. "I said, get. The. Fuck. Up,"

My eyes were glistening with tears, and I stumbled up, feeling small under their gazes.

"Good boy,"

One of them reached their hand out, making me flinch, as he patted my head slowly, stroking my hair.

My ears twitched everytime the fingers got too close, and I felt exactly the same with the purebloods as I did with the alphas: except even worse.

The worst part was Taehyung, my own pack member, watched as they mocked me.

Heck, he looked like he was enjoying it.

I was trembling, my knees threatening to give up anytime soon, and I was giving all my weight to the tree behind me.

Suddenly, they all stopped talking, and seemed to look at Taehyung expectantly.

"Come on Tae, don't you wanna have a little fun with the omega?"

He stepped forward and seemed to be a little... nervous?

I looked up at him with confidence: he wouldn't hurt me, surely, he's my pack member. He couldn't hurt me.

My confidence vanished when he reached out and grabbed my shoulders, fingernails digging deep into my skin.

I whined, shaking my shoulders as I tried to shove him away from me.

Taehyung then threw me on the ground and I cried out as my ears met with the tree's bark.

My tears were cascading down my cheeks: I felt so weak under the pureblood.

He then crouched down to my level, yanking my face to look at him.

"Just an omega. That's all you'll ever be. You got that, Jungkook?" He scoffed, and this was the worst I had ever felt.

"N-no... not just a-an omega... mo-more than t-that... y-you're wr-wrong!"

Taehyung growled, and that's when I felt the most painful flash through my body.

He grabbed my ears, pulling them upwards.

I screamed out, suddenly blacking out: the last thing I felt was blood trickling down my forehead and cheek, down to my neck.

Taehyung's P.O.V

I looked at my hand in horror.

The omega's ear had a large rip through it, my hand covered in blood.

I stood up, gaping down at Jungkook, who had gone unconscious.

I turned around to see the boys looking at me as if I were a murderer.

"Oh fuck... Taehyung, what did you do...?"

Jackson shook his head before running away with the boys, and everyone seemed to have scattered.

I faced Jungkook, seeing his ears were red at this point, a large gash sliced right through.


I then did the only thing I could do.

I ran.

Seokjin's P.O.V

I had finished class first, and knew that Kookie would be waiting outside, usually leaning on a tree after his exercise.

I smiled, feeling the cool breeze.

I strolled through the outside court towards the trees.

I dropped all my books.

"Jungkook? Oh my fucking god! JUNGKOOK?"

To be continued

Sis said "I'll come back with a better chapter!"

Sis said "it'll have more words in it!"

Sis said "I'll update as soon as possible!"

Sis delivered no shit whatsoever 👁👄👁

900 words 2day.

I'll do better 2mrw hopefully.

Keep supporting Bang Bang Con, yall!

Anygays, baiiiiiii~~ ♥

Anygays, baiiiiiii~~ ♥

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