Once Upon a Swap

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I considered today a very busy day. I was walking in and out of the tent grabbing objects from a pile, stacking them up for sales.

Meanwhile, King was trying to grab at a green flag and Luz was busy making a sign for Eda. As for Eda herself, she was in the tent too, going through Owlbert's findings and separating what should be sold, what was deemed useless, what could be kept and things for Luz and I.

I turned my head sharply at the noise King made, turns out the little guy fell off the table, cursing at the flag. I pulled the sock that was on his face off. Luz passed by with a ladder and her finished sign. "It's been a little slow around here. But I've got just the thing to attract customers!"

She placed the sign on top of the old one. I just noticed the light glyphs on the sign surrounding it. Luz pressed her hand onto it and the sign lit up, "And who doesn't like their name in lights?" I had to shield my face a little from the number of glyphs she used. When I refocused my sight, there was a chibi face of Eda winking.

"I don't know, Luz. I think it's a little too bright." I suggested, "Nonsense, dear sister! There is no such thing as too bright but is it too subtle?" she wondered. I shrugged and simply walked back inside the tent to retrieve other items. As I exited the tent, a group of students were outside, "-I'm just here to take an ironic Penstagram next to your weird flashing trash sign."

Oh, hell no.

The girl summoned her scroll phone. I passed by and shoved the scroll away from the sign, "Hey!"

"Sorry, no flash photography of our stand." I said, placing a bowl of smaller human collectables on the table next to the cash register.

"Whatever, like I'm gonna listen to you." She stuck her tongue out at me. I merely shrugged as I walked past her again, ignoring the girl.

"Any more things that need to be stocked?" I asked Eda who was now standing with her hands on her hips.

"No, I think this is good. Any buyers outside?" She asked.

"None in particular." I answered.

Eda suddenly began to sniff the air, "Wait! I think I smell something! I smell an easy mark." She said excitedly, sniffing outside and leaving.

This woman had some strong senses that were pretty weird.

When I walk out, Eda is in all sorts of clothing that clearly clashed, standing in front of Boscha and the other two students. They leave, laughing at the older woman.

"Well, I hate her." Eda stated bitterly as she returned to her normal clothes.

"Yeah, teens can be sour," Luz said as a matter of fact, putting her arm around me, "But (Y/N) and I are little sweeties. Look what I made you!" Luz exclaimed, pointing up at her sign. "Luz!" Eda panicked, getting up on top of the table and took the sign down.

"Did I spell something wrong? Or did I spell something right?"

"Stop that." Eda scolded as she wiped the light orbs off of the sign. "You may be forgetting something, Luz. I'm kinda on the run! Remember?" She held up her poster, reminding us. "Every guard in town would be at my doorstep if I had my name in lights."

"Well, I don't see anyone right now. Maybe you're just being paranoid," Luz said, setting King down, "You're a powerful witch. Why hide when you can "poof" all your problems away with magic?"

"I don't think it works that way, and if it did, I'm sure Eda's energy would be pretty drained." I pointed out.

"What does Luz know about problems anyway?" King asked nonchalantly, "All she has is dumb teen drama! She doesn't understand how hard some of us have it."

𝒯𝑒𝑒𝓃𝒶𝑔𝑒 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂 (The Owl House, Hunter x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now