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Taehyung's P.O.V

I knew I had made the worst decision when I ran away from there.

I should have stayed, helped him out: maybe he would forgive me.

But no.

I was a coward. Just like Namjoon and Yoongi said.

No one had contacted me in the past few hours apart from Namjoon in the group chat: this message had my head spinning and I couldn't think straight anymore.

"Kook's in the hospital, his ear's ripped. Come quickly, he's in surgery rn"

I never meant to put him in a death situation, I wanted to prove I wasn't a coward: I wanted to prove I didn't love the omega.

But I ended up hurting him, and I didn't know why it affected me so much.

Seokjin's P.O.V


The doctor sighed before raising removing his glasses and wiping them with the hem of his shirt.

"I cannot be completely sure but there could be a chance of Mr. Jeon having it,"

"Is there... is there a cure? Could we get rid of it?"

"I'm afraid not. Multiple personality disorder could only be cured over time emotionally: there is no physical cure,"

"However, I do think that perhaps... has Mr. Jeon found his mate yet?"

"N-no, not yet,"

"Perfect. He's fifteen, correct?"

I nodded again, my hands clasped together in hope.

"Well. He should find his mate quite soon. Earliest being at 16, latest being at 18,"

My heart was beating aggressively.

I wanted my Kookie back, I was going to do anything at this point to get him to his mate as quickly as possible.

"Could he somehow have... already met his mate? Just not found them yet?"

"The chances are high, yes. Especially considering how well he fought in surgery, it did lead to the assumption that he gained strength from meeting his mate,"

I sighed in relief, nodding and thanking the doctor before heading back to Jungkook's room, dropping by the cafeteria on the way to pick up a carton of banana milk in hope to get him to show a bit more emotion.

I was going to question him, and I knew I wasn't going to give up until I got names.

Hoseok's P.O.V

I sat down on the chair by Kook's bed, crossing a leg over the other.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?"

"Good, thank you, Hoseok hyung,"

My eyebrows furrowed as my teeth hooked onto my lip.

There was no Hobi hyung, there was a hyung in general, and it didn't seem right.

His voice was flat and emotionless, showing no enthusiasm to see me.

"Kookie, you okay? Anything wrong?"

Hobi you idiot, of course there is. Why the fuck do you think he's in a hospital bed?

"I'm okay, don't worry. How is everyone? Where is Yoongi hyung and Jimin hyung?"

I definitely knew there was something wrong then.

He never shows that much respect for Jiminie, ever.

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