Chapter 25

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If it all goes wrong, darling just hold on :- Just hold on by Louis Tomlinson and Steve Aoki

Ansel Elgort

It's been another week. I've been trying so hard to find any clue to prove that Hero is okay. He isn't sick. That he's alright. I haven't found any yet.

Perhaps, he's really sick and not pretending? Perhaps I'm just over thinking? Because I'm scared to lose her? I'm willing to do anything that would make me feel safe and secure about my relationship?

I-I just don't know. It's like I'm losing my mind to save and secure our relationship. I-I don' can't lose her. I'll lose myself. She's my everything. My love, best friend, partner, my whole world and soon to be wife.

I want her. All to myself. I don't care....I'll do whatever it takes to keep her to myself. There's no end if it means I have her to myself. I'll go to any length. I can't lose her and I won't.

I love her and she's mine.

Josephine Langford

Whole week I've been trying to understand what does his drawing depict

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Whole week I've been trying to understand what does his drawing depict. I don't understand if it's me and him. Does he feel lonely? Why would he show me something like this? With such deep meaning that I can't decipher? Why?

I glance and look at Hero from the living room. Watching Doc McStuffins and grinning like an idiot. She's his favourite. In short, he's childhood crush and love.

Dressed in suspenders shorts. His hair all messed up.

He look so innocent. So pure. I wanna love him but then everything he did to me floods my head and I control myself.

I keep telling myself that I love Ansel and eventually will move on from Hero however deep down in my heart...I know that I love him. No matter what. I always have and always will. Till my last breath. I can deny it as much as I want but I can't change it.

Even if I won't go back to him..doesn't mean I can't love him. I can't forgive him for what he did to me furthermore I can't bring myself to stop loving him.

I sometimes wish...everything was like before as it was. When he didn't cheated on me. I wish...I never left the country. I wish he never did that. I regret everything but one thing that I didn't forgive him and went back to him when he came to me asking for forgiveness.

And I'm proud of myself for that.

Sure. I can't see him hurt and broken but I can't lose my self-respect and get back with the guy..who betrayed and my trust...even if I love him.

Just because I love him doesn't mean I have to be in a relationship with him. I can always watch from far. As much as I love him...I love myself more. (As everyone should)

I sigh and decided. I'll try and ask him.

I slowly went towards him,place the sketch on the beside table and a at beside him on the couch.
He didn't hear me or ignored me. He's like that, when he watching this series.
I called out again. Still no response.
I lost my patience and almost yell as I got up and turn off the TV.

That's when he turn his head and looked at me.

"Why would you do that?!" He whine and look at me with sore face.

I place my hand on my hips and glare at him.

"I want you to answer me back when I'm talking to you. Understand?"
I stated in a motherly tone.

He looked at me with frown on his forehead and his lips in pout.


"Fine! Yeah!"

I don't understand how Martha handled his sassy ass. He's such a brat.

I turn my gaze soft and kneel beside him, place my hand on his knees and look up at him with most soft gaze, I can't muster up.

"I want you to tell me something, yea?"

I gulp and look at him. He looked at me for few before reluctantly nodding.

I pick the sketch from the beside table and place it on his lap. He looked at the picture then at me with a frown on his forehead.

"Can you explain me this?"


He got cut off by my phone ringing. I sigh.

Why now?

I remove the phone from my pocket to see if it's something important.

It was doctor.

I frown.

"1 minute."
I show him my index finger indicating my statement and sat on the floor as I answer the call.



I whisper.

"I need you to come to the hospital. As soon as you can."
His voice has a wave of urgency in it.

"What? Why? Is this something serious?"
My heart pound in my chest. My mind praying for it not to be something bad.

"Yes ma'am."

That's when he told me what happened and my heart came to halt and my body froze. The phone slipped out of my arm and fall on the floor as tears began to roll down my cheeks. I pathetically began to sob.

"Jo? Jo what's wrong?! Baby! What's wrong?"


Sorry for making you guys wait for so long. I was suppose to publish last night but I passed out early morning due stomach ache and forgot to publish.

Make sure you vote, comment, share and follow me.

I just came back from my vacation and wrote this for you guys because I make you all wait for so long. You guys are so supportive it's not fair to you guys. So I wrote this for you guys.
I love you guys.
Have a good day/night.

All the love

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