First Meeting

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(A/N: Lizzo is underrated af, ngl)

"J-jungkook. Jeon Jungkook,"

He smirked.

"Well, J-jungkook, it's very nice to meet you. It's Taehyung to you,"

I blushed, watching him leave the room, dismissing the conversation with dominance.

"Oh, and Jungkook?"

I hummed, still fiddling with my fingers as I tried to remove the look of anxiety on my face.

"Don't ever give me attitude again, got that omega?"

I nodded quickly, sighing in relief as he slammed the door.

That was the first meeting.

4 hours ago:

"Jungkook-ah! You don't wanna be late, do you? Yoongi and Jimin are at the door, hurry up baby!"

"Coming, mom!"

I ran downstairs, buttoning up my shirt.

Kissing my mom on the cheek, I grabbed my bag and ran out the door, grabbing the last slice of toast I had left on my plate.

I saw Jimin and Yoongi hyung by the gates.

"Hi, hyungs!"

"Oh Jungkookie, first day, it's always first day that you're late!"

Jiminie continued to scold me on the way to school, Yoonie watching in amusement.


Jimin hyung stopped talking as I ran over to Jinnie hyung, leaping into his arms.

"Aigoo! Jungoo, you're getting bigger aren't you?"

I giggled, clinging onto him.

"Right, Jungkook-ah, you put on the moonflower spray right?"

I nodded, looking over Jin hyung's shoulder to Jimin.

"Make sure you stay away from all the purebloods, apart from me, Namjoon and Hobi, okay?"

I smiled at Yoongi's concern, and nodded again.

"If anyone asks what breed you are, you'll tell them only when one of your hyungs are around, okay? We don't want you getting fucking injured on your first day of scho-"

Yoonie was cut off when Jin hyung slapped him around the head.

"Swear one more time, I will cut your uncircumcised penis off. We have a child here,"


I jumped out of Jin hyung's arms, running over to Joonie hyung, grinning and waving at Hobi hyung who ruffled my hair.

"Hey, kiddo! How ya been? Are they giving you a hard time?"

I nodded and pouted at Hobi, who glared at Yoongi and Jin hyung.

"Aish, you know they're doing that to keep you safe! Just make sure, no purebloods."

I sighed and muttered a yes to Joonie, before jumping onto the ground and running into the school.


I ignored Jin hyung's calls, giggling as I saw Jiminie slowly catching up.

Jamming the door shut, I laughed as Jimin slammed into the glass, rubbing his red face and glaring at me.

"You brat!"

I stuck my tongue out at him, wincing when he hit my arm.


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