Escape of the Palisman

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Apparently, there was a park that was safe enough for kids in Bonesborough to play in which was a delightful surprise! Why were we here though? Well, apparently this is where King claims is a kingdom he has yet to claim as his own.

Luz for whatever reason was nervous for King's safety. While Eda and I calmly watched him trying to climb a slide, every once in a while, he would end up slipping, but he was getting there.

"Aww," Luz cooed, "I wonder what cute little game he's playing"

"Divide and Conquer?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

King had finally reached the top and began commanding the kids at the bottom. His little 'reign' was short-lived when one kid got up and pushed him on the slide. "Eda!" King cried, running up to Luz and clinging onto her leg, "That monster took my throne."

"You mean the baby?"

"No, the usurper. I want you to go over there and blow him up. Kaboom!"

The supposed usurper was now riding a spring rider, "Kaboom!"

Eda unscrewed Owlbert from his spot on her staff, "Yeah, I am not using Owlbert to blow up a five-year-old." Owlbert came to life and hopped onto Eda's hand, "He's got better things to do. Like this..." She started scratching him, the tiny owl let out a purr, unfolding his wing. It was so cute!

"Aw, what a sweetie." Luz cooed, "How did you get him?"

Eda raised an eyebrow at her, "Get? I made Owlbert from the branch of an ancient tree." She held out her other hand for Owlbert to hop onto. "Ah, he's my Palisman, and we're bonded for life." She lifted him up to her shoulder where the little owl nuzzled against her cheek, "I'd annihilate anyone who'd hurt him."

"Fine! Don't help." King said angrily, unbeknownst to him, the little usurper was walking up to him, "Revenge will taste all the sweeter if they fall by my hand alone." The small demon laughed evilly.

"Tag. You're it." The child ran away laughing after shoving King again. King stayed on the ground unmoving for some reason, "Oh man," Eda started, "Here we go. King's squeak of rage."

Slowly, King got up off the ground, "Nyeh! Nyeh!", he fell on his bottom and started to squeal and kick his feet, similar to a tantrum. King got up off the ground and started to run in the direction of the playground.

I couldn't help but laugh, Eda did too, "He's like a little teakettle." Eda said, wiping a tear away. "Hey, what's that?" Luz asked, noticing something as she pointed at Owlbert. I looked over and noticed the small owl had a hole at the bottom of his foot. "That's his interlock," Eda explained, "So he only fits on to my staff. Every palisman has one..."

Suddenly, Eda went silent. She stared with a blank, far off look.

"Eda?" I stood up from my spot, "Are you okay?"

Out of nowhere, she stood up, frightening Luz, Owlbert and I. Luz was standing too while Owlbert hopped off the older witch's shoulder and onto the bench. "Eda? Eda!" She didn't respond. Instead she fell forward, before she could hit the ground, I stopped her, trying to hold onto her, "Luz, help me lay her down."

Luz quickly came to aid, as we both laid her down onto the bench, "Eda? Eda, wake up!" Luz cried in worry.

Finally, Eda seemed to have snapped out of her trance. "Are you alright?" Luz asked, as she helped her sit up. The older woman shuddered, "What?" Realization seemed to hit her, "Oh, no. The curse. We have to get home. Now." She sat up and grabbed her staff and we started our way home. Luz called out for King.

𝒯𝑒𝑒𝓃𝒶𝑔𝑒 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂 (The Owl House, Hunter x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now