Adventures in the Elements

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Here's a cute doodle of reader I did with her in her winter clothes. Hope you guys like it!


I could see why Luz wanted to befriend Amity so badly. She's a smart and talented kid, works hard, and is surprisingly kind. She was definitely someone I could talk to about books since we shared the same interest in a couple of genres. Speaking of books, she had finished the Azura book Luz had given her.

Since, after my shift I was heading home, Amity offered to walk with me since the way to the Owl House also passed through the market. Her and Luz planned on meeting there so she could return the book.

When I stepped outside, I was immediately met by the Blight twins greeting me with bright smiles. "Sorry, they insisted on tagging along," their younger sibling apologized.

"It's fine." I smiled, "Your brother and sister have walked me home before."

"Ah, I see. They're quite fond of you," Amity simply states as she stares at her older siblings. Emira and I were casually holding hands while Edric struck up a conversation, while he was also holding my other hand.

The twins wandered off when we got to the market, saying something about wanting to check some stuff out, leaving Amity and I to have a small chat while we waited for Luz.

Suddenly, Amity let out a groan. "Hang on, my brother and sister are causing a ruckus."

And by ruckus, she meant they gave Luz a fright. My sister was on the ground rubbing her head while Ed and Em laughed playfully. Amity shooed them away, "Edric! Emira! Stop bothering her!" I held out my hand for Luz to take and pull her up from the ground. "Sorry, Luz, they insisted on coming along to drop your sister off," Amity apologized.

"Not only that," Emira chimed in, squishing her younger sister's cheeks, "It's also because we love you baby sister!" Amity shoved her away, "They've been extra protective and nice towards me to make up for the library incident had it not been for (Y/N)'s influence."

To be honest, I didn't really need to say anything to them. Heck, I didn't even know they often teased Amity to the point of taking it too far. All the twins saw that influenced them to be nicer to their younger sister was because they saw me being nice to Luz all the time. Along with being protective too.

Edric leaned in, "And we still apologize everyday." Amity also gave her brother a shove.

"In any case, here's your book," she pulled out the book from her bag and handed it to Luz. They both conversed over the story while us older siblings stood off to the side. Almost like parents who watched their kids interact with one another.

"This is great! Maybe we could even start an Azura club at school when we're classmates!" Luz excitedly mentioned out of the blue.

"When we're what?" Amity asked.

"Surprise!" Luz exclaimed, pulling out the Hexside pamphlet from her pocket, "The Noceda sisters are enrolling at Hexside!"

"Wait, you're enrolling into Hexside?" Edric asked, turning to me.

I rubbed the back of my head, realizing that I hadn't told either of them yet, "Uh, yeah. Remember when you guys saw me at your Illusion track homeroom. Turns out, Eda was enrolling us while we explored."

Emira gasped, pretending that she was upset by giving me sad, puppy eyes, "(Y/N), shame on you for not telling us sooner!"

"Hey! This means that you can be in the Illusion track with us!" Edric suggested.

𝒯𝑒𝑒𝓃𝒶𝑔𝑒 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂 (The Owl House, Hunter x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now