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Namjoon's P.O.V

"And I-I saw him th-there, laying by h-his usual tree, his ears w-were fucking ripped, Namjoon! A-and he's a-an omega!"

I cradled Jin outside the waiting room: sure, we had a few passers stare at us strangely but at this point, I couldn't care less.

The youngest pack member and possibly the weakest in the world has his ears ripped; however, he seemed to have fought and we got him to the hospital where he was immediately taken to the surgery room.

My mate was clearly in a terrible emotional state, and as his alpha and pack leader, I needed to stay strong.

We had alerted the other pack members in the group chat: Yoongi and Hoseok were five minutes away whereas Jimin was looking for a place to park his car outside.

Taehyung, however, stayed strangely quiet, leaving the message on read.

I had made the assumption he was too worried to text and immediately was on the way, but the other side of me was sure he had something to do with the incident.

"Mr. Kim?"

Me and Jin hyung both looked up at the doctor that stood in front of us.

He seemed to be looking down, almost upset in a way, and we thought the worst.

"H-he's alive, right?"

I never stuttered in my life, my dominance had always led me to speak with confidence, but I couldn't help but want to cry for the maknae.

"Oh, yes, of course..."

We let out the breaths we didn't realise we were holding in.

"...but there are a few complications,"

Yoongi's P.O.V

Me and Hoseok rushed in, blood rushing to our cheeks as we panted harshly.


I looked over to the reception and saw Jiminie with his hands placed flat on the desk, anger expressed on his face.

The receptionist was clearly terrified, her manicured nails stuttering over the keys as she bit her lip, looking like she was about to cry.

We ran over and I hugged my mate, tracing the mate mark to calm him down.

He visibly lost the tension in his body, sinking into my arms as his eyes fluttered.


I looked down at him, leaving Hoseok to get Jungkook's location.

"You okay, bub?"

He was shaking in my arms and I rubbed his back soothingly.

(A/N: istg, I need someone to do this with 😖 I want someone to cuddle me)

"Sh, what's on your mind?"

"Our baby, he's in there... what if- what if he dies? I can't live if he dies, Yoongi! We've been friends since we were in fucking nappies!"

Jimin tensed up before crying uncontrollably, holding his face in his hands.

"You need to stay strong, bub. He'll make it through, you need to be there for him. You know how much he looks up to his Jimin-ssi, you need to be there, calm and collected or he won't fight, okay?"

My fingers put pressure on the mate mark for extra measure.

"Guys? I got the room number, come on let's go!"

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