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Yoongi's P.O.V

I heard a deafening scream from inside and glanced at the youngest in the car.

Namjoon remained undazed, his knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel as he breathed heavily.

"Hobi? What did you do?" I asked, a slight bit of concern for Taehyung still remaining in me.

"I put him in his place, hyung," he put bluntly, taking his phone out of his back pocket.

"What? What's wrong with him? Is he okay?"

"Just shut up, the kid's overreacting. I kicked him out the pack, it ain't like he was contributing shit anywa-"

The car halted suddenly, and I looked over at Namjoon, who stared into the distance, gulping.

"Joon? Hey, you okay?"

I heard the younger groan, before his head dropped onto the wheel, his body convulsing with violent sobs and cries he let out.

"Hey, hey! Joon..."

I wrapped my arms around the pack leader, rubbing his back gently, looking over at Hoseok.

He glared at me, scrolling through his phone aggressively.


The younger was starting to calm down, the car's volume decreasing until only Hoseok's violent taps against his screen were heard.

"I messed up..."

I sighed, turning away to open the passenger door.

I walked around the car before opening the driver's door, pulling Namjoon out.

I took him over to the curb, sitting him down before placing my jacket down next to him, collapsing down as I sighed.

"Joon, listen, the kid did something wrong. He didn't apologise, nor feel bad, but decided to push you over the edge. If anything, I would've done more in your position,"

His sniffles subsided, before turning to the car, looking at the backseat window where Hobi was leaning against.

"Do you th-think Hobi did the right thing, hyung?"

I also looked, before tilting my head.

"Well, we can't tell yet, can we? But for now, I do think Hobi did the right thing, even though the action was rushed and not thought about deeply, even with our thoughts on the situation, it would have led to Tae being removed..."

My phone suddenly buzzed, and I noticed how Namjoon also took his phone out.

New Notification: Family Time👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

I pressed on the notification, seeing something that made me sigh.

👽Tete👽 left the group

I put my phone back in my pocket, and sat on the curb in silence.

The car door suddenly slammed open, and I looked over to see Hobi strolling over, before sitting down next to me.

"You look homeless, ya know hyung,"

I snapped my head to Hobi, who smirked at me.

I heard chuckles from Namjoon and smacked them both on the head, groans emitted immediately.

"What? You do! The jacket on the ground, the three dollar chain and all!"

I glared at him before shoving him and watched as he toppled over the side, shrieking "no, my shirteu! Shirteu!"

We again sat in silence, enjoying the bit of peace we had left together.

I had been friends with these guys for years, and I hoped that wouldn't change.

Everything would hopefully be alright.


To be continued

I took a long ass break.

Sure, my mental health ain't any better or anything, and sure, I still don't have any will to live, and sure, I want to die, but at least I had some human decency to update.

Anygays, I'm so sorry for taking so long, but I've been doing nothing but sit in the dark and watch tiktoks.

I have like, 52 pieces of sklwork I haven't done, most of them were due in last month but I cba, it aint like I'm gon make it to next year anygays so fudge it.

I'm gon make the most out of the last few months of ma life so, idc, Mr. Beasley, that I ain't doing tutor logs and you "thought Jess was dead"

Hope yall are enjoying quarantine, cuz I sure fudging am.

Stream 대취타 and Yoongi's new album D-2 cuz its a fudging bop.

Stream 대취타 and Yoongi's new album D-2 cuz its a fudging bop

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Unlikely another update is coming rly soon but I'll try my best.

Stay inside, cuz ik I am, it aint like I was gon go outside b4 quarantine so I'm healthy physically at least.

800 words.

Cya next chapter, baiiii ♥

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