A Lying Witch and a Warden

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The bell had rung and I was on my way out. Well, I tried to. Everyone was eager to leave the schoolyard, it was summer after all. Which was understandable, but I liked having space, and getting shoved left to right and back to back was not the way I wanted to leave. As I was walking, one random girl purposely bumped her shoulder against mine, I glared at her and she glared back, "What's your problem?" I frowned. "Did you hear? Your weird little sister got sent to Principal Hal's again," she leered.

I rolled my eyes, "And? She probably got sent to the principal's office because she has better creativity than you do."

She laughed, "As if! Your sister's just a little freak who doesn't know when to quit."

"Hey, Noceda!"

Just then a guy walked up to me, "Your freak of a nature sister got my brother in the hospital because of those stupid snakes she brought bit him!", he fumed, "You better hope those snakes she brought aren't venomous or else!"

With that, the guy stomped away. I sighed, 'Luz, really? Snakes?'

The girl snickered, "Yeah, your sister definitely needs help, she's such a little psycho." She walked off, still cackling away at my sister's misfortune. It wasn't her fault; she just had a big imagination... And that her creativity can get a little out of hand. "People just don't think like she does," I muttered walking to the school doors.

I made it outside where my mother was waiting for me. I looked to the backseat and laughed, Luz was doing her funny eye trick while sticking her tongue out, no doubt she was probably making zombie sounds. I walked down the steps and got into the car. As soon as I sat down on the front seat, arms wrapped around my head, "Sneak attack!"

"Ah! Ma, help! I'm getting attacked by nerdy noodle arms!"

 "Hey," Luz whined, "I don't have nerdy noodle arms."

I stuck my tongue out at her and she stuck hers out back at me. "How was your last day of school, Mija?", mother asked, "Eh, it was fine.", I shrugged, "Could've gone better. So, Hermanita, how'd your book report go?"

At this, Luz's mood deflated, she looked down at her shoes and muttered, "It... could've gone better too."

"Oh...", I sat upright in my seat, that's when it clicked in my mind, 'So that's why she brought snakes to school.'

At the corner of my eye, I could see my mother let out a sigh, she then turned to me, "So, are you excited to spend your summer in Manchester, mijita?"

"Oh, Manchester, yeah!", I smiled. Mom started up the car and started to drive back home, "It's so nice of your friends to invite you along."

The entire ride home was spent with me and my mother talking about my trip to Manchester. However, I was worried for Luz, she hadn't really said anything the entire ride, which continued up until we got home.

𝒯𝑒𝑒𝓃𝒶𝑔𝑒 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂 (The Owl House, Hunter x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now