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Jungkook's P.O.V

My head was spinning.

No, the whole world was shaking.

Weak. So weak.

I couldn't save myself from the alphas: I let them touch me. I had to rely on Jin hyung to help me.

I knew I had to toughen up: I wasn't going to end up as all the weak omegas people fantasised in owning.

I was a person, I was a wolf, I still had my basic humane rights. I didn't belong in a museum or an alpha's hands.

"Jungkookie? Hey, does anything hurt? Any other injuries?"

I whimpered, turning onto my side as my eyes peeped through, trying to block out as much light as possible.

I could see a face: it was Hobi hyung.

He rubbed my cheek a little, running his other hand through my hair.

"Poor baby,"

I internally growled at that. I wasn't a baby, I was a wolf that could protect themself.

"Didn't deserve this,"

"Too innocent,"

"Too weak,"

I could make out a few things that my pack were saying, and hated every single statement.

"Taehyung? Hey, what happened? Why are you bleeding too?"

I looked over to see the pureblood, panting with sweat gliding down his temple.

What stood out most were his fists: clenched tight, the knuckles dripping with blood.

"It's nothing, hyung. Had to handle something,"

He made eye contact with me, and I bit my lip, feeling how his eyes traced down every body detail.

As if I were an object.

"Come here, there should be a first aid kit in here,"

I watched as Jin hyung took care of Taehyung's hands, Hobi hyung running his fingertips over my hand.

Taehyung's P.O.V

I growled.

Hoseok hyung was touching Jungkook's hands, and I couldn't help but notice how much it infuriated me to see someone else taking care of the omega.

I knew I wasn't in love. I couldn't be, especially not with an omega.

I winced, feeling the alcohol rub into my cut.

"Aish, always getting into trouble, Taehyungie,"

I glared at Jimin hyung, my lips pressed into a thin line.

"Okay, that should be all. Don't fucking go and fight with someone else, got it Tae? You could get seriously injured one day,"

I hummed, my eyes still skimming up and down the omega's body.

I just want him for his body, nothing else. I'm not in love with him, Namjoon hyung's wrong.

"How about we all head back to my place? Seems like today isn't really our day, hm?"

We all nodded, following Jin hyung out of the room.

I walked at the back, watching how Hobi hyung held Jungkook's waist, supporting him as we walked over to Jin hyung's car.

Unknowingly, my eyebrow raised as I rolled my eyes. (A/N: if yall pay attention, he acc does that when he's jelly)

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