Author's Note

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Hello! Hehe I'm once again writing a tragic story. I'm so obsessed with them. I like to write tragic though I never had the guts to end my book with a sad ending. So this is my fourth story on wattpad and second story of herophine.
I'm excited! Thank you so much to everyone who are about to join their journey.... Hope you all will like it!
If you hadn't read my previous story, give it a try....
'Will you be mine?(herophine) " my first fanfic, I wrote.
' The Bet (hessa) ' my second fanfic.
' one short and short stories (herophine/hessa) '
' Letter's I wrote to you (Harry styles) ' if you like Harry Styles fan please give it a try....

So a big thank you to all of my readers!
Thank you! Hope you will support this story as much as you guys supported the last one.

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