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Jungkook's P.O.V

Ever since that incident, I rarely saw Taehyung.

He was always with the gang of purebloods, and only spent time with the pack when I wasn't around.

I had thought I might have done something wrong, but was wondering why his absence bothered me so much.

I was only ever around 3 purebloods: I never met another until now.

I had alpha parents, which surprised my pack as they would have at least expected one beta parent.

I had been in this school for around, 2 weeks, and no one seemed to fully understand and come to terms with my unique breed.

I constantly get groups of beta girls rush up to me and squeal, fangirling over how "dainty", "cute" and "innocent" I looked.

The alpha girls paid no attention to me, only a few willing to help me out at times.

The beta boys, apart from Jiminie and Jinnie, were perfectly fine that I was in fact, the most submissive boy in the world as I guess they felt as if they had a boy to boss around quite easily.

The worst ones though, were the alpha boys.

Purebloods were as kind and caring as the beta girls, helping me with the alphas, my studies, showing me around the school and even going to the extent of buying me food when I didn't have any.

It was only the alphas. The year twelve alpha group, particularly.

I didn't really go to canteen many times, and I was always at school early, making it difficult for them to see me.

We had met on my 4th day.

I was with Yoonie hyung: we were walking to his next class, and I had nothing to do that day as all my periods being cancelled left me too much spare time.

Jiminie hyung decided to be early for once, claiming "the teacher's legit so hot" which made Yoongi hyung rather annoyed.

Namjoon hyung and Hobi hyung were both already in class, and I had decided to go to Jinnie hyung after this.

Once we arrived, he gave me a peck on the forehead, warning me to quickly go in case something bad happened.

I nodded my head, clutching my bag in my hands and briskly pacing towards to second building, where the year fifteens to seventeens were.

My class were surprised to find out that I had a senior in my pack, a beta too.

Jinnie hyung never seemed bothered by the fact he was the eldest yet one of the most submissive in our pack, but that's just hyung.

I stepped out the door, almost tripping over the step and jogged over to the second door.

I then spotted a group of year twelves walking out of the seniors building, making me frown.

I could just about smell a strong alpha scent from them all, the smoke they exhaled too strong for me.

Unfortunately, I caught their attention with my coughing, and attempted to walk past them to the door.

Suddenly, one of the boys grabbed my arm, making me wince as his nails dug into my forearm.

I looked down the alpha's feet, submissing to him as he let out strong pheremones.

My breathing was uneven and rapid; however, I kept a composture which showed some form of confidence.

"You're the omega boy, right? Look guys, I'm holding the only omega in the world's arm!"

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