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Taehyung's P.O.V

As I threw myself on my bed, my hands cupped my ears as I winced because of the pain.

It felt like there was a deep gash sliced through it, and I couldn't help but groan everytime my fingers brushed the most sensitive spot.

I couldn't help but keep thinking about my outrageous assumption earlier.

Could we be mates?

I couldn't be mates with the only omega in the world, surely I would have noticed!

I was 17, 18 in three months.

That would be when I first get to smell my mate's scent; however, Jungkook was only 15.

He had pretty much just turned 15, so that would be another 3 years we would have to wait to see if we were proper mates.

God, I would be 21 by then.

I couldn't wait that long, he can't be my mate. He's too young, and an omega should be paired with someone less dominant in case things get risky, like a beta.

I broke out of my thoughts as I heard a shout from my mom downstairs. (A/N: I'm legit British but it just doesn't sound right to say mum, I can't imagine Tae saying that seriously)

"Tae? Why you home so early? Are you skipping again?"

My ears twitched again.

"Y-yeah mom! I'm fine, just... the teacher didn't show up today!"

"Okay, well I'm gonna get dinner started early, then! I'll call you down when its ready,"

I sank back again the headboard reaching into my pocket before I heard a knock downstairs.

"Tae?" my mom called

"What? What now?"

"Your friends are here, I'm sending them up so tidy your room a little!"

I shot up. My mom barely met any of my friends, only close to my pack members who visited often. I never spoke to her about my other friends, knowing she'd call them a bad influence and demand for me not to speak to them again.

I silently begged for Jimin, knowing even Jin would be harsh on me.

I grabbed the baseball bat my dad gave me for my 16th and hid it under the covers, hoping that it could help me if things got violent.

I heard a gentle knock, before stuttering out "c-come in!"

The door creaked open.

"Tae? We need to talk,"

Jin's P.O.V

As I caressed Jungkook's hand slowly, a knock on the door broke the silence in the room.

Jimin stood up, before opening the door to a pack of girls.

They marched in, throwing questions at me as I widened my eyes, overwhelmed.

I recognised them immediately: it was Jihyo's girls.

I wasn't too close to them, but they hit it off well with Jungkookie and Yoongi.


The girls silenced immediately, looking at their pack leader.

Jihyo offered me a smile before looking at Jungkook, who seemed to still be sleeping through the chaos.

"Girls, can you all step out? I don't think all of us together in such a cramped room will create a good atmosphere for when Ggukie wakes up, don't you think? Let's take it in turns, step out for now, okay?"

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