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Youngjae's P.O.V

I gasped as Jiyong was lifted off the floor, held by his neck as Yoongi stared up at him.

Yoongi's fingers gripped hard onto the skin, clearly leaving marks as his large hand wrapped around Jiyong's airpipe.

"Yoongi get the fuck off him! You're gonna kill him!"

I watched as Jackson rushed to the two purebloods, the dominant growling at him in warning not to get any closer.

"You wanna join in, Jackson?"

Jackson halted, his hands reached out in hope to get them both out alive.

"He can't breathe, Yoongi. You need to let him go! You're gonna fucking kill him!"

Yoongi grinned, baring his teeth.

"You two almost killed my pack member, so why don't I put you in Jungkook's position, yeah? An almost dead position, traumatised permanently. Come here, why don't we try that out?"

"Look, I know that we did wrong, yeah? But we barely touched him! It was Taehyung that ripped his ear, we didn't do shit!"

I saw how Yoongi looked at Jaebeom with red eyes, signalling for a confirmation on the statement.

Jaebeom stood up, before walking over and whispering in his ear: I could just about make out what he said.

"Jiyong was swearing at him, lifting his chin: Jackson and Bang Chan just kept patting Jungkook's head and stroking his ears to get full submission. Nothing else,"

I watched how Yoongi loosened his grip at that, Jiyong gasping for air as he was dropped on the floor, scrambling away from the other pureblood.

Jackson rushed towards him, murmuring small reassuring words as Yoongi clenched his fists.

He glanced at me, and I could see how pissed he was in that one look before witnessing him transform and sprint over to the classrooms.

It was unlikely I was going to see Taehyung safe.

Namjoon's P.O.V

I found Hobi sitting outside a classroom, rolling a pencil along his fingers.

He looked up at me, grinning expectantly.

"I ain't got shit, what about you?"

His expression changed immediately.

"Oh god, no... I was hoping you did," he muttered, dropping the pencil before rubbing his temples. "Guess we gotta just wait for Yoongi. If he ain't got nothing, I'm killing everyone on campus,"

The door at the end of the corridor burst open, a burgundy wolf racing through towards us.


The wolf transformed and Yoongi stood with his hands on his knees, panting as he shook his hair.

"I... know who... did it..." he got out.

Taehyung's P.O.V

I sat against a wall by the bike sheds, my hood up while I looked up to the sky.

I sat against a wall by the bike sheds, my hood up while I looked up to the sky

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The wind kept me company, whistling every so often as it blew my hair.

As I slumped and hid my face in my arms, I remembered the words and looks passed to me when I ran away from the scene.



Omega hater.

He hurt Jungkook.

The omega didn't do shit.

I didn't know what had run through me when I grabbed at my pack member's ears, even though I knew he was an omega.

I didn't know if I could even call him my pack member: when the guys found out, I knew they would kick me out the pack, Yoongi would kill me.

I didn't know what to do, so I ran away from my problem: like always. Like Yoongi said I always did.

I didn't know anything.

I could only sit there and regret, wanting to know what had happened to Jungkook.

I couldn't help but feel his pain: not emotionally, but physically...

I could feel his pain.

I groaned as I grabbed my ears under my hood, wondering why a sudden shock of pain occurred.

"What the fuck...?" I mumbled, my ears clenching as I felt like it was being cut open.

I stumbled up, ignoring the throbbing pain of my head as I grabbed my bike and rode back home, deciding to take rest as there would be no point in staying in college anyway.

This was impossible: the only way I could feel somebody else's pain physically was if...

We were mates.

To be continued

Short ass chapter, I'm really sorry.

800 words.

I'll see if I can update another really short chapter later on: it'll kinda be like one long chapter.

Follow this motherfudger, BANGTAN_ARMY0 for clear skin.

Have a face reveal as I couldn't put pictures in when I first got 1k reads.

Have a face reveal as I couldn't put pictures in when I first got 1k reads

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I'm the ugly beech on the right, btw.

Thanks for 1.3k!

Anygays, vote and comment! Baiii~ ♥

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