Chapter 19

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Beyond the door
There's peace, I'm sure
And I know there will be no more
Tears in heaven - Tears In Heaven by Eric Clapton


"Merc? What wrong?" I place my hand on her shoulder. Tryna calm her down. Her body is shaking furiously. Tears falling down her cheeks, leaving blemish on her cheeks.
"H-hero" she croaks out. My heart drop.

Did he do something he shouldn't have? Please god no.

"What about Hero, Mercy?" Ansel ask. His brow furrow in tension. Tears began to build in my eyes as she said what happened.


Mercy pov

As I reach home. I threw myself on the couch and puff out the air.
Today was exhausting.
I close my eye and sat there until I heard my phone ringing. I groan and reach over the coffee table.

I furrow my brow. It's an unknown call. I decline it, relaxed myself and closed my eyes again. It starts ringing again.
"Ughhhh why can't they understand I don't want any fucking loan!" I yell and pick up phone. Hoping after this they wouldn't ring me.

"Hello?" I tiredly whispered. I just wanna sleep peacefully.
"Hello. Can I speak with Mercy Finneas Tiffin?" Someone said from the other end. I can hear the music blasting in the back. This isn't something good.

"Umm I believe you brother Hero Finneas Tiffin came in my bar and start a fight so I recommend you to come and take him before he causes any more problem and I have to call the cops." I rest my hand on my head as he spoke.

"I'll-I'll be there. Just tell me the address." I took the notepad from the living room drawer and wrote down the address as he said.

"Thank you. I'll be there soon."

I sigh and slump my shoulder as I pick up the key and drove to the bar. I park my car outside the bar and went in.

I scan the room until I saw Hero sitting on the barstool. I went to him and place my hand on his shoulder. He spun his head looked at me. His eyes red from the alcohol.
"Hero, let's go home." I whisper. Not in a mood to really talk. My body is aching.

"What are you doing here?" He said and raise his brow at me.
"The manager called me. Hero. Don't make a scene.  Let's go." I sternly said. He nod and jump of the stool. He stumble a bit and let out a chuckle. I smile at his behaviour. It's been long since I've seen him like this. Childish. Even if it's just because of the alcohol in his system.

I just hope there isn't any paparazzi out there by now. Wouldn't be good for his career. I wrap my arms around his shoulder after I pay off his bills. He stumbled out of the bar as I step outside of the bar. A person yell.
"What bitch running away?! Already?! Well I see who wouldn't, when their beautiful,hot and sexy girlfriend would come and beg to go home with her. I bet you gonna have a wonderful night, care to share her with me? I'll pay you, whatever you want!" My eyes widen as I turn my head. Hero latched on him and punched him in his face. I tried to pull him away but he's way to builded.

"Hero. Let go!"
"No! Don't you say that fucking shit about her! She's my sister you asshole!" He scream at top of his lungs. I hear the siren outside the bar. The manager called the cops.

The cops are here. I tried to pull his away. He kept on punching him on his face. The man under him groan and yell but no one came forward to help until the police came and force Hero away from him. Too strongly that he stumbled and hit his head on the corner of the table.

"Hero!" I scream and ran to him as he fall on the ground. The cops rush by and help me pick Hero and place him the car. Cameras flashing on the window as I drove off to the hospital.

(End of the Flashback)

I place my hand over my mouth as she told me everything. I hug her as she broke into a fit of sobs.
"Shhh it's gonna be alright." I cooed her which didn't seem to work. I kept rubbing her back.
"This all happened because of me. He was just protecting me. He hit his head pretty hard, by looking at it you could say it was very deep." She cried out. Ansel hugged us both and rubbed my back. I look at him and sadly smiled at him. A tear escape my eye. He wipe it off. I mouthed 'I love you' to him. He smiled and pulled away. I broke the hug and looked at Ansel. Silently asking him to say something that will calm her. He nodded and move forward.

He placed his hand on shoulder, bend down and look at her face. She's still sobbing. She softly whisper to her.
"Hey, it wasn't your fault. You didn't pushed him. He was drunk and stumble up. It was just an accident. No one is at wrong here, love. Calm down alright. You'll make yourself sick, if you keep on crying like this." He hugged her.

Eventually she calmed down. We sat in the waiting area.
Thousands of scenarios going through my head. I just hope he'll be okay.

Hours felt like years until the light of OT shut off and the doctor came out. He remove his mask and smile at us. Probably it's good news.
"How is he doctor?". Ansel was the first to ask. We followed behind him and stood by his side.
"He's alright now. Still not conscious. But he most probably will be awake by tomorrow morning. Nothing to worry about." He smile and shrug off. I let out a breath of relief, I didn't knew I was holding. I turn to Mercy and hugged her. Ansel shook his hands with doctor.
"Thank you doctor."


In Next chapter Hero gonna be awake. Do you think everything will be alright? The doctor said there's nothing to worry about but what if there is? What if Hero didn't make it? What if one of the nerve in his brain burst up? Then?

Well I hope you like it.
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I love you guys.
Have a good night.
All the love

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