Pack Problems

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Yoongi's P.O.V

After that incident, the pack was never a whole.

If Kook and I were around, Tae wasn't.

If Tae was around, me and Hobi weren't.

We had questioned often if we should keep the pack as a whole, every time avoiding the problem and switching subjects.

Side glances were passed through the corridors, but I could tell he was genuinely pissed.

I did regret bringing up Bogum in the argument, but I was sure he didn't regret not helping Kook, and that's what led me to ignoring him.

Namjoon seemed to not be affected by the problem, the same way he had no care about the fight, leading me to start doubting how calm he was acting and if it was a face he was putting on.

The problem seemed to affect the betas most, as they were the most caring of the group.

They couldn't stand our pack bonds being so broken, but I shut down any conversations when the other pureblood's name was brought up.

I wasn't going to be the one to apologise first: my mate had always said I was one that disliked initiating firsts, and I had to agree.

I was rather introverted, only close to my pack members and ignorant to others.

At least, I was close to most of my pack members.

Taehyung's P.O.V

I was by the bike sheds with my pureblood best friends: Jackson, Bang Chan and Jiyong.

Ever since the "disagreement", I had taken to staying far away from Jungkook and Yoongi hyung.

Namjoon hyung didn't seem to be on too good terms with me, but we could have a few dry conversations.

I had noticed that Yoongi and Hobi were avoiding me and wished it didn't affect me as much as it did.

Jin hyung and Jimin hyung were the only pack members I was on good terms with, but other than that, my pureblood mates were the only ones I stuck with.

"Hey, so what's the deal between you and that omega boy?"

I looked at Jiyong, dropping my cigarette and ignoring the familiar crunch of my boot tip meeting the flame.

"Nothing. He's in my pack, that's it,"

He hummed sarcastically, and I rolled my eyes at his attempt of winding me up.

"If you say so,"

Jackson then looked at me.

"You haven't done anything with the kid yet, Tae?"

I shook my head.

"Ha, not like you, Taehyung. When you heard there was an omega found on the news, you were jumping round. Talking 'bout what you'd do just to get a night with the kid,"

"Yeah, well it's different now."

I stopped myself from saying anymore: I trusted the guys, but I couldn't risk putting Jungkook in danger... but why did I care?

"How fast do you think he'd submit?"

"He's just an omega, you could call his name and he'd be on his knees,"

"Well why don't we try?"

I choked at that, my eyes widening at Jiyong's request.

"Come on Tae, you seem to know to know the kid well, let's take advantage of that while it lasts. Especially with everything going on, your pack might not last anyway,"

I growled at that statement, ny ears untucking in anger.

"Hey, hey. Bang Chan didn't mean that, just a joke. But still, we should try,"

I sighed, thinking of all the possible outcomes. It's just a small prank: it would be good payback for the disrespect the other day.

I hesitantly nodded, before grinning at them.

"Yeah, why not? What's the worse that could happen?"

Jackson swung his arm around me and chuckled.

"There we go, knew you'd come around. Come on, boys. Let's go find the kid,"

To be continued

Sorry for the short and shitty chapter.

I'm really not in a good mood, and the fact that my chapter usually have 1000-2000 words whereas this has 700 just stresses me out.

I'll make up for it when I'm in a good mood.

Baiiiii~~~ ♥♥♥

Edit: I couldn't wait until writing the next chapter so here:

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Edit: I couldn't wait until writing the next chapter so here:

Thank you so much for 230 reads! And 50 votes! I really don't deserve this, especially after giving such a short not even edited chapter

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Thank you so much for 230 reads! And 50 votes! I really don't deserve this, especially after giving such a short not even edited chapter.

Thank you so much for 230 reads! And 50 votes! I really don't deserve this, especially after giving such a short not even edited chapter

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Thank you for all the support!

I promise I'll try my best with the next chapter when I feel better, just right now I'm gonna take some time to myself.

How is quarantine going for all of you?

I hope you all stay healthy and happy, if yall need to talk about anything, I'm here.

Again, thank you for all the support on this! ♥

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