Crazy ex

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One week passed by like a day and before anyone knew it, it was school time and about everyone was excited about the friends they will make but Abby was just excited about seeing Alex, wait no she wasn't Abby immediately removed the idea from her head and said was the new art she will make that she was excited about.

During the course of that week Abby and Stephanie fully renovated their house and unpacked their things.

The boys also took care of their own things and unpacked so as everyone else who was attending Royale High.

When school started there was a bustling in the hall as everyone was excited about school.

After classes when it was time for lunch Abby and Stephanie went together to the dining room and Alex invited Abby and Stephanie to join him and his friends to their table and when they were about to sit on the table when out of nowhere a girl pushed Abby from behind and sat where Abby was meant to sit.

Abby's heart began to hurt and she turned to leave when she heard Alex saying, "Get away from me Emily"

Her heart instantly began to glow up the embarrassed girl got up and was looking red in the face when she heard that she stood up and passed by Abby and whispered in her ears, "You will pay for this" before leaving the dining hall.

"Thanks Alex," Abby said before seating beside Alex, Stephanie stood in between Christopher and Josh who were looking at Stephanie.

"No problem," Alex said

"By the way who is she?" Abby asked but she answered her own question by saying," Crazy ex huh?"


"Why did you break up, well besides the fact that she is crazy and all?"

"She cheated on him on their 2 year anniversary," answered Josh, "By the way I'm Josh, short for Joshua"

"Sorry dude," Abby said

They talked for a while and when the bell rang they went to their classes.

Meanwhile in another corner...

Emily overheard their conservation and caught one very important thing which was Abby.

Emily was going to make sure that Abby paid.

She quickly called one of her father's friends who was in tech and asked him to send her a report of all those who lived in 100 mile radius and unfortunately she got Abby's home address.

She thought of something to do and she had a very devious plan in mind.

She promised some strong guys that she would spend time with each of them if they helped her, they foolishly agreed and she and the guys followed Emily into her car and she went straight to Abby's house and did the worst thing imaginable to a person.

After school, Stephanie and Abby went home and when they opened the door their whole house was trashed eggs where broken on the floor and their bookshelf was on the ground, pillows where on the floor both Abby and Stephanie were shocked and Abby's face was filled with tears although she wasn't crying, Abby called the only person she thought of which was Alex and he immediately picked up the call.

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