Chapter 3

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I know some of you are finding it boring but trust me it will get interesting. I've something in my mind. So please keep reading.
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Photoshoot was so exhausting. My whole day was spent in front of camera though it's nothing new for me. I came home and threw my body on couch. Every single bone in my body is aching. I stretch out my body and a instant relive flood through me. I sigh and close my eyes and drift of to sleep without changing.

Ring ring

I startled awake. I rubbed my eyes and reach out for my phone. My eyes squinted from the brighness. I blink and saw the time 7:30. Who would be here at this time? No one ever comes at my place. At least not unannounced.

Ring ring

"Coming!" I yell and walk to the door while rubbing my eyes. I open the door. My eyes widen, mouth open. Mum and dad? Not only them but Katherine also.
"Mum, dad? What are you doing here?"
I ask with confusion.
"You won't ask us to come in?" Mum said. I nod my head and open the door further for them to come in. I threw a death glare at Katherine as she pass through me. Somehow I know it was her plan.

"Now will you tell me why are you here?" I came into living room with their bags and set them beside couch and took a seat on it.
"Since you said you can't come, we thought why to left you alone, so we came here to celebrate Christmas with you." My mum said. I mentally slapped my head.
"But Christmas is next month." I stated.
"So what? I know you haven't prepared anything. Did you?"
"No." I hesitantly said.

"Come on, I'll show you your room. It's late already. You guys should rest." I nod and get up. I don't want this discussion to go any further because I know mum will end scolding me for my irresponsibility.

I lead mum and dad to the guest room and help their stuff in there. Good thing I have two extra room or Katherine would have to sleep on couch because I wouldn't have sacrifice my bed for her. I told Katherine where her room is and head to my room.

After shower. I laid in the bed. Without anything. I sigh and got under cover. This month is going to be hell. My mind started getting surrounding by thoughts of Katherine.

Katherine tried to apologise so many times, should I forgive her? But after what she did , I don't think I'll be able to trust her ever again like before. But at least she tried to apologise and still is unlike my other so called friends.

I sigh and snuggle into the duvet. Maybe I'll forgive her but no others. She is trying since 8 years it's time for me forget about my past and move on.

I'll talk to her tomorrow.
Next morning

I walk out of my room after I freshen up and went to the kitchen to see mum making breakfast. It's unusual for me but good. I smile and hug her from behind and kiss her cheeks.
"Good morning mum."
She smile and pat my cheeks.
"Good morning love."
I bury my face in her shoulder and smile. Inhaling the aroma coming from the pan that is making my mouth water. I look up to and saw that she is making pancakes. My favourite.

My mood lighten up.
"Ohh mum I love you!" I enthusiastically said and pepper her cheeks with kisses. She laughed and brush me off. Since I don't have anything to do today. I sit on the couch and  scroll through my phone waiting for Katherine to be up so that I can talk with her.

After breakfast I pull Katherine in my room and shut the door.
"Jo what are you doin?" She ask. Somewhat scared? She is afraid of me? She should be after what she did. I spun around.
"I want to talk with you." She turn and look behind her, making sure that I'm talking with her. She raise a eyebrow and point her finger towards her. Her action made me giggle. I nod my head smiling.
" I want to talk with you about 8 years ago. I want answers. You want me to forgive you, I'll but give me the answers to my questions."
She came forward and took my hand in hers and looked at me glossy eyes. Her eyes are filled with love. Love for me. She is my sister. I should've have given her chance.
"I'll answer all your questions but tell me that you forgive me and we'll have a relationship like before. I don't want to lose you again."
A tear slip down her eyes. My heart hurts for her. She had to live with the guilt for 8 years but if Today she'll tell me everything then I'll forgive her and we'll have a relationship like before.
I frantically nod my head and wiped her tears. I didn't realise I was also cryibg until she wiped my tears and engulf me a hug. I tightly wrapped my arms back and hugged as tight as I can. I'm sure it's hard for her to breath. We let our tears fall. We've been holding them for too long. Both of us has kept it inside us for too long and now it's time to spill it out. We have to set off the guilt off your chest eventually then why not now? We stood there in each other's arms and let out our guilt and the thing we've been to through without each other. I got all my answers for her and I can't be more happy that I've my sister back. I pull away and smile at her.
"I can't believe I got my sister back." She said and grin at me. Her face have a glow which I haven't seen in so long.
"Me neither."

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