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Taehyung's P.O.V

I knew that I had some form of regret for not helping the omega, but ignored the guilt that crept up to my head.

I took a deep breath, heading towards the seniors building.

I swung the door open, about to run over to the door.

I then saw the group of year twelve alphas, smoking while kicking around the stones on the ground.

I scoffed, cracking my neck before heading over to the pack.

They recognised me from my reputation: school's 4th most dominant, year thirteen pureblood in the strongest pack.

Instantly crushing their cigarettes beneath their feet, they turned to me and bowed, making me smirk.

"Good morning, sunbaenim," they said in unison.

My tongue ran over my teeth (A/N: I always do this when I'm pissed off), looking over at them with a raised eyebrow.

I sensed their tension: they could clearly tell I was annoyed.

"So. Anything interesting happen today?"

They looked amongst each other, before their head alpha stepped up.

"No, sunbaenim, has your day been okay?"

I shook my head, grinning at them.

"Nah. Actually, one of my pack members were attacked today, the audacity! To mess with my pack member!"

I raised my voice at the end, noticing how they were beginning to submit.

"I apologise, sunbaenim. Could we do anything to help?"

I smiled at that, patting the alpha on the head.

"Good thing you know who my pack is. The kid was a new member of our pack, ya know?"

Head alpha hummed, gulping.

"So. What I heard so far from the kid was that it was a group of year twelve alphas. Know anyone like that around here?"

"N-no sunbaenim. W-who is your n-new pack me-member?"

"Maybe you'll know him. He is quite popular now..."

He swallowed the saliva stuck in his mouth, and I frowned as he started to retreat back to his pack.

"You know a, uh, a Jungkook? The omega?"

"H-he's in y-your pack, sunbaenim?"

"Yeah. And you know what happens when you mess with people in my pack?"

"W-what, sunbaenim?"

I smirked, rolling my sleeves up and cracking my knuckles.

"I fight them,"

To be continued

Ik this is a short chapter, I wanted to fit two updates in a day ♡

400 words this time.

Baiiiiiiiiii~ ♥

Baiiiiiiiiii~ ♥

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