First Meeting Pt 2

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Taehyung's P.O.V

No. I hadn't set my alarm the day before.

No. I hadn't asked my friends to wake me up.

No. I hadn't told my mom to let my friends in.

Yet they all happened on that day. God really must have not been on my side.

A sudden scream occurred with my bedroom door being slammed open, and Namjoon, Jin and Hobi hyung all tumbled in, collapsing on top of me and yanking the sheets off of me.

"What the fuck..." I mumbled, attempting to retrieve my covers back.

"Wake up, bitch, first day back. There's someone you have to meet today,"

"Jin hyung, for fuck's sake, I don't care. Lemme sleep, it's fucking 7:45,"

"You have to leave in half an hour, so I suggest you wake up and get ready if you want to shower,"

"Your hyung's right, Tae-ah, you need to get your ass up,"

Namjoon picked me up and threw me on the floor, making me groan as my back collided with my science project.

"Aish," I got up, frowning at how the three of them sat on the bed, looking at me with faked innocence.

I grabbed clothes for the day and dragged myself to the bathroom before taking a shower.

"Who am I meeting anyways?" I mumbled, ruffling my hair with the towel.

"Okay, so we need to warn you about some things. This will be extremely surprising at first, but you'll get used to this fact quite soon,"

I nodded, my eyebrows creasing at the way they put it.

"So... Jiminie used to live in Busan, you know that,"

I hummed, sitting on the chair in front of them.

"He was best friends with a kid there, Jungkookie. That kid didn't have any other friends, his parents forced him to inside and only trusted Jimin with him, as they were friends with his parents, quite close, actually,"

Namjoon hyung cleared his throat before continuing.

"Unfortunately, Jimin's dad got a promotion and moved to Seoul, and obviously the family had to come with him. That left Jungkookie on his own with his home schooling and without any friends,"

Jin hyung then took over.

"Jimin was allowed to visit after settling down, meeting his mate and us lot, and went to go see Jungkookie. We came with him, and all eventually became... well, a pack,"

I smiled, imagining that quite clearly, even though I had never met the kid before.

"One day, we went to Jungkook's house and uh... saw him with his ears untucked,"

My smile faded.

What's so bad about that? Is he a pureblood? Embarrassed?

"They were..."

Hobi hyung gulped and sighed.


My eyes widened.

"H-he's an omega?"

All three hyungs nodded at me, before Jin hyung spoke up.

"Only omega in the world. We were shocked of course, but Jiminie explained the situation. It took some time to sort of, get used to having such a submissive boy in our pack, but we did,"

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