Chapter 28

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I was suppose to publish this last night but it slipped of my yea, here it is.

Josephine Langford

"I don't think she would wanna see you right now. I pleading please leave."

I tried to comprehend who was this but couldn't.
I slowly open my eyes only to squinted them again due to the brightness in the room.

"Please. I just wanna explain. Let me see her. Please."
This is someone else.

I know both the voice but I just couldn't decipher who belong to.

I slowly open my eyes and let it adjust in the bright room and turn my head to where the voice was talking.

There were two people.
I force my brain, trying to point out who they are and why I'm here....Ansel. Hero. Mum. Me fainting!

Everything hit me like a tide wave and a pain ran through my head.

I groan and close my eyes.

Ansel Elgort


I was cut off by a groan. I snap my head and look at the bed.


In a minute I'm beside her.
"Jo! Baby you scared me! How are you?! Does it hurt somewhere?!"

"Doctor! Nurse! Please she's awake!"

I rang the bell kept beside her bed and caress her face.
"Ans! I'm alright! It's okay!"
She chuckle and smile at me.

I return her smile and kiss her forehead. Relief rushes through me just by seeing her smile.
"You scared me..." I mumble against her forehead.
"I'm sorry."
"How are-"

"I see. Miss Langford you're awake."
He smile at Jo which she reciprocated. She seems happy.

"How are you feeling? Does anything hurt?"

I took the sit beside her bed with her hand in mine as I adore her face.

Her beautiful face with her delicate skin. Her plump lips. She just so beautiful!

"So do you remember what happened before you ended up in hospital on bed?"
The doctor narrow his eye and quier.

Her smile dropped and her eyes were clouded by hurt, betrayed and tears. She shake her head a little and smile at the doctor though it doesn't reach her eyes this time.

"I do." She mumble.
"It's gonna be hard but remember she wouldn't wanna see you mourning on her death for long."

She reluctantly nod her head and smile at him.

Hero Finneas Tiffin

None of them has acknowledge my presence while I stand here in corner silently and look at Ansel staring at her with heart eyes.

My heart burns with jealousy! I thought...thought, I could let her go but I couldn't! I just couldn't! It hurts me! Physically and mentally! I'm miserable without her....this past years have been fucking hell for me and now that she's engaged....I'm slowly dying inside out....

I never wanted to betray her trust but...but I always end up hurting her. Whatever I did. I did to get her back but ended up losing her completely!

Now that she know everything she won't even see me!
She hates me!
I don't stand any chance. I hope she'll just hear me out? Try to forgive me? At least be friend with me? If not getting back to me....

Josephine Langford

As the doctor check me up and left after he felt that everything was okay.

My heart drop a little as I reminisce about mum. I had a little smile on my face I relive the vivid memories I had with her.

I turn my head to talk with Ansel when my eyes caught something and my smile drop.

So the second voice belonged to him.

"What are you doing here?!"
I snap at him.

He snap his head up at me. Eyes holding fear with guilt? I think?

"Jo. Baby. At least hear him out? Let him explain? Please?"
I snap my head towards him so fast I think I would snapped it. I look at him like he have grown two heads!

I snap at Ansel.
"Why are you taking his side?! You are my fiancé not his!"

He let out a deep sigh and look at me with sad eyes.

"Jo. Hear him out baby. Please? He probably had reason behind what he did? Let him explain?"

I sternly denied it.

He betrayed my trust again. How can I trust him again? How the hell am I suppose to trust anyone after this?

He warn but look at me with pleading eyes.

I huff and nod my head.

"You have 5 minutes."
I mumble still not making eye contact with him. I'm angry at Ansel as well.

"I'm angry at you." I told him. He just smile and kissed my forehead.

"I'll leave you guys to talk."

I look at him in disbelief....Does he think I'm joking?

As Ansel left the room. I turn my head and look at him again with anger in my eyes.
He fiddle with his finger, kept his eyes low, as he slowly walked towards me. Taking short steps.

"You gonna speak at all?!"

He flinch a little and almost felt guilty for snapping at him.

For a minute he looked like the Hero. The one who I loved. The one who loved me. The one who was so free life. My heart almost melt until I saw the Hero. Who broke my heart. Who cheated on me. Who broke my heart yet again.

This time it was so bad. I don't think, I'll ever able to forgive him. I may love him always but I'm not forgiving him for hurting me again. Never. Ever.

I may be vulnerable person however I'm not a foolish.


Hello! How you'll doing?!
Well forgive me for updating so late! I'm sorry!
Standard 10 has fucked with my head completely! It's so fucking stressful.
Hope you like the chapter? I know it's not my best work but bare with me? Yea? Thank you.

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All the love

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