Chapter 4

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Special thanks to @afterskifan. I haven't seen your username before perhaps you're new thanks for voting on my  story

I know she'll get angry after this, but i've to. I promised Hero, that i'll make her talk to him. He regret everything that happened in past 8 years. He wasn't suppose to date Inanna. It was suppose to be a stunt but somehow they ended up in real relationship. I don't know why, even though i knew everything from the start, I never told Jo a word about Hero cheating on her. But one thing i know for sure that, Hero really did love her or else he wouldn't have regretted having a extra relationship with Inanna. All of us tried to apologise to her, but at that moment her wounds were fresh, and we were just adding salt on it.

So none of us tried too hard but Hero, he didn't even tried. That's what hurts her the most. That he didn't tried. Not even a call. I still talk with all of them. I told them on phone how she forgave me. Hero begged me to make her meet him at Oscar. I tried to reject it. I told him that I just got my sister back and I don't want to lose her again. Ever. But he kept on begging and I didn't have it in me to reject him, after he begged that much.

You should have heard him. He sounded so desperate. He told me, he still love her and regret everything he did. He want her back in his life. He broke off with Inanna after Jo found out everything. He say he never tried to apologise because he was so ashamed of himself that he can't even talk with her but now he want her back. His relation with Inanna now is just a stunt. It's just for fame. For their new movie After. That's why they made it public.

I know he will get her back and she will forgive him. Because from what I know, they both are still insanely in love each other. I just hope they get back together and will live a happily ever after.


Today is the day. I'll see him again after 8 years or probably won't? I'm shitting in my pants. I'm so fucking nervous. I don't know how I'll react if I'll see him. I'll probably end up crying and running back home and let him ruin the day for me.

I don't know if I'll get the award or not but it's still a big deal for me that I'm nominated for Oscar. Not for the first time but it doesn't matter. I get excited everytime I get nominated. It's 2nd time.

Last time was hilarious. I was bouncing in the whole house.
"You done...Fuck! you look gorgeous!" My make-up artist scream as she was done with my makeup and was satisfied with it. I look my in the mirror and smile. I, really was looking good.

My black dress reach my mid thigh

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My black dress reach my mid thigh. She left my hair on my shoulder, styled naturally, just sprayed some hairspray to keep them in place. She gave my eyes a smoky look. The natural blush on my cheeks. I'm really looking so fucking good. I'm satisfied with it.

I turn and hug her.
"Thank you!" I squeal as she hug me back.
"No need to thank me it's my job."
I smile and let her go. I took another look at myself and smiled in the mirror. My phone ring indicating that I've a message. I unlock it. Katherine has messaged me.
Kate:- meet me near the girls toilet? I want to tell you something.
What?.....why is she asking me to meet her there? Without giving it another thought. I send a okay.

I pick up my clutch and went out of my stylist house. I sat in my car and drive to the show. The whole drive my mind was messed up with Kate's message.
Why does she want me to meet her near the girls washroom? Is it something important? Is she doing something that I don't know but I should? I ask myself rhetorically.

I got out my car gave my keys to the man who was taking care of all this parking shit and went near the girls toilet. I open my phone and messaged her.
Me:- oii I'm here. Where are you?
She instantly replied.
Kate:- I know you'll be angry after this and I'm sorry but it's right for both of you.

My furrow my brows in confusion. As I was trying to figure out what does this message means, someone grab me by my elbow and wrap their hand around my mouth to muffle my voice and drag in the girls washroom. I tried to scream but my voice got muffled with their hand on my mouth. I somehow feel that I know this hand.
Who is it? Who dragged her in the girls washroom? What will happen to her? What is Kate sorry for?
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Thanks to everyone who is reading this story. The drama is going to start.
Let me give you guys a clue about what will happen in this story.
'Karna is a bitch'
Tell me what do you thing about will happen from this clue.
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