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Taehyung's P.O.V

Three days.

I stayed isolated in my room for three days, rubbing my chest in hope the burning pain of the pack removal would go.

None of my now ex pack members contacted me since that day, my phone only blew up with messages from Jackson, Jiyong and Bang Chan, who worried over my well being.

I hadn't spoken to anyone in a while, even refusing the meals and attempts of starting a conversation from my mother.

As soon as I could get up, the burn soothed down to only a slight sting, I got dressed straight away, happy I could finally do the thing I had wanted to do.

I wore all black, hoping not to get recognised by anyone after staying confined for so long.

Leaving the house, I started walking to the direction of the hospital.

"I'm gonna make things right, my little mate,"

Jungkook's P.O.V

It had been a few hours since Jin hyung left with Joon hyung, and I was sat up in my hospital bed.

I never expected to be bipolar, I thought I had got over that period of my life.

The doctors had said that the incident triggered the late reaction from my mental health, and I didn't say anything, only hoping that they had got it wrong.

I hadn't told anyone about the incident five years ago, which caused a small period of trauma.

And I was going to keep it that way.

I held the stuffed bear from Jeongyeon noona close to my chest, nosing at the ears.

Visiting hours had ended a while ago, and I was alone in the room, unbothered to turn the TV on, the silence letting me think through everything that had happened over the past few weeks.

I heard a creak behind me, ignoring the sound, thinking it was the nurse to clean my bedside table, covered in chocolate wrappers.

The light footsteps came closer, and a familiar scent followed.

I jolted up, wincing at the sharp pain up my spine.

The shadow also groaned, before walking closer.

I pressed my back against the bedboard, my eyes widening as the figure came under the light above my bed.

"Gguk? Hey..."

I stared at Taehyung with a blank look.

He stared back at me, before his eyes slithered over my state, a flash of guilt seen.

"Oh my god..."

I saw the pureblood look away once seeing the blood covering the bandages on my head.

"Look... Koo... can I even call you that? Jungkook... you have to understand, I was just pressured, I never meant for it to go far, they were egging me o-"

"Egging you on? Taehyung, listen. You could have easily just told them no, you could have easily overruled them, you're more dominant! Why did you have to permenently injure me for their games? W-why? Why m-me... why?"

By the end of my speech, I was sobbing, my bed shaking as I looked away from Taehyung, who's eyes were burning with guilt.

That didn't matter, he's an asshole. He deserves to feel guilt, and maybe even the regret, that is, if there is any.

"Koo I understand that but-"

"Don't call me that. You don't have the rights,"

"O-of course... Jungkook, I really understand that and I'm sorry but I wasn't thinking at the time! I just didn't like the way you made me feel when I saw you and I thought this might be able to prove I don't like you and we're not mates but I didn't think it through and-"

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